Song Ren now has a Divine Artifact that can embody Deity, a key to the Heaven & Earth Treasure Pavilion, these two distinct things, and any of them will make countless people break their minds to snatch.

Really extremely powerful and arrogant.

However, the greater honour is that “Confucianism and Taoism” has become the first truly Sage’s Composition work since his writing, and more importantly, the sky is like the [Sect] of Immortal Palace, as long as it is a personal lifts The head can see and come to know what it means.

A piece of work was actually recognized by Heavenly Dao, and 3 humanoid Deity and 1 Divine Artifact were given as rewards. What a great honor, you say.

This is even more enviable than entering Sage’s Composition and starting Secret Realm.

A milestone feat.

This time, I don’t know how many people who can’t write good works will find another shortcut and do a good job of poetry, because in the [Sect] of Heavenly Dao’s small stove, Deity and Divine Artifact stay.

Open and transparent.

At that time, as long as someone is acknowledged and there is manifestation of Deity or Divine Artifact, everyone will be happy when they are thinking about who it is.

This is probably the most well-known Sage’s Composition work ever made.

Everything is settled, but all the headlines are everyone’s comment on this Sage’s Composition. For the author of Song Ren, he can no longer express it in words, he is a model of our generation.

It’s so spectacular, it’s amazing.

Of course, more is, for the author’s guess of the book, this time, they must imitate and follow the idea of ​​this perverted author. We can’t enter the Boutique Epoch, and we can boast a Premium, which is enough to brag for a lifetime.

There are also some people who think that the author’s new book will not be so fast. After all, Novel, which has more than 700 words and 10000 words, has just finished, and may take a good rest.

However, everyone did focus on his new book. Every day, immediately imitated along your line.

And there is one more point. The author himself currently holds 2 trump cards, Divine Artifact and key. What choice will he make? Whose flower will it fall on?

Song Ren went back. After seeing her long-aunted aunt, Xiao Xi hurried and hugged happily.

Su Youwei, who completely solved the knot, directly hugged Xiaoxi in circles and made Xiaoxi giggle.

Aunt Wang and Uncle Wang, when they saw this beautiful woman like Celestial Immortal, were shocked and couldn’t help themselves, and quickly and warmly invited.

Song Ren has such a great blessing to find such a beautiful daughter-in-law, is it possible that, Xiao Xi is their child?

In the evening, watching Xiaoxi playing, Song Ren told Su Youwei about Xiaoxi. After all, Xiaoxi turned and Su Youwei had seen it.

Hearing Su Youwei, although he had some speculations before, he was completely shocked to hear the news.

A true Swire Dragon Race, who would have thought, then a cute girl would be a dragon.

If there is a real understood identity, then Song Ren will become a public enemy, no matter whether it is the 4 dynasties of Human Race or the entire demon realm, they will try their best to get Xiaoxi by any means.

“You shouldn’t tell me,” Su Youwei suddenly regretted. Such a thing, less one person knows, a little more protection.

Song Ren gently held Su Youwei’s hand: “But I don’t want to hide you anymore, I still have a secret, but I still …”

Before Song Ren’s words were finished, Su Youwei reached out and covered his mouth: “Don’t tell me, I don’t want to listen.”

Looking at Su Youwei’s firm eyes, Song Ren still gave up her identity in the demon domain as A’bao. It is estimated that Xiao Xi’s identity is enough for her to digest for a while.

It seems that two people are interested in changing the topic. Song Ren asked her what she was doing during this time. Su Youwei said everything about returning to the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, including Nan Huangtong and Su Beiqiu. Follow the trail to find the clues when Teacher died. And path.

The two kept talking until late at night, and slept separately.

Some things are actually not ready for 2 people.

It was only on the 2nd day in the morning that Song Ren didn’t expect. The first person to send him a message was not Zhong Jingshan, but Teacher.

“Good job, be proud of you, discuss something with you, can you use that key for Teacher, I want to go in there and find something very important!” Old Drunkard said.

Song Ren certainly didn’t have any opinion. I went there twice and went there again. There was really no choice. If he could help Teacher, he would be very happy.

“But Teacher, if you go in there and want to redeem things, you can get some author points,” Song Ren said as humanely.

After a long time, Old Drunkard responded with a message: “Did I not tell you that I was once an Emperor’s Composition author?”

Song Ren watched Old Drunkard’s next words, but felt his throat dry.

Teacher, is the author of Emperor’s Composition? He didn’t know anything.

In fact, when I was in Shiyuan, the sound behind the burning incense had been told to Old Drunkard. As the author of Emperor’s Composition, I was addicted, but Song Ren heard it intermittently because of the distance.

In the Demon Sea, when Su Beiqiu and Zhu Kun used Jinsuo to detect their talents, Old Drunkard quietly and then retreated, so as not to enter the detection range.

In addition, in order to obtain the bodies of Xuan Yi second brother and another good brother, he made a deal with the corpse one at the price of the body and life of an Emperor’s Composition author.

The Emperor’s Composition author is Gu Ruochen, the master of Nan Huangtong and Su Beiqiu.

If he is not the author of Emperor’s Composition, how can Gu Ruochen easily trust him and leave Tian Mo Hai? As for what agreement the two have reached, it is not known to outsiders.

Of course, Song Ren didn’t know all this. He just smiled bitterly after being shocked,

It turned out that Teacher was deeper than he was hiding. He entered the author’s back office and transferred the key to Teacher.

After a while, Old Drunkard said: “I have received it, and I will compensate you in the future. I really need that thing now. If I do n’t find it, I will use the points to customize it for you and exchange it for something. “

“Teacher, you’re so kind. I didn’t know anything about it before. I have wasted two. I hope to help Teacher. By the way, you have lived in Ping’an City for so many years. Do you think there is anything wrong with my dad? Is it somewhere? “Song Ren or is wondering for many days.

Old Drunkard groaned: “No, why, you’re back in Ping’an City?”

Song Ren talked about the memory bug and Dad’s departure.

Old Drunkard said: “It’s a bit strange, it shouldn’t be. I was able to tell whether a person was a cultivator or not, even if he was a cultivator, unless his realm and concealment were higher than mine. However, think about your father’s unreliable appearance. Do you think he will suddenly change and become a powerhouse in the cultivation world? “

Song Ren thought about how his dad usually didn’t tune. Suddenly Pu chi laughed, too.

“Rest assured, he may have something to do. He will be back in a while. Take a break recently. The results of this book far exceed my imagination. I am proud of you.

“Many thanks Teacher, Naicang Divine Race now …”

“It’s hard, it’s messy, take care of yourself, I’m busy first.”

“it is good!”


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