Song Ren left the Spirit Flower Pavilion, opened Eight Talisman Gate, and instantly reached beyond a thousand li, entered a forest, found a safe place, and then hid, contacted the system, opened the virtual projection, and colorful rays of the next second The light room, just like the first time, descended on the square outside Holy City.

There are still people coming and going here. It’s hilarious. Because of the special mask dress before, many people know him now, so here comes the project. Song Ren is another dress.

After all, the male child is outside, so he still needs to protect himself.

At the same time, Su Yuan panicked at the Spirit Flower Pavilion.

Because Xiao Ren disappeared less than half an hour after Song Ren left.

She just happily went to Xiaoxi to get delicious snacks. When she turned around, Xiaoxi disappeared.

Where can such a big child go?

She was anxious to find Manshan, Song Ren’s former residence, Xiao Xi’s favorite place to play, Senior Apprentice Sister Junior Sister of same sect, all of them have been asked, but just not.

When thinking of leaving with Junior Brother Song just now, Xiao Xi was going to the Red Mist Forest, and she was so scared that she ran to the mountainside immediately.

When I was outside the Red Mist Forest, everything was very quiet. Su Yuan looked at the entrance, and the heart peng peng was jumping. This child wouldn’t really run in. The Red Mist Forest was always mysterious, not even Teacher Dare to go deep.

Let’s look at the distance from the outside of the hall at that time. I think it’s impossible to come. In such a short time, how can a little Mundane girl run so far?

What do you think in your head, shouldn’t you go looking for him along the same path that Junior Brother Song left?

Su Yuan seemed to want to understand something, and hurried forward to the mountain again. As soon as he reached the bottom of the mountain, he looked around, and one silhouette appeared at the end of the road.

She is dressed in blue, with blue silk draped over her shoulders, and some dust under her feet, have endured the hardships of a long journey. It seems that he has been walking all the time, his eyebrows frown, and his eyes are awkward, as if he is thinking about something in general.

Su Yuan eyes shined, quickly ran forward, “Girl Zhilan, long time no see, have you seen Xiaoxi?”

Xia Zhilan sneaking out of her heart trembled, and when she looked up, she saw unconsciously, but she had already reached the Spirit Flower Pavilion, and Su Yuan shouted towards her in front.

“Xiao Xi? I, I didn’t see it.” Xia Zhilan was nervous when she saw Su Yuan before herself. When she was separated from Song Ren, she never saw Xiao Xi. She was still confused, but did not dare Ask more until Song Ren deletes her contact information, and her heart is inexplicably lost.

After returning to Kyoto, father and grandfather also returned. After only one day at the Imperial Palace, they could n’t stand it, so they sneaked out. He knew Song Ren would return to the Spirit Flower Pavilion. She just wanted to ask why. Ask why you deleted her, even if she knew the result.

But she doesn’t care. Women are used to fall in love, not to make sense. At least, listening to them in person might make her completely dead.

Last time Junior Brother Song and Xiaoxi left with Xi Zhilan and Fatty Ke and a few Dao Protectors. Xia Zhilan has been following this road, she said that she did not see Xiaoxi, so small to the end Where did you go? Why did you lose her?

No, no, I must still be on the mountain, hide my cat with me.

Su Yuan is the real six gods who have no master. When they turn around and go to the mountain, Xia Zhilan suddenly grabs her hand.

“Hey?” Su Yuan turned and asked.

Xia Zhilan suddenly stammering, looked at Datong Mountain in front of him, and hesitated again: “Sister Su Yuan, is that Bigbro Song on the mountain?”

“You said Junior Brother Song? No, he just left, probably more than half an hour, left Xiaoxi and said he would go out and do something, specifically and so on, I did n’t ask, follow this All the way, maybe you can catch up, you can go up the mountain, it ’s okay for everyone, I ’m going first, Xiao Xi was lost by me. “

After Su Yuan finished, he broke free of Xia Zhilan’s hand and hurried to the mountain again.

Xia Zhilan is eyes shined, and quickly turned around and went along the same path. Xiao Xi was not around, and only Bigbro Song was alone, if he caught up …

The two women ran counter to each other. No one noticed that, in the jungle in the distance, a shadow with a vertical eye flickered, leaving only a muttering murmur: “Do not want to come to the Human Race side I actually met such a good physique girl doll, at a young age, she was almost going to Cultivation to the Monster King Realm. It happened that the emperor had a memory bug here. She can modify the memory and take her as a discipline, whether it is in Human Race. It ’s great to inquire about the news or anything else.

As soon as Xia Zhilan left several dozen li of Datong Mountain, the complexion changed suddenly, and his foot moved. A huge azure tripod appeared in the palm of his hand, and then flung away.

A black shadow came instantly. Behind him was a pair of white bone wings, large fingernails several feet long, curved like a skyhook, sharp and scary, flashing cold light, and swiped forward.

With the sound of “咦”, the big hand was shot on the big tripod, fire star flowing in all directions, and more loud sound came out of the cauldron like a tsunami, then bounced away and was recovered by Su Youwei, The powerful impact made her back again and again, and her throat was sweet, and then she looked at the silhouette falling to the ground magically.

This is a Demon Race with a sharp head and bone wings, or a Monster Sovereign.

Monster Sovereign is lamenting the speed of Su Youwei’s reaction, and some sore palms: “Nice and good, the emperor likes you more and more, this visit to Human Race is worth it!”

Su Youwei even looked at the big pit on the body protection cauldron. Without a word, he turned and fled.

But at the next moment, a bone-claw hand held her neck directly, and Su Youwei suddenly took a tight breath and fell to the ground softly.

Touching Su Youwei’s skeleton, Monster Sovereign smiled with a grimace: “Okay, good, really good, back to the demon domain!”

Then, his bone cavity was directly stretched out, and Su Youwei was wrapped in the ribs, as if swallowed, then the wings spread out, and disappeared into the forest.

After an hour, the seven silhouettes with powerful silhouettes fell down, and everyone was anxious.

“Still not.”

“Princess sneaks out. If you can’t find it this time, you and I will all die.”

“I asked the Spirit Flower Pavilion just now, and the one named Su Yuan said that he saw it under the mountain, and Princess should go down this road.”

“Wait, there’s a monster qi here!” Everyone was immediately on alert, but the monster qi was about to dissipate.

After many Dao Protector of Xia Zhilan determined that there was no Demon Race, each and everyone seemed to think of something, and his face was horrified. The monster qi is at least the Monster Sovereign realm.

Yinye Imperial Court, the only Little Princess of this generation, was captured by Demon Race? How much trouble that will set off, none of them can survive.

“What are you still doing, maybe just a coincidence? Don’t tell the emperor first, we are divided into three paths, and you will continue to move forward, we will search and hunt around, I hope we guessed wrong.”

At the same time, Song Ren, who re-masked and dressed up, looked at the Author Certification Guild in front of him, and took a sigh of relief, stepping forward …

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