Xiaoxi and Moyu Qilin chase each other in the distance, each one happier than the other.

Song Ren sits cross-legged around Lingru, ready to have Cultivation.

He would like to take out the jade bottle and fill it with a few bottles, but on the one hand, he was not sure if there was any killer hidden in the spirit milk. When he touched 10000, it caused Moyu Qilin’s dissatisfaction, and even the opportunity for Cultivation was gone. .

You know, the reason why Qilin was able to bring them unprecedented, all looked on Xiaoxi’s face. Without Xiaoxi, they were a fart.

In addition, the world’s spiritual energy here has added countless thousand years of spiritual medicine, which can be described as a big supplement. Since Qilin let them Cultivation at the other end, it must make sense, and such opportunities must not be wasted.

Su Youwei also sat down with her. She was already a Transform God Boundary great perfection. She had been unconscious about Cultivation because of her illness, but she was also innate talent. Now that she is cured of the disease, she will also try to sprint the realm.

“You don’t worry?” Su Youwei said consciously or unintentionally.

Song Ren glanced at him, Xiaoxi grabbed the tail of Qilin’s tail happily, giggled, and smiled lightly: “It’s okay, rest assured, people in this place, such as Divine Race, have no chance to come. Cultivation absorbs . “

Seeing Song Ren meditating with his eyes closed so relieved, Su Youwei opened his mouth extremely, and finally said nothing, but closed his eyes Cultivation.

What else is he hiding from himself?

At dawn, Song Ren’s body was soothing, and I felt inexplicable throughout the body. The meridian spirit strength was even heard the whistling sound. If I return for 2 nights, I will definitely break through to Transform God Boundary great perfection.

As for Su Youwei, it seems to have reached the edge of the great perfection.

In order to avoid trouble, Xiaoxi also went crazy in the middle of the night. Moyu Qilin sent them back silently when the sky was shining.

After coaxing Xiaoxi to fall asleep, Song Ren and Su Youwei are of course full of energy. After a while, Xiao Changen and Jiang Pu came. Today, Elder, who has some other pulses, wants to meet them. The beautiful name is to celebrate the banquet.

At the same time, everyone also understood Su Youwei’s origins. As a Divine Sea of ​​Chaos master who has the same status as Cang Divine Race, how can they endless friendship with the landlord.

Since someone will take care of Xiaoxi, Song Ren will go to the meeting with them.

It ’s just did n’t expect. There are quite a lot of people at this party. In addition to Xiao Changen and Jiang Pu, there are a total of ten Elders in each other. Even the nine people who are eligible for the Blood House such as Tian Wushuang are also eligible. coming.

Huang Yiyi was sitting in a seat and chatting with others. When she saw Song Ren frivolous coming, she suddenly pulled her face down and coldly snorted.


This was the clear voice Song Song heard when he came in.

Song Ren was speechless for a while, can this blame me, who made you the 3rd, who is not superior to you, is it super clear, I will become the 2nd as soon as I pass him, but what I want It’s on the third floor.

You are more talented than Dziziming, and I am not going to grab a woman, right?

“Little Friend Song is here. Sit and sit!”

“Yeah, no wonder the talent is so high, you can see from this majestic appearance.”

“Since then, those of us Old Guys have been busy preparing for the game, but they are neglecting, no wonder.”

“You are the disciple of Xuan Yi’s niece, is she okay with Xuan Yi?”

“This child was completely disheartened and left the family because of the affairs of his father and brother. For so many years, we were still betting that we did not rescue in time. Hey, blame us.”


As soon as Song Ren arrived, many Elders were laughing, and even a few of them got up directly, warmly making Song Ren a little uncomfortable, and quickly saluted to answer.

“Little Friend Song is terrific. Afterwards, my ancestor praised you very much, and I was surprised when I searched you online. I know that Xuan Yi’s girl was devoting herself to music outside. I thought I was soothing to understand and relieve my mood Didn’t expect that the discipline she cultivated turned out to be so outstanding, “Elder Dilder praised.

Song Ren saluted: “It’s all foolish, Senior has broken Junior.”

“The talent is high, the fans are many, and even the dynasty has used your music as a military formation. No wonder the talent is so extraordinary. Hey, how about your daughter, why don’t you see them together?” Elder, who murmured secretly yesterday, said Tianshu said curiously.

Song Ren said, “Xiao Xi is still small, and she sleeps a lot, so let her sleep more.”

Tianshu invited Song Ren to sit down and pour him a glass of wine: “so that’s how it is, I don’t want to abandon the old 8 hexagrams, but I’m really curious, I think Little Friend Song is full of yang, it should not be broken yet. Although you are in and out of Su Young Lady, her ears are still fluffy and not overcast. In other words, you’ve all been in a cave, so small, shouldn’t it be your child? “

I heard Tianshu Elder said that many people suddenly came over. They saw Song Ren from the first side and saw him holding a cute baby girl. Su Youwei followed him again, thinking they were the crystal of their love. .

Now that I heard Tianshu’s words, look closely, really.

Tian Wushuang and the others, who were sitting together, also stared at each other and Su Youwei with bright eyes.

Talented, detached, so pretty, and unmarried …

Song Ren’s face shuddered, and everyone looked over again. Song Ren had no choice but to say: “Senior observed so carefully, eh, Xiaoxi is indeed not my child, but an entrusted person to support him.”

Tianshu nodded: “It turned out to be this way, it’s my fault. Come, I respect you and count it as atonement.”

Song Ren raised his drink: “Senior is polite.”

The people chatted for a while, and Tian Wushuang stared at Su Youwei, who had been silent on one side, and stood up: “Elders, it ’s a bit boring to drink like this. Let me and Brother Song add some interest together. how is it?”

“Oh, what interest?”

Song Ren also came over.

“In terms of talent competition yesterday, I lost. The convincing defeat was taken orally. I only blame myself for my poor academic skills. But now that everyone is here, Brother Song, let ’s discuss how we can help this feast. Yaxing. “Tian Wushuang invited Song Ren.

The other younger generations came over with great interest.

Yes, if the rules of this game have not changed suddenly, since Song Ren was sent by the Xuan Yi aunt, there must be 2 brushes, otherwise how dare you come to participate in the competition.

In fact, many people present were dissatisfied, especially the five Premium writers, who worked hard and lost to a talent for making music. If they simply compare and compare, they may not lose.

Facing Tian Wushuang’s invitation to study, Song Ren didn’t do this troublesome thing. Why, if I sit and eat a meal, isn’t it fragrant? I will try it with you. Is there a prize?

At this moment, even if you take out this rewarding spiritual milk, I don’t look down on it.

Song Ren shook his head and got up, before waiting for Elder to speak, and said in advance: “No, I confess in advance. Su Youwei and I are both making music. Music is about calmness and calmness. Only in terms of martial arts. I haven’t worked hard at all. I definitely want to lose. “

Song Ren directly gave up.

Tian Wushuang looked at Song Ren’s earnest look, and glanced at Tianshu Elder, who had the same kind of vegetables.

No way, is there any guts?

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