Fatty Ke came over reluctantly, Song Ren hugged Xiaoxiong with a bitter smile.

“Fatty Ke, what about chasing girls? You have to take the initiative, but you have to make it clear, instead of the guardian of cowering, it’s all right. Men and women chase the mountain and women chase the men’s veil. Real love is mutual. The more you have, the more trouble you will have; you do n’t want anything, but there is no trouble. The more you are afraid, the more people bully you; the more you are afraid, no one dares to bully you.

It seems that you and Xia Zhilan have always been inseparable, but I ask you, have you said to Xia Zhilan so far, do you like her? “

After Song Ren finished speaking, Fatty Ke gradually lifted the head, looking thoughtful, he seemed to, never really said it.

“But she likes you now.” Fatty Ke stubbornly.

Song Ren shook his head: “I have someone who likes it, and Xia Zhilan may just admire me, it is a kind of idol love, just like she likes the author, rest assured!”

“Well, maybe, wait, how do you know that her idol is the author?”

“Cough cough, I, I guess, no, she told me last time in Kyoto, don’t change the subject, love is all for yourself, don’t ask, there seems to be a voice over there, let’s go and see!” A large iron cage was lifted out, and many people discussed spiritedly, Xiao Xi stretched his neck to look, Song Ren quickly hugged it away.

Fatty Ke grunted, but listened to Song Ren’s words.

Let me calm down, find the right opportunity, and I will confess and say those 3 words.

Fatty Ke immediately became happy, bouncing, happily like a 200 Jin fatty, towards the crowd.


Zhu San was very depressed, desperate to commit suicide, looked at Yue Mei, who was in the same cage, and again a long sigh.

This time, I really did not blame him. The last time A’bao disappeared, and the maiden was captured by the top of the Demon Race. The azure snake king had no heads for a while. Si Niang temporarily took over, gave orders, and found A’bao’s traces in 4 places. .

He just walked around the border and was taken away by Human Race. If it wasn’t for the quick turn of his mind, he revealed two lines of poetry, and then he was arrested in Human Race territory and lived a life.

At the time, in Kyoto at the Human Race Yinye Imperial Court, those pampered young masters were brought into Dianmolou as the leader of the test, and finally rescued by a Human Race.

Speaking of which, he did not remember the name of the Human Race benefactor, only to know that he turned out to be A’bao’s friend.

It was incredible that A’bao had a relationship with Human Race. He even took A’bao’s face and survived.

Sure enough, A’bao finally returned, and was even rewarded by Lord Monster Sovereign, who entered the Longshou Mountain with a reward. He also went with the nobles Mu Xiao and Kui Cha of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, which really envied him.

Afterwards, Madam Long opened the live broadcast on Divine Demon .Net, and they found out that unconsciously, A’bao turned out to be so powerful. The cultivation base even reached Transform God Boundary, and they were comparable to Mu Xiao Kui Cha. In the end, the two teamed up against A’bao.

The scene at that time came suddenly, quite regrettable, and then later, I heard that A’bao was killed by the Human Race Zhuo Zhu.

Losing A’bao again, Yu Linglong and Si Niang are desperate. A’bao is so pitiful, it has been several times, and fate is too sad.

It really answered the famous quote from Human Race: Beautiful Tree In The Forest, Wind Must Certainly Destroy It!

However, not long ago, A’bao updated his Novel “The Legends of the Monkey King” slowly, and even reached the Premium Novel, Monster Emperor came out to show the reward, but not at all came to the azure snake king territory .

Generally, when they register for Divine Demon .Net, they will record the author ’s position and influence in detail. Like the last [Biography of Sun Wukong] of A’bao entered Boutique, the will of Lord Monster Emperor came directly to the azure snake king territory, The reward is to make his image appear in the entire demon domain.

Now, “The Legends of the Monkey King” has entered the Premium, but did not directly reach the azure snake king territory, but manifested everywhere.

Perhaps this time, Divine Demon .Net and Human Race’s Heaven & Earth .Net collided with each other. It is not the same as before. Like Heaven & Earth .Net, entering Premium will be manifested in all regions.

Or that A’bao is not in the demon domain, but in Human Race?

Because in Human Race, Divine Demon .Net can still be sensed faintly, just as Human Race in the demon domain, it can blur and sense Heaven & Earth .Net.

The last time A’bao was captured by Human Race, and then the idea managed to escape and entered a place of opportunity. The cultivation base has increased greatly. Is it possible this time?

Before the two damsels didn’t notice, Yue Mei and Zhu San slipped away.

Yue Mei likes A’bao, and Zhu San knows it, so with this guess, Yue Mei can’t help it. Even if you can’t go to the Human Race territory, it’s okay to quietly at the border. I look up, I bless.

No way, Zhu San had to accompany him. If you said that she had something 3 long and 2 short, Si Niang would definitely chop his pigskin.

It was also bad luck. As soon as they reached the border of the two races, they hadn’t looked up in a humble way, but were caught by Human Race Sergeant who sneaked in for remarks and geographical features.

Coincidentally, it was the general named Kong Baiqiu who caught him. Zhu San still remembers the shocked eyes and words he saw when he saw him: “I drop obediently, I have face blindness, and Demon Race deformed After that, are they all so ugly and ugly, I remember that I also seemed to catch such an ugly pig last time, because I would write poems, sell them to the nobles for fun, and get a large bounty. . “

Seeing that they were about to hand it over to them, and then went on to stealth, Zhu San took care of the others, and opened his mouth directly: “Master, we meet again.”

Everything was so logical. He and Yue Mei were sold to the Human Race territory again. The general continued to return with the rewards, and then came bumpy all the way here.

But he believed that there was no Human Race to save them anymore. The last time I could meet the good friend Human Race of A’bao, it was already burning incense.

“I’m sorry the pig big brother, it’s all my waywardness, it’s me that hurts you,” Yue Mei squatted in an iron cage, biting ying ying ying.

What else can Zhu San do, he has been arrested here, and he has been comforting her these days.

“It’s okay, brothers are all here. With experience, Human Race doesn’t necessarily kill us. To kill early, we have been learning the language of Human Race. We will probably write poetry later, as long as our brains are flexible, Make a good poem, maybe you can live, if you have a chance, you will definitely escape. “Zhu San said.

But Yue Mei can sense the shouts of Human Race outside, and some people invisible coercion, which is almost 2 times and 100 times more powerful than the 1000 damsels and Monster Sovereign.

How to escape?

It’s impossible.

At the next moment, the iron cage was shaking for a while, and then, it was lifted up in the air. Yue Mei was frightened and nervous, 2 fox ears, and the fox tail came out, jumping to Zhu San, hug him shiver coldly.

Zhu San also took a spit of nervousness, and seemed to be comforting Yue Mei, in fact, it was a psychological hint to himself.

No matter how stupid he is, he won’t be able to meet A’bao’s friends for two consecutive times and be rescued again.

If it is really possible, I can eat shit.

As the red cloth on the iron cage was lifted and the harsh sunlight came in, they curled up together, squinting their eyes subconsciously, and soon there were many ‘Wow’ exclamations and talks from Human Race …

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