Song Ren and Xiao Chang’en and the others haven’t said 2 words yet, someone has stepped out of the Blood House one by one, each of them has either a book, a jade tube or a scroll, only to see that Song Ren turned out to be the first One came out, can not help but a little surprised.

But they can still see from their smiles, very excited and happy.

The respective parents or brother sisters hurried forward to ask, and patted their shoulders with satisfaction.

Song Ren took Xiaoxi from Su Youwei’s arms, and went to Xuanmai with a smile.

What he has gained is not what other people can imagine.

Back to Xuanmai, Song Ren intends to return to the Spirit Flower Pavilion first, after all, the Xuan Chen Senior, but waiting for this restored thing, he can’t always stay here and lead Su Youwei for a honeymoon.

“Xiao Xi, we are going to return to the Spirit Flower Pavilion tomorrow. Otherwise, would you like to say hello to your good friend tonight?” On the way back, Song Ren had already told Xiao Changen about his return journey.

Xiao Changen is of course happy to do so. This time Song Ren can come, representing Xuan Yi’s attitude, and now he has achieved such a good result, which has greatly extended Xuanmai’s face.

So he and Jiang Pu went to prepare gifts for Xuan Yi, especially her hometown specialties and snacks when she was a child. See if it can evoke her nostalgia for this place.

Next time, will she really come back?

Song Ren squatted down, looking at Xiao Xi who was suddenly unhappy, and said seriously.

Xiaoxi pouted his mouth. He kept pinching the corners of his clothes with two hands, then raised his big eyes: “Daddy, Xiaoxi, please, please?”

Song Ren slightly smiled: “What is it? As long as Dad can do it, I’ll do it for you.”

Xiaoxi said: “Xiao Hei Hei is so lonely. Can he leave those five fishes with him? It is a living thing, so why not let Xiao Hei Hei be in such a quiet and empty place?”

Looking at Xiaoxi’s pitiful plea, how could Song Ren not agree.

He and Su Youwei owe Moyu Qilin’s kindness this time, and the reason why he kept the fish dragon roar is for Cultivation and breakthrough. Nowadays, the realm has far exceeded what was previously envisaged. What about Su Youwei.

Although not five dragon roars of living creatures, they are always able to make a sound in that quiet Earth Palace.

“Okay, Dad has given you all of them now. What you do is up to you.”

Xiaoxi’s eyes lit up immediately, and he kissed Song Ren’s face directly: “Thank you father.”

At night, Mo Yu Qilin came again to pick up Xiaoxi and went out to play, until 2nd day returned, Song Ren and Su Youwei, who had not slept overnight, solemnly presented a gift to Mo Yu Qilin.

This gift is a thank you for taking care of Xiaoxi during this time.

Song Ren hasn’t seen Xiaoxi so happy and happy every day.

This ceremony is parting ceremony, because of it, let myself and Su Youwei 2 break through the realm together.

Mo Yu Qilin just glanced at Song Ren. This time, instead of leaving immediately, he lowered his head and let Xiaoxi hold his head in a hug.

It seems Xiaoxi has told it to leave.

Until the sky was completely bright, Mo Yu Qilin yelled, left reluctantly, and disappeared.

Xiao Xi turned his head and looked at Song Ren with red eyes: “Xiao Hei Hei said, when there is time, must come back and look at it.”

Song Ren and Su Youwei got up after the ceremony, hugged Xiaoxi, and looked at the grey dawn in the east: “Yes.”


Song Ren left and brought some of the local specialties of Xiao Changen, most of which were brought to Xuan Yi. Looking at their smiles, Song Ren wanted to tell them that maybe it won’t be long, not only the Xuan Yi you are looking forward to Come back, there is a person yet.

At that time, it is estimated that there will be a huge civil strife in the Divine Race, at least there is an inseparable connection with the Xia Family.

Three days later, the vast field was full of flowers, and Xiao Xiao was running happily in the sea of ​​flowers. Su Youwei wore a wreath on his head and held hands with Song Ren, walking behind.

Get away from the next Space Jump, get another city, and rushed for 3 days. Seeing such a beautiful view below, how can you not take the opportunity to enjoy it.

“Song Ren, Xiaoxi’s parents, who are they? I know I shouldn’t ask, but Qilin over there–” Su Youwei said endlessly.

The closer the two people were, the more she did not want to have a gulf. She was mainly worried about the safety of Song Ren, for he was involved in something.

Song Ren shook Su Youwei’s hand, and sighed in his heart, still asking this question.

the past few days, or, in Cang Divine Race, every time Moyu Qilin came to pick up Xiaoxi or send it back, Su Youwei has been silent and can see her mind.

Song Ren really didn’t know how to explain the small things to Su Youwei, and he was afraid that there would be any cause and effect on her.

2 people are thinking about each other.

Song Ren had so many thoughts that he looked at Xiao Xiao who was suddenly stuck in front.

Isn’t she chasing butterflies, why did she stop?

One side of the head, you can see in front of Xiaoxi, there is a broken chip suspended, no, it should be an ancient dragon scales.

Seeing Xiaoxi’s curious extend the hand to touch, Song Ren’s face suddenly changed: “Xiaoxi, come back soon-“

The Eight Talisman Gate at the foot has not yet been unfolded, and Xiao Xi’s hand clicked on the dragon scales, on the most precious reverse scale of the entire dragon body.

Ang ~~

As if something was unlocked, Xiao Xi suddenly incarnation directly into a white dragon, like a coral-like red dragon horn exuding rays of light, 5 claws stepping out of the air, the dragon must move, a kind of coercion from Bloodline pervaded The whole area.

Song Ren stopped, and Su Youwei, who had just reacted, looked at the pure White Dragon to the extreme, and stopped completely.

“Demon Race? Dragon Race? Xiaoxi is a dragon?”

Su Youwei stared blankly at the White Dragon in the air.

No wonder, no wonder–

Song Ren looked at the scene with a ugly face.

“I knew it, I knew it, it was unexpected. The talent of dignified music network, the niece of Xuan Yi’s disciple, even colluded with Demon Race. It has been heard for a long time that there is Madam Long, a quasi Emperor level in Demon Realm. It ’s very rare to show up. After working for a long time, I actually live in my Human Race. The most dangerous place is the safest place. “

A wild laugh suddenly reminded me, and then, the surrounding vibrant fields all disappeared and changed into another scene. I do not know when they fell into the ambush circle which had been set up long ago, without any notice.

Song Ren’s eyebrows flickered between the pupils, and she saw that in the sky, a silhouette slowly walked out of it, full of excitement.

“It’s you—” Song Ren’s heart sank when he saw the setter.

A Nirvana Realm powerhouse comparable to the Celestial Emperor Pavilion Saint King, Third Step.

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