“Our ancestor, what is this?” Cang Divine Race asked the contemporary patriarch nature.

Tianyi ancestor looked at Jinsuo laughed in his hand and said, “This thing is cheap, and what I saw is easy to redeem from the store on Heavenly Dao. It is called the Talent Shuttle. It has no other effect, but it has scope. The test is talented, but unfortunately it is a disposable consumable. “

Teana looked at the only 4 people left, especially Tian Wushuang, who was far ahead of the other 3 people at this moment.

Tian Yi’s ancestors, who rarely ask questions, seem to have developed curiosity and love for this younger generation, and want to test their talents.

Did n’t the ancestors just say that they want to train them, but if they are really cultivated, there is actually only one, and it is already laborious.

Today’s first place is Wushuang’s child. As the most outstanding generation of this lineage, his talent should be the highest. If there are so many other 10000 disciples, there are so many other pulses. Elder, Wushuang Talent surpasses other people, when the ancestor is selected as the training object, others have nothing to say.

Otherwise, if the ancestor of Tianyi surnamed Tian and named Wushuang directly, it would inevitably be criticized in private by others.

Teana smiled suddenly: “I haven’t seen it before. There are such strange things that even talent can be detected directly.”

The ancestor of Tianyi said: “Yeah, I haven’t thought about such things in the world.” Tianyi said here, with a look of remembrance, heaven knows, the background of Heavenly Dao, what is the stuff inside? of.

It’s terrifying terrifying. It has been alive for so long. If it’s not enough points, there are a lot of things in it, he must redeem them.

For the safety of the Divine Race in the future, he can only consume the key of the Heaven & Earth Treasure Pavilion as soon as possible, but it can also be regarded as truly insightful and beyond description.

If in this world really understands what he sees and hears, I am afraid that there is only the perverted author.

He has been rewarded twice by the Heavenly Dao website before and after, and he does not know if he has already entered.

After Changshu breathed a breath, Tianyi old ancestor activated Jinsuo immediately and threw it into the air.

Cover the area towards the square, because there are no more people on the court, only Song Ren is left, and the area is not very large.

Many Elders also listened to the eight parties. Didn’t expect the ancestor to exchange such a strange treasure. It seems that he has entered the background. The ancestors spoke like this today, perhaps in order to use their mouth, The news spread so that many people would not tire of coming to get the key.

Just for a moment, an inch of golden rays of light appeared directly on the heads of the four people who thought they were copying.

Faced with a sudden scene, a light curtain above the sky, it was these four people who projected, the real 4 people were watching, and they were watching carefully, their heads were glowing.

Is it so burning? Is it on fire?

“Daddy’s head on?” Xiaoxi said curiously.

Su Youwei looked up at the fast-spinning Jinsuo, kissed Xiao Xi: “It’s okay, this is a high-profile thing that makes your dad want to be low-key.”

Facing the scene, all four stopped to take a break.

“What happened?”

Only Song Ren looked at Jinsuo, and his heart was speechless: “Come again!”

Instantly, the one-inch golden glow above the heads of four people skyrocketed to five inches, and a faint layer of purple appeared on the periphery of the golden rays of light.

Everyone is puzzled. You are the one who sees me in Tianwushuang 3, I look at you, too.

Is this what is going on?

At the moment Elder’s seat saw the people’s doubtful eyes, and he got up. He had absolute confidence in his lineage’s Heavenly Warriors. He had to test his talents so that everyone could see and understand them.

“Don’t panic, everyone. This is a spiritual object that the ancestors can use to test his talent and see their potential,” said Tian Loudly.

The crowd finally understood, Tian Wushuang Huang Yiyi and the others, looking at the rays of light between their heads, looking thoughtful.

It seems that as my parents have said, the ancestor of Tianyi will choose a person to cultivate in this game.

The three people looked at each other, and then looked at Song Ren, who was also in the same light. Each and everyone was not copying, and tried their best to accumulate talent, so as not to be higher than others.

Now that there are 4 people left on the venue, Song Ren doesn’t matter. He has a lot of words with the other 3 people.

Blood House’s collection of Magical Powers is divided according to levels.

Because according to Xuan Yi Senior’s order, the thing is hidden on the third floor, so only by entering the third place can you get the things you want.

So Song Ren saw the two people in front and Huang Yiyi in the back, all stopped and hurry up to copy.

The purple rays of light above the heads of four people are getting richer and deeper.

5 inch one, 5 inch 2, 5 inch 3 …

At the beginning, in the Demon Sea, Su Shen, the son of Su Beiqiu, Xiao Qi from 6 King City, Tu Yun from Teng Dragon Pavilion, etc., these hidden Boutique authors were directly detected.

The three people are the authors of Boutique.

Until 3 people, all stayed in the position of 5 inches 6 and the dazzling purple rays of light stopped growing but stopped.

Countless people and Elders looked at their purple talent, and each and everyone was surprised.

It’s so high that 3 people can’t distinguish between victory and defeat.

Even with the patriarch on top of him smiling, his heart was defamatory for a while, how could it be as high as he thought that Wushuang would be a little higher than them, now it looks like this.

didn’t expect the other 2 pulses, and secretly trained the other 2 people so well, it’s really didn’t expect.

This time, the ancestors are not good candidates.

However, Wushuang copy is the most common word today. Can you find a reason to persuade everyone from this?

Tianyi just wanted to say something. The ancestor of Tianyi suddenly got up, opened his eyes, and Xiao Chang’en and Jiang Pu in the lower corner immediately got up.

It seemed that something was wrong and everyone’s eyes were noticed. Tian Wushuang and Di Ziming turned around and looked at Huang Yiyi who was stunned and looked at Song Ren.

The audience was silent.

How can it be?

Because of the talents of three highly regarded Boutique writers at this moment, the rich purple rays of light have all stayed at 3 inches and 5 have not moved, but Song Ren, who is busy copying words, is still slowly growing, and the color is getting more and more dense. .

5 inch 7, 5 inch 8, 5 inch 9 …

With the next moment breakthrough reaching 6 inches, the edge of the light of talent is no longer purple, and it has suddenly become red.

The audience was quiet, only I had seen Su Youwei for a long time, and I was very satisfied with everyone’s attitude, and Song Ren who was busy rushing to count the words ignored him.

6 inches, turned out to be 6 inches, how could his talent be so high.

And after breaking through to 6 inches, the light of talent continues to increase, golden, purple, red, red continue to deepen, the height is getting higher and higher, and everyone around the square watching around, the degree of head looking up is also increasing.

6 inch, 6 inch one, 6 inch 2 …

7 inch, 7 inch one, 7 inch 2 …

The rays of light are getting deeper and taller, until they soon exceed 8 inches. The color of the scarlet sparkle is like a sunset, reflecting the countless people’s faces. Xiaoxi even opened her mouth and looked up. Head, eyes brightly looked at the 3 colors of light.

The light of talent continues to grow steadily until it reaches 9 inches!

A ray of black glow emerged from the periphery of red rays of light, just like the original Demon Sea.

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