Song Ren pulled his arm out of Xia Zhilan’s wrist without a trace, and laughed: “Help, we have to help, what do we say are good friends, right, friends are supposed to help, but I can only help He said he did his best. ”

Xia Zhilan also smiled on his face: “I knew that Bigbro Song you would help me, very good, with you playing, I have 100% confidence in this trip.”

Fatty Ke teased Xiaoxi, and when he heard what Song Ren said, he quickly hugged his fat body: “haha, I knew that Bigbro Song would definitely help us. It’s a worthwhile trip, when will we leave.”

“The day after tomorrow, Bigbro Song will be so rushed back, it must be exhausted, don’t forget, and the little child, what’s your name?” Xia Zhilan was in a good mood and came to Xiaoxi and said.

“My sister is so beautiful, but she is not as pretty as my aunt,” Xiao Xi said earnestly.

“Auntie? Who is your auntie?”

“Auntie is auntie, my sister is so stupid.”



There are actually 2 people outside the Spirit Flower Pavilion. One wave belongs to the Imperial Family and one wave belongs to the Ke family. A few people are on the road together, but it is safer.

Until half a month later, after crossing my numerous sects, mountains, and oceans, a huge city comparable to the Divine Race appeared in front of them.

This city is extremely large. The entire wall is made of white jade. At this moment, noon, sun shone brightly, shining on the earth, making this male city look extremely magnificent, as if entering the Immortal Realm.

Secretly, you can see the innumerable building carvings and jade bricks, which are dazzling, and one after another Changhong with different colors passing by. It is faint to guess, how much powerhouse is contained in it, and how big it is.

Even outside the city gate, there are 2 large white jade giants who need to look up.

To be precise, it is a white jade statue holding a shield and a long sword, like the scenes of ancient Greek mythology that Song Ren saw on TV series before.

As the Ke family and the Imperial Family gave invitations at the city gate, their entire group was brought into the city. As soon as the entire Ministry of Heavenly Spirit entered, it seemed as if it was a small city on earth. Yes, even Song Ren saw brothel.

It made people blushed with shame, and quickly covered Xiao Xi’s eyes. Fatty Ke was familiar with it and kept explaining, after all, this was his cousin’s home.

This is just the outer city of the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit. There are more than 60000 6000 large and small squares, which is terrifying.

With the deepening, out of the city, the scenery has changed, the color of the earth has become taupe, and in front of them are giant stone mountain peaks up to several hundred zhang, each hidden in the clouds that are not scattered all year round. It is faintly discernible, and in the dimness, it gives an extra mysterious feeling.

Each mountain is interconnected by two huge large iron chains, exuding incomparable coercion. The entire group stands on the edge and can feel that each mountain hides a lot of extremely powerful and hidden atmosphere.

Immortal Crane came in unison, and soldiers in cloud armor came in line, leading several people towards one of the mountains.

The pavilion is like a honeycomb here, and all the to-and-fro guests who are engaged in the engagement.

“Hey, Fatty Ke, Xia Zhilan, you are here, hurry up, here-” As soon as a few people landed, a group of people greeted happily. Fatty Ke saw that it was not the sons and lords of 9 King City. Who else can it be.

Song Ren even saw Wu Tianyu and Wu Ying, the Little County Lord Mu Hongling of 3 Kings City that made Fatty Ke scared. The last time they were detected in the Sea of ​​Demon, they were secretly hidden by Pan Qi of 4 Kings City and Xiao of 6 Kings City Qi, 7 Gao Ye of the King City.

Tu Yun of Teng Dragon Pavilion, Su Beiqiu, author of dignified Sage’s Composition Su Shen, an old child …

They are some young talents who met in the Devil Sea last time, and many people who did n’t know them at all. They are all true noble circles. Each and everyone is young and full of vitality, except for Song Ren, a grandma who is holding a baby.

When Fatty Ke and Xia Zhilan met the acquaintance, they hurried to say hello, Song Ren watched the scene with a smile, and soon discovered the Old Acquaintance-Zhong Jingshan.

At this moment, Zhong Jingshan is chatting with a group of people. It seems that in order to avoid the harassment of these people, this kind of Junior engagement party has been invited to participate. It is really not easy.

Song Ren felt sorry for him for a while.

It seemed to be aware that someone was staring at him, and Zhong Jingshan turned back, looked towards Song Ren, and then nodded.

Of course, he knew Song Ren, because it was the musician Steamed Bun, and he understood it because during that time, the music he had made was listed by the Kyoto Imperial Family and distributed to the various garrisons as an incentive. Renxin, after checking his relevant information online.

Visiting the Spirit Flower Pavilion, the innate talent was good, but he was hunted down by Cang of the Divine Race, with good luck, he was rescued by Su Youwei and him.

Then no longer paid attention to and continued talking to others.

Song Ren was just nodded with a smile. When he was about to say something, he suddenly moved his mind. He opened Heaven & Earth .Net inward, but it was a message from Yue Hou: “Song brother, how is this time, Madam Long and her The granddaughter had just left this morning and said she would come back in the future. You can help me. I really don’t know her identity.

Not to mention her quasi-cultivation base, if someone monitored by Human Race finds that I have a collusion with Demon Race, my reputation in this life will be completely ruined, even if I have ever had Deity and beheaded Demon Race. Years of goodwill can’t make a small mistake, you know. “

Song Ren didn’t expect that Madam Long actually left, which made him breathe a sigh of relief, and now he can only drag it, and at worst will give them some blood later.

Song Ren replied in the past: “I’m working hard, I’m busy first, it’s really impossible, you can move again.”

Yue Hou was speechless for a while, knowing that it would be useless to urge, and now only Song Ren can save him.

After some good words, Song Ren was about to close the message, but it was Su Youwei that she had returned to the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, let him remember,

Song Ren was also relieved, and soon, Zhong Jingshan had news again.

“Today I’m elated, Song brother. I recently found a good place to hide from people. Visitors these days have made my head big,” said Zhong Jingshan.

I can see that Zhong Jingshan is very happy.

Song Ren thought about it, and suddenly smiled: “Are you not afraid that the people of Ministry of Heavenly Spirit will ask you for a relationship?”

Zhong Jingshan said: “That’s okay. It’s better to see dozens of people a day …” Next moment, in Song Ren’s eyes, Zhong Jingshan was talking to several people, and suddenly turned his head looking towards all around the crowd, and then quickly Insider returned the message: “How do you know I’m in the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit?”

Song Ren held Xiaoxi to Fatty Ke’s side and responded to the past message: “Old bell, today’s clothes are good, but white and black clothes are really good? You might as well be red with green.”

Zhong Jingshan bowed his head and looked around all around again, but that many people, in addition to the boys and girls, there were some powerful servants, Dao Protector, etc., looked up, and there were people laughing and chatting on all floors.

I’m good, you’re here too, where are you?

But Song Ren didn’t reply to him anymore, and walked over to say hello to these 9 people in King City. They were all somewhat familiar with each other. At the last Tianmenhai talent test, Song Ren’s talent was high and outrageous.

This time I was holding such a cute girl, many county owners were mothers with big hair, rushing to hold a small hug, kiss,

Xiaoxi is also sweet-smelling. When she sees a beauty, she calls her sister, and when she sees a man, she calls her big brother. However, she gets some small things.

The conditions for the night stay were also very good. I have been waiting for 2 days, and everyone is here, and a huge horn sounds throughout the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit.

All the people flew and rushed to the middle and largest mountain, above the Lin Li Square, and finally saw Mo Cheng and the same influential Great Ningbe’s maiden feather feather.

Mo Cheng still looks personable, wearing sachets on his body, and looking happy. As for Yu Yu, I have to say that it is very beautiful, comparable to Xia Zhilan.

But the lover’s eyes are more beautiful than Su Youwei, Song Ren secretly thought.

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