Xiaoxi said that Xiaohei was her good friend. She had a lot of fun last night. The two also hide and seek and ate delicious food. Some of the fruits on the grass were so sweet. She ate a lot and her stomach rose.

When Su Youwei helped Xiaoxi get dressed, Xiaoxi kept talking about it, so I wanted to find Song Ren for 2 fishes, just like the last time she ate. She put them in the spring water and 2 fishers, because Hei will come tonight, she has promised it.

Song Ren and Su Youwei looked at each other and smiled. What little black did they take out to play?

This is the site of Cang Divine Race. I can’t know if I’m sleeping with you. Hara still has a bed in the morning.

But little children like to dream, and of course they are the same.

After clearing up, Xiaoxi muttered his lips still.

“You hate my father if you don’t give me fish.” Xiaoxi sat on the edge of the bed, muttering his mouth, both hands crossed near chest and turned his head.

She is already dressed up and looks like a doll, even if she is angry, she is so cute.

“What fish, are you finished with her? It ’s almost time for dinner. Do n’t let the two Elders wait. Xiao Elder said before leaving. There was something to tell at the table. She is a small child. It’s not a child anymore, “Su Youwei laughed softly into Song Ren’s ear.

Song Ren is really speechless, others do n’t know, but I know, you are a train.

I worked hard to complete the “Overture of the Undead” in the Red Mist Forest and witnessed the alternation of the new and old Fire Ape Kings. They gave me 6 fish dragon roar. You extended the hand from the back and ate one of them at once. Enough to hide, and quickly hid the remaining five.

Wouldn’t you like to eat again, and make up such a reason, fishing?

Little child is not good at lying.

In Su Youwei’s view, Xiao Xi is probably trying to play because she doesn’t know what your real body is, but I know it.

Seeing Xiao Xi getting angry at the bedside, Song Ren groaned, Su Youwei quietly struck Song Ren’s arm, and Song Ren immediately lost.

“It’s okay for you, but you have to guarantee that you can’t eat them. I can still use them,” Song Ren said.

Xiaoxi suddenly turned around, staring at the stars, nodded again and again: “I promise not to eat, and I won’t let Xiaohei eat.”

Seeing her so cute, what can Song Ren say, taking out 2 fish dragon roar from Najie.

These are two pure golden fishes, with brilliance emanating from the whole body. The two fish whiskers are even more orbiting. The head and minister are like dragon heads, breathing continuously with their mouths open.

The fish dragon roar and the questioning heart butterfly can be described as special products of the Red Mist Forest. In fact, they are all transformed into spiritual medicine Spiritual Qi, which is a condensate of extremely pure energy. The fish dragon roar is in the spirit stream. Good thing, only those fire apes have a way to catch it. When the others touch it, it can be turned into spring water at will, invisible and invisible.

Speaking of which, went back and forth twice, and haven’t seen where the spirit stream is.

After seeing two fish dragon roar, Su Youwei froze.

Is this the fish dragon roar? The spiritual object that only the Spirit Flower Pavilion mountainside can have?

Xiaoxi actually wants these things?

After Xiaoxi saw it, hehe quickly jumped off the bed with a smile, just grabbed 2 hands, 2 fish dragon roar disappeared, and hugged Song Ren’s legs happily.

“Thank you Dad, Dad is the best for Xiaoxi—”

Song Ren looked at Su Youwei with a bitter smile, then hugged Xiaoxi: “Let’s go and eat.”


At the dinner table, Song Ren saw Xiao Changen again, but Jiang Pu Elder didn’t come, and seemed to be drunk. Xiao Changen just said some rules casually, and didn’t even say who should pay attention to each person in the current vein.

Say what this thing can do, I ’m idle when encountering or not encountering it. In fact, in the final analysis, it is still the qualification of the other people in the 3 veins who secretly contested, or for the next 3 pulses Be a patriarch and advance your chips.

It’s just that the number of people involved in Xuanmai this time plus Song Ren is just 20, and the other three are 3.

Feel free to talk about some topics. Xiao Changen seemed to leave and something happened. Song Ren took care of Xiaoxi to eat and waited for 3 days.

However, I heard that the reward is quite generous. It seems to be some very rare Heaven and Earth spiritual milk. After getting these top ten people each year, the cultivation base has been greatly improved, and there are even other wonderful uses.

Of course, the real purpose of Song Ren’s visit this time is mainly to enter the Blood Layer Third Layer, where there was something Xuan Chen hid that year, there is no better place to hide than Blood House, and it is extremely secretive. It also requires a special method of opening to open and remove.

Before leaving, Xuan Yi planned for him many times, and made sure that Song Ren kept him in mind before he left.

The Cang Divine Race is too big, and the game is just these 2 days. Song Ren dare not lead Xiaoxi to run around. 10000 As soon as this is the focus of this section, accidentally cause some trouble, or when the other 3 pulses have long been fisting Huo Huo want to see He is not well exposed early.


In the middle of the night, among the many ruins under the main vein of Cang Divine Race, the tired little Xi, mysterious Xi Xi took out two fish dragon roar and introduced Moyu Qilin, then sat down with one butt and overwhelmed 2 plants 2 years of spiritual medicine.

Watching the two fish dragon roar swimming around in the breast, Xiaoxi clapped his hands happily, and Mo Yu Qilin’s head fell down, staring curiously at the two golden-yellow fish, leaning his head.

“Here, it’s mine. Let’s see who can catch them first.” Xiaoxi didn’t know where to take out the two silk threads with fish hooks on them.

Mo Yu Qilin shook his head, exhaled breath blowing the ripples of the spiritual milk, and then extended one of his dragon whiskers into it, and soon caught one.

Xiaoxi suddenly hesitated: “You depend on you, you come back, you have to use my fishing line,” Xiaoxi swelled up and tied the silk thread to the bridge of Moyu Qilin’s nose, Makes Mo Yu Qilin grin, and then quietly compare with Xiao Xi.


Article 2 Early in the morning, Song Ren watched the dragon roar, the fish that Xiaoxi had returned honestly. Compared to yesterday, it was more than 2 laps.

Did you give them hormones overnight?

Song Ren thought he was dazzled, took out the other three, and compared five.

2 grandfather generations, 3 grandchildren.

The fish dragon roar has a dragon character and looks a bit like a dragon.

Xiaoxi is True Dragon. Yeah, did the two sense that they mutated?

Song Ren felt the two big ones, and the energy contained in them was doubled, more intense, without fraud, he immediately laughed and squatted down.

“Xiao Xi is so good. If you do n’t eat, do n’t eat. Dad is very happy with your trustworthiness. In order to reward you, you have all these five fishes with you. They are considered toys, but you still ca n’t eat them.”

Xiaoxi suddenly smiled and said, “Thank you Dad, there are just 2 fishes that are boring. Xiaoxi will be obedient and will not eat them.”

Song Ren touched Xiaoxi’s head with satisfaction: “Bitch can teach!”

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and Song Ren looked at Xiao Chang’en from a distance with a sigh of relief after the huge bell rang in the early morning.

Finally it’s time to start!

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