The Song Transform God Boundary great perfection who came to Song Ren at this moment is the three writers of Heaven and Earth. They are also young Boutique writers. They have achieved excellent results several years ago and have been hiding. , Swim in Heaven & Earth .Net and accumulate their own talents.

“Sky Warriors!”


“Huang Yiyi!”

2 male and female introduced.

The bad ones are the strong pressure that Song Ren feels from them, and they are even more powerful than Mu Xiao and Kui Cha mention on equal terms.

Song Ren nodded: “Song Yu, don’t know what’s wrong with the three?”

Tian Wushuang looked at Song Ren and suddenly smiled: “I heard that you are doing very well on the music network. Even in Kyoto this year, you have used your new song as a military battle song, because I do n’t visit the music network. This circle is not very well understood, but I auditioned that battle last night and it was really good. “

Song Ren smiled: “Many thanks for the praise, everyone has their own field of specialisation.”

Huang Yiyi on the side said, “You are really the disciple of Xuan aunt? As a surname, come to blend with the internal affairs of our Cang Divine Race. Xuan Xuan lineage you have also seen, ashamed, then you will be on the music network. Will drop countless powders. “

Song Ren said, “Many thanks to Mrs. Huang’s kindness, but I don’t see any live broadcast here. I’m a thick-skinned person who loses and loses a few pounds of meat, nothing major event.”

On the side of the ground, it was even more curious to see the appearance of Song Ren’s hob meat: “Xuan Yi aunt sent you over this year. I want to have several points of strength. I would like to have a few tricks with you, only Unfortunately, Xuan Yi aunt did not expect that the rules of the game will suddenly change. I hope you can use the talent of music and stick to it for a long time, otherwise it will be too shameful. “

“With your words, I’ll do my best!” Song Ren probably guessed the identity and status of the three people, especially on the Elder’s table, at this moment looking towards Xiao Changen and Jiang Pu, and other people around.

There is a sense of 10000 attention.

Even in this brief moment, above the square, the huge projection light curtain in the air was fixed on 4 people.

The four younger generations now represent Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow 4 veins. In fact, everyone knows that the real top ten will be born from them, except for this strange alien.

I really look forward to it.

As more and more people entered the venue and stood in their respective areas and tables, Tian Wushuang and 3 others also left. Song Ren turned his head and watched the surrounding Xiao Xiao waving his hand to cheer on, and Su Youwei encouraged Gaze and smile.

A trumpet sounded and echoed throughout the square, and everyone became quiet, and set their sights on the Elder seat.

The patriarch of the Cang Divine Race slowly stood up with his scepter, and suddenly more than a dozen 10000 people were saluted, and the scene was almost one-sided and uniform.

Naturally satisfied nodded, began to say: “Very good, it is another ten years, I am so happy to see so many outstanding children come together, you are the freshest blood of Cang Divine Race, is the future The mainstay is hope.

This year, we revised the test rules. It is an attempt and a memorable day. Here, let us congratulate our ancestors, the book “summon Star Sea”, successfully entering Sage’s Composition, and condensing human figures. Deity. “


As Tianyi turned around and smiled towards the ancestors of Tianyi next to him, all the Elders all got up, and more than ten or ten thousand viewers, whether they were ties or sidelines, bowed again: “Congratulations, Deity, Cang Divine might martial arts! “

The bright congratulations rushed into the clouds, leaving the scalp tingling for a while.

Song Ren whispered secretly, I gathered three silently, this battle, I really envy.

Tianyi stood up and grayed her hair: “Let’s get up, all of them are suffering bit by bit. The people are excellent, and they will definitely achieve their wishes.”

Everyone stood up straight and looked at the kindness of their ancestors. They really looked like the old Mundane. Who can usually see that he is the author of Emperor’s Composition that is often not inside, and a super powerhouse of the quasi-imperial cultivation base.

At this moment, an old ancestor waved his hand. Suddenly, a blank light curtain projection appeared on the wooden table of everyone in the venue. Everyone looked curiously. It turned out that this new type of table was hiding such a thing.

Seeing this, after a slap in the mouth of the ancestor of Tian Yi, suddenly, above the head of the Elder seat, reappears a larger light curtain, but at the moment rays of light, densely packed with nearly 5000 words, each One is ray of light, full of glare.

It is only vague to see that this is a preface called “Too Virtual”. All the words are blessed by the author of Emperor’s Composition. Normal people look as if they are staring at a small sun, white. The tears were shed.

At this moment, I want to see that only those with talent can decipher it. At this time, some people may say that as soon as 10000 walks through the back door in advance, they will all be carried down?

Very good, this reflects the projection light curtain on these special tables. You have to copy the text you see with talent. If you want to use the spirit strength, it is impossible to recognize. Even more how, you think Will an Emperor’s Composition author know the content of the test paper in advance?

This was also made by him last night. At present, only he knows, otherwise, how to convince the public.

After all, his surname is Tian, ​​the ancestor of the surname lineage, but there are also old farts in other veins, but not the author, but other aspects such as medicine pill and Formation.

The ancestor of Tianyi continued: “The test is also simple. This is a preface I wrote. All you have to do is to copy it out on the light curtain in front of you. In the end, the top ten words are The winner is this time, so let’s get started. “

After the Tianyi ancestor finished speaking, the two bookboy-like teenagers hurriedly helped him sit down, and instantly, countless people looked towards the light curtain.

“I only saw so many suns, dying, tears came down.”

“Haha, do you think you are talented, I only know Cultivation one day, I do n’t understand. Fortunately, I often play games, leaving a lot of marks on [Dragon Sphere], a little bit of talent, but I can see 5 6 Words. “

“I’m better than you. I can see ten words, but if I want to copy, I guess one word is enough to write.”

“That’s right, don’t look at who took the test. Look at it quickly. There are already a lot of people writing.”

“Look, the dozen or so people in Xuanmai are sneaky, waiting for the people in the front to write, and then copy it.”

“Don’t worry, you can write with all your talents when you can see the ground. It’s vain to give you all your eyes down.”


Countless people are discoursed spirited, and many people who Elder saw his lineage have begun to write, can’t help but admire.

Xiao Chang’en and Jiang Pu looked at Xuanmai, who looked around and looked at each other, as well as the laughter around and above, and also turned red.

“I’m looking for wine and drink!” Jiang Pu stood up, without any emotion in his voice, but was pulled by Xiao Chang’en: “Why, it’s brother who has to lose face, rest assured, soon, stay with me for a while and eliminate After that, I’ll drink with you. “

Xiao Changen pulled Jiang Pu tightly and let him sit down again. He immediately smiled: “That’s right, I’ve been used to it for quite a while.”

Jiang Pu glanced coldly at Elder who looked towards their other veins, and lay down and slept in the face of the sun.

A few pulses of Elder looked at the two people in the corner, ridiculed, and then quickly looked towards his own Junior.

Everyone started, only Song Ren blinked and looked at the text on it.

Of course, he can all see it, and it is extremely clear. At this moment, he is amazed by the preface written by the Emperor’s Composition author.

Okay, so good.

At the moment, nine or nine people in Xuanmai who participated in the meeting watched Song Ren’s motionless movements, and he was deflated.

I’m still waiting to copy you. What kind of writing do you see? Don’t be playing the yú to make up the numbers, but for this group of people, only you can make a difference on Heaven & Earth .Net.

Counterfeit goods, shame than us.

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