Each floor has a designated person to stay, until the end, the gray robed old man took Song Ren to the Third Layer, and led Tianshuang Diziming to the next layer.

Each layer here is very large. On the bookshelf inside, various scrolls, books, printed jade tubes, picture scrolls, and even many of the entire walls are moved.

True library-level specifications.

And when entering the floor 2 times in a row, Song Ren also found that the entrance between each floor is blocked. Whether you want to go down or others want to come in, it is impossible.

Song Ren quietly released Divine Consciousness in the hole, and I feel that this Third Layer is so huge, Paul 10000 1000.

More importantly, no one but him.

When everything was assured, Song Ren flipped through it with interest.

[Attack Magical Powers Zone], [Protect Magical Powers Zone], [Formation Zone], [Prohibited Zone], [Pill Recipe Zone], [Missed Zone] …

Each area is marked on it, and the contents are massive. Song Ren flipped through it for a while and found that you can only look at everything, just like the introduction of a book, and want to go deeper. , But as if facing Symboless Heavenly Book.

It seems that Blood House has also set up some things for these Magical Powers, so that you can’t see clearly. It is only the same as a thorough selection, and it can only be viewed after being promised to take it out.

The entire Third Layer is silent, only Song Ren’s moving footsteps and flipping sounds, so after strolling around, Song Ren has been in front of the rows of bookshelves in the most central position.

The bookshelf here is not made of any kind of wood. It is a very bright golden-yellow. Song Ren carries his hands on his back, deliberately or unintentionally, until he reaches the rightmost row. Touching it, as expected, there is an indentation that is invisible to the naked eye, as if carved with nails.

After confirming his position told by Xuan Yi Senior, Song Ren picked up a book on this row of bookshelves and looked at it, then loudly said: “Senior, I don’t understand this book a bit, can I take it directly? “

With Song Ren shouting, everything was quiet and no one responded.

There are many guardians in Blood House. It seems that as Xuan Yi said, they are basically stationed in the bottom floors, unless they encounter theft, they will be found.

But just now, patriarch said that, after choosing the Magical Powers that he likes, he can directly go to the entrance to touch the prohibition. Someone will know and take him out.

Waiting again quietly for the time it takes half an incense stick to burn. After no one cares about him, Song Ren immediately exerts his strength and cautiously pushes the row of bookshelves away, exposing the floor tiles below.

Sure enough, one of the floor tiles was slightly lighter in color. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it at all.

found it!

After the left and right, Song Ren carefully recalled what Xuan Yi Senior taught him, which belongs to his Xuanmai lineage, and was changed by her big brother Xuan Chen’s imprint, prompting the spirit strength, facing this floor tile, the knot quickly Seal.

This imprint is very esoteric and complex. It takes 9 seconds to produce 9 by 81 different imprints.

In the twinkling of glory, with the sweat seeping from the forehead of Song Ren, the original plain floor tile appeared a pattern that was constantly drawn.

Until the pattern was completely formed, a smile appeared on Song Ren’s face. Take a word of caution, a small bottle appeared, unplugged, and a drop of red blood drops slowly fell from the bottle mouth and landed in the center of the pattern .

This time it was not Xuan Yi’s blood, but Xuan Chen’s blood essence.

As the blood drops fell, ka-cha sounded, the pattern on the floor tile suddenly seemed to be unlocked by the key, but it was distorted and slowly became transparent, quite magical.

Song Ren can see that, below, there is a spartan-sized quaint box.

Song Ren reached out and went straight through the transparent layer to take out the box.

The transparent floor tile also seems to have completed its mission and returned to normal again.

Song Ren is actually really curious. What is hidden here that can make a person who has been tortured for decades and almost exhausted can recover in a short time?

With curiosity, Song Ren opened the box gently.

Soon, he froze.

Because there was nothing in the box, it was really empty.

But there is a groove in it, it can still be seen that there was something in it originally.

“Did it be taken away?” Song Ren muttered.

“Are you looking for this?” Next moment, an old voice suddenly sounded behind Song Ren.

Song Ren rose almost instinctively, the powerful strength belonging to the cave realm permeated the meridian instantly, and his body quickly retreated. In a blink of an eye, he reached 2 beyond ten meters with a horrified look towards the speaker.

Behind his position at this moment, I do not know when an old man with a wrinkled face appeared, extremely old, and even one eye appeared a grayish color, no pupil, and looked like blindness.

One of him was holding a broom, and the other was spread out, revealing his palm.

It turned out to be an eyeball sealed in a stone tyre.

The eyeballs are about the size of a human eyeball, without any luster, very dim, but full of a strange sense of depth.

None of this is important. What’s important is, when was the old man behind him? Before coming in, he swept with Divine Consciousness. There was no one at all. Xuan Yi Senior also said that the Third Layer was not left.

Who is he? Did he see what he just did? The bookshelf has not been pushed back to its original position. What is in his hand, is it possible that Xuan Yi Senior asked him to pick it up?

In the face of the old man’s at the moment, Song Ren’s mind inexplicably appeared with the words ‘sweeping monk’.

And in him, Song Ren could not detect the slightest spiritual fluctuation.

After this calf, I met the powerhouse.

Seeing Song Ren’s series of actions and the alertness of the moment, the old man’s other muddy eyes looked towards Song Ren, which was quite appreciated.

“Very good response,” after that, he threw the stone tyre directly to Song Ren, and Song Ren took it in doubt.

Then the old man coughed a little, and that row of bookshelves also returned to their original position.

This operation made Song Ren look confused.

No, what do you mean?

The old man looked at the imprint of Song Ren’s eyebrows, and was helpless: “Third Layer does not have the cultivation technique you can use for Cultivation. However, these pupils still have a little vitality, but they can give you cohesion, and that child is not used anyway. “

After the old man said, Song Ren suddenly felt that his body was stiff and unusable. Then, the stone tire that was originally held in his palm was suddenly peeled off, and the eyeball was directly exposed.

The original dry and lifeless eyeballs suddenly exuded a wave of ripples, and then a pale-gold radiance appeared, like an illusory shadow of countless eyeballs, darting to go towards the dragon-shaped mark of Song Ren’s brows.

Song Ren screamed silently, feeling as if his brows were about to be torn, and even a tingling came from his eyes, and then he was dragged towards his forehead …

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