“Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang, what’s wrong with you?”

“Mother, don’t scare me, I’ll go to the doctor.”

“Wait a minute, I’ll take a moment.”

“It’s useless? Xiaoxi, what the hell is going on?” Song Ren conveyed the spirit strength and found that Aunt Wang 婶 within the body is not the same, and not at all when he noticed the symptoms and found that Song Ren’s strength in today’s virtual world To awaken a Mundane mortal, it was with no difficulty, but it was impossible, Song Ren quickly asked Xiang Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi was so scared that his face was pale, and he shouted, “I, I just saw that there was an insect in my grandma’s brain, and helped her catch it. Didn’t expect, and my grandma fainted.”

“Insect?” Song Ren looked towards Xiao Xi’s hand, at this moment it seemed to be losing its vital insect, frowned.

It seemed afraid that Song Ren wouldn’t believe it, Xiao Xi pointed at Wang Yongan: “There is also one in grandfather’s head, don’t believe it.”

After Xiaoxi finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hands. A faint layer of scales suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand. Next moment, originally to Aunt Wang, Wang Yong’an among the people, suddenly trembled, and then an identical insert, directly like a stream of water. , Burst out from his brows, fell into the palm of Xiaoxi, was caught by her.

And Wang Yong’an was like Aunt Wang. After 2 eyes rolled over, he passed out.

Song Ren and Daniu were equally frightened, Daniu even rushed over, yelling loudly.

Song Ren explored Uncle Wang’s breath and body, as usual, and grabbed the insect from Xiaoxi’s hand.

Why does Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang within the body have such an insect, and there is spirituality, is it Poisonous Insect?

If it is Poisonous Insect, why would anyone put them in the body of two Mundane people?

Song Ren frowned, and a Murderous intention suddenly filled.

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang are his relatives. If anyone dares to touch them, they will not make him feel better even if they fight this life.

Looking at the insect in the palm of my hand, I was struggling and twisting, and the skin was slowly cracking. When I was like the last one, Song Ren quickly opened Heaven & Earth .Net, and hidden the insect in my palm, and looked at the coma. The two people who awoke, Song Ren comforted Daniu who was about to go out to find a doctor.

If it were the hands of the cultivator, how could the mundane Mundane people be cured.

Looking at the old Drunkard’s dialog box, it should be busy at the Divine Race recently, and Song Ren sent the message to Zhong Jingshan, an experienced and knowledgeable.

“Chairman Zhong, are you here, do me a favor, urgent!”

Just less than a second later, Zhong Jingshan sent a message: “How many times have I told you, just call me the old clock, the past few days, I have no place to hide, and I have to compensate me well at that time, The first time I saw you taking the initiative to find me, what happened? “

Song Ren doesn’t make nonsense: “Yes, Lao Zhong, I’ll send you a picture. You can help me see what it is, and how can people who have gotten it?”

Zhong Jingshan noticed that Song Ren’s tone was wrong, and quickly put aside his contempt. Soon, Song Ren’s picture was sent. After Zhong Jingshan carefully identified it, he sighed.

“I recognize that this name memory worm is a very rare Poisonous Insect. It is divided into 2 males and females. Its main function is to modify people’s memory and recognize it according to the type set by them, such as If you planted a girl, you said she was your maiden, and her memory will slowly show up a life with you, even childhood sweethearts, which is wonderful.

Modifying the memory was originally nothing, but the reason why the insect is rare is that it can be down to the Mundane mortals and up to the Third Step’s Reincarnation Realm. This is the most terrifying. In the past, we also had a few collections of Author Certification Guild. Some were used as gifts, some were used up, and the remaining few were taken away by the chairman. “

“Memory bug?” Song Ren looked at the broken and shrunken insert, didn’t expect it to have such a function, who would modify the memory of the 2 Mundane people?

Song Ren busy asked again: “What if they were used on Mundane people and taken off?”

“This point is assured. Memories only have the function of setting and modifying memory. Once removed, they will definitely die, and they will be awakened. Depending on the length of time, it will wake up in 2 or 3 days, and there will be no repercussions. What’s wrong, is it possible that someone put a memory bug on a Mundane person?

Who is so wasteful, a memory worm does not know how many people will break their heads. The usual main function is to use it as a high-level demonic beast that cannot be tamed, or some super powerhouses, as their servants, and as Mundane people, There are so many upstarts, and the memory bug is extremely difficult to take off easily. I heard that for some long time, the emperor ’s cultivation base was barely able to be removed. “

After reading Zhong Jingshan’s words, Song Ren looked down at this moment and lowered his head, pinching his own clothing corner, as if he had done something sighed, as long as Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang were all right.

After thinking about it, I rubbed my small head, and then sent the message: “It’s okay, just ask, this time trouble you, and thank you for taking care of until now, old bell, speaking of which, from the first Once at the Authors Guild, you can help me with all kinds of affairs, as well as author badges, serial filming and delivery, academy lectures, Southern Damp Earth ambush Sikong Bitu, border trade Divine Artifact, dynasty author exchange meeting, Often other matters, and this time, too much, I can’t remember. “

Seeing Song Ren’s words, Zhong Jingshan also moved and sighed for a while. It turned out that they had experienced so much between them, the time passed really fast.

“It’s okay, that’s what I should do. As long as you work hard and contribute to our Human Race, I’m already very happy. Recently, a Divine Demon .Net has appeared in Demon Race. Unfortunately, Human Race can’t sense it, so, Let ’s also cheer up and show those Demon Races, but we are much better than their heads, ”Zhong Jingshan said.

Song Ren thought about his “The Legends of the Monkey King” on Divine Demon .Net, which was still being updated. After a while of embarrassment, he nodded and sent the message again: “Old bell, righteousness!”

“Hehe, this is what I should do.”

“By the way, do you not write Novel as the chairman of the Author Certification Guild?” Song Ren moved Wang Yongan and Aunt Wang to the bed, assuring Daniu to rest assured that it was okay within a few days, and then went to them within The body is injected with some spirit strength to ensure that the body is nourished before sending it to Zhong Jingshan.

Zhong Jingshan stared at it, then looked at the sky with nostalgia: “Of course I have it. I’m not afraid of your jokes. I’m still an Epoch writer. I have a lot of finished works under my hands, but because of this position, on the one hand, I am busy Most of them are scared. I have a work that once did just like you. In the Premium, Divine Artifact was manifested, and then it failed. That was my only one after another Divine Artifact.

So I cherish it, but the more so, the more stressful that book, in total, has not been updated in 6 years. This is also the only book that has been broken so far. There are still regrets. I want to pick it up many times, but I’m confused, afraid, scared, and as the chairman, I’m afraid of failure to be looked down upon by others. “

Seeing Zhong Jingshan saying this, Song Ren smiled: “You should know that the Divine Artifact that everyone wants me today needs Deity to motivate, old clock, don’t leave regrets in life, update your book Novel, this time Divine Artifact, I do n’t give it to anyone, I ’ll keep it for you. ”

When Zhong Jingshan saw Song Ren’s next words, his whole body trembled, and his tears suddenly flowed down …

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