On the 2nd day that Monster Sovereign and the others left, Demon Race was the first Academy ever. The first batch of students officially started. Almost all Demon Race students have only heard that this Academy has invested a lot of money. Resources, including magic and material resources.

But until now, there is no formal opening ceremony, no teacher has seen it, and classes are about to begin.

Bustling, one hundred and ninety-five Premium authors, five Boutique writers, all packed into a classroom. As a Boutique writer, Song Ren is of course the five most seated, and the table and chair are also the largest. The futon has The streamer slowly moved, refreshing.

If there is a big red flower on the chest, it is even better. This is representative. Song Ren thought so, turning around without traces, looking behind, like a zoo, each and everyone has Big and small, basically retain some of the characteristics of the previous ontology, Song Ren looked a bit want to laugh.

What lion head, pig nose, elephant ears, snake eyes, hawk beak, rhino horn …

But sitting behind myself, this thin and hedgehog-like Premium author Demon Race has been frowning, holding my chin to see what I’m doing on my back? Why, is my wide back blocking the blackboard?

“Hello A’bao—” At this moment, Song Ren suddenly smelled an assaults the senses, and almost sneezed, as soon as he looked up, he saw a black body, six The black demon ape standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

Let me go, the legendary six-eared macaque?

Are you coming back from vacation? I can’t find the right place to look at your face and act in the evening.

“Well, are you?”

“My name is Six-eared, Demon Ape Clan from Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, and I was fortunate to have written a Premium book. Attending this training, I know that my ears do not grow well, the first six-eared in the family, So everyone called me by this name. I am your fan. I saw you today for the first time. I would like to ask you, why do both works write our monkey family? ” Sincerely ask for advice.

Song Ren At this moment, the skin is jerking, and he immediately respects him.

The six-eared macaque is the six-eared macaque that went to heaven and entered the underground sea. The hoop can’t hurt. The mirror can’t see it.

Of course, Song Ren knows that this is not the story of the six-eared macaque and Sun Wukong recorded in his famous works, but only to the six-eared, he actually admires it. The posterity said on the Internet that Rulai surrendered and was killed. Actually it’s really Sun Wukong.

Therefore, Sun Wukong did not yell at the monk anymore, no longer threatened the monk, no longer called Sanhu back to Flower Fruit Mountain, no longer called Zhu Bajie as a nerd, but a Second Junior Brother. .

Of course, this is all talk nonsense and chat after thinking about it, but suddenly in this World, it is quite surprising to hear such a familiar name, and I have heard Sikong Bitu say that Hundred The Thousand Great Mountains have a family of magic apes and would love to see themselves, is it possible that is them?

In the face of this black-faced, six-eared question, Song Ren scratched his head, and “Biography of Sun Wukong” and now updated “The Legends of the Monkey King” wrote Sun Wukong. Of course, it’s a monkey, it’s an ape.

“Well, I’ve always heard of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Demon Ape Clan. It’s prestigious, good at fighting, especially short-guarded, I’m longing for it, so …”

“So, now these two books, Sun Wukong in them, give me a sense of unyielding clothes and struggle hard. It turned out to be this way, I’m grandfather. They’re right, A’bao, you Brother, I made it up. In the future, your affairs will be my Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and Demon Ape Clan. With your admiration for our family, I will let grandfather help you once. He is an imperial powerhouse. “Six ears glowed and looked very excited.

Who is not excited, the first Boutique work, and now the second is Boutique, which describes the same protagonist, which is mapped to their Demon Ape Clan. Only if you really admire respect, can you incorporate it into your own emotions. And create it to achieve the present achievement.

Song Ren is a joy in my heart, and I just climbed a thigh in a mess?

Emperor-level powerhouse? Is Demon Ape Clan so strong? Madam Long is also the quasi-empire cultivation base.

Don’t when the time comes. A large group of apes with sticks appeared in their house. It’s exciting to think about it.

Song Ren would like to say something, draw relationships, after all, I am now a fake, mixed in this group of Demon Race, a little more secure, but the bell of class suddenly sounded, six ears laughed, signaled to leave the class After chatting, they quickly returned to their seats.

Song Ren also sat down, but didn’t see the hedgehog monster behind him, his eyes widened.

The bell fell, two hundred Demon Race students stretched their necks, looked very seriously at the front, and behind the screen came out a Human Race, Song Ren eyes immediately froze, because it was not Demon Race, Not Sikong Bitu in imagination, but … Nan Huangtong!

Nan Huangtong is still the same, even wearing the same clothes as before, with a smile on his face, which looks like he was hurt.

Why is he here? Aren’t you hurt? Trusted in Demon Race?

Although Song Ren is incarnation A’bao, he is really shocked at the moment. Looking at him, there should be no Demon Race coercion. Is this voluntary?

None of the many Demon Race youngsters questioned, not to mention that they did not know the identity of the Teacher, and even if they could identify the identity of the Human Race, they did not dare to speak, because they had heard their parents say when they came. Many teachers of this year ’s Academy Academy are usually hidden and cannot be seen or seen.

Dear, listen carefully, this will be your most correct posture for studying, don’t ask more, except the above.

Nan Huangtong stood on the podium, looking at the bustling students of various colors, and sighed, these all are the elite of Demon Race. The first class was taken by him. After scratching my head, I always feel itchy these days. Is it because of too much pressure?

As Nan Huangtong put the books in the armpit on the desk, everyone got up together and saluted: “Have met the master!”

Nan Huangtong pleased nodded: “Hello everyone, please sit down!”

As the demons sat down, Nan Huangtong gave a cough and organized the language: “I am your Teacher, you can call me Southern Emperor Teacher. Not much to say. First of all, I want to add something to you The most basic literary knowledge, according to the theory of Human Race, before you learn to write Novel, you have learned to make poetry. I will teach you couplets this time. In fact, couplets are also a different art. Its charm Lies in … “

Song Ren can’t hear Nan Huangtong in his mind, but there are countless doubts in his heart, and the familiar song: “Children, do you have many question marks, why are others …”

It ’s too weird. I ran here hard to solve Su Youwei ’s retreat. I was anxious to find Nan Huangtong and go deeper inland to rescue him. But he was here to teach Demon Race. He did n’t look like it before Those who can rely on Demon Race.

Also, Monster Sovereign’s disciple is the same. It also has a blue character in the name. It’s too weird for him to meet him.

The bell rang, and Nan Huangtong, who was also relieved in the appreciation of the demons, ended the speech with satisfaction, and then retired. Everyone gathered during the break to talk about the so-called couplet And doubts.

After all, everyone is now standing on the same starting line. Here is the Academy that the entire Demon Race waits and sees. They are the first batch. Anyone can be promoted, anyone can be eliminated, even Mu Xiao Kui Cha. And so on, except for Fat Ren, Song Ren who supported his head with his hands.

What is he doing here for? People seemed to be living very well, but they felt there was something wrong. The six-eared magic ape came up and spoke a few words to Song Ren. As the bell rang again, Sikong Bitu, who had not seen him for a long time, stepped in Come in …

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