What’s even more weird is that after this Heaven and Earth manifested black dog came out, unlike other Deity, it was either a veneer or a serious look, inseparable from what described in Novel, but eye drops. Rolling around, it was called alive.

How do you say that word, yes, insignificant, too insignificant!

Many people’s feet are itchy because of their low expression, I really want to go up and kick fiercely against it, it must be very released!

There are also some fans of Hidden Sky and the hobby boss who suddenly stared at the eyes, it seems that they suddenly reacted. This mother-in-law seems to be the black emperor in Novel “Hidden Sky”.

Black Emperor, a huge black dog, a follower and crazy admirer of Great Emperor Without Beginning, took on half of the laughter in “Covering the Sky”, seemingly tired and shameless, but also has a heavy sense of affection, and ” In Tomb of Gods, the two Xunzi Dragons and Baby Dragons who always hang a hundred times a hundred times are very similar in character.

But how do you say it as a whole, you can only use the words 蔫, black, and bad. One of the hobby is also a favorite, especially the style of behavior, extremely unreliable, and even launched ruthlessly, even yourself Dukeng!

Of course, everyone did not see the subsequent plot, but the part that belongs to the black emperor in “Covering the Sky” has been described, and as the fifth book of Song Ren, it started with the hundred thousand Emperor Hundred thousand words, now The basic everyday all keeps being updated in 4D, and the World they are in contact with is more magnificent, which has made countless people astounded and fascinated.

Such a plot, such an update, is not strange if it is not hot, but how can it not be expected that Heaven and Earth manifestation will turn out to be the black emperor.

You say it’s Deity. Why doesn’t it look like it’s embarrassing. A mount came out? Hurrying?

You look at its insignificant eyes, it doesn’t look like it, is it possible that let it go during the battle and let it bite?

But you say it is Divine Artifact. People are alive, unlike Song Ren’s worship platform, big dragon sword and the three Divine Artifacts.

Both sides are not touched, it is estimated that the author only understood himself.

Countless people secretly whispered and whispered, the black emperor was afraid of seeing a living person, and even yawned lazily, throwing his half bald tail, and ran back to the clouds in the same way. went.

What is this operation?

Other Deity or Divine Artifact came out, usually waiting to see if it can be condensed. How can this be so similar to the character in Novel, it is not reliable at all, until the black emperor disappears, everyone is still a little bit embarrassed. Circle, is this Divine Artifact or Deity? Did it succeed or failed?

But Heavenly Dao’s voice is regardless of everyone ’s doubts, but it is also a grand way: “Spiritual Novels Network Congratulations” Heaven “is included in the Boutique Novel column.

The sky clouds gradually formed the word ‘covering the sky’ and then disappeared.

It’s too weird. People can enter the Boutique Novel column so quickly. I believe it. After all, it is an abnormal author, and the quality and update speed of the article are not mentioned. However, I have only a little doubt now. Has the black dog condensed? What breed is it?

Hey, it seems that only the author is understood. Who is this author? Looking now? Make a noise, I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


Song Ren shook his head after dozens of sneezes in a row, and determined that his current physique and cultivation base should not catch a cold, and it must be with the semi-Shape Transformation Demon Race all day long. Staying together, the taste of the body is still unfamiliar. Look at your black and white hair, you have to take time to take a bath, and then take care of it.

“A’bao, wait a minute!” After finishing a few of today ’s Monster Sovereign combat training, there was no class in the afternoon. Song Ren was going back to take a good shower. When he fell asleep, Mu Xiao ’s voice suddenly came. As soon as I turned my head, I saw them mysteriously running towards him.

Mu Xiao, Kui Cha, Que Linger, Mo Ya, and Long Lan. Several of them are now in a circle. Apart from Long Lan, five of them are the only Boutique authors, and Long Lan is even more Noble status, the only remaining monster domain contains Dragon Clan Bloodlines Demon Race, although it is a Flood Dragon.

“What’s wrong?” Song Ren said.

However, Mu Xiao and Kui Cha rushed over, one person holding Song Ren on one shoulder, laughed, and lowered his voice: “Okay brother, this is all coming to Academy for so long, don’t you feel bored?”

Song Ren blinked, what do you mean?

For such a good Academy, eat well, wear well, live well, and open Divine Demon .Net without any charge, what ’s so boring?

How long has it been since then?

Song Ren hasn’t spoken yet, Mu Xiao and Kui Cha look at each other with a comprehension, Mu Xiao said: “Look at the bitter face of A’bao brother, you know that he and we think the same, Academy Everything is fine, but it just feels like everything is set up, and it ’s not fun and very depressing to travel daily according to the schedule.

In the past, we were more and more free. This Academy cage has made me more and more uncomfortable recently. No wonder the ones from the Human Race Academy are all timid, without being beaten. The environment is bound to affect the temperament. Let ’s go over the wall and look for excitement. Anyway, we have secretly negotiated and agreed, A’bao, I will send you one. “

“Yeah, yeah, A’bao, when I came here with Mu Xiao, I had noticed it. There was a wild desolate about a thousand miles north of Academy, and my mind was not open, probably in Monster King Realm great perfection, approaching the cultivation base of Monster Sovereign. With our six Monster King Realm, we can probably win it if we work together, and we can just practice our hands. If the scope of Academy has not been expanded there, it should still be, and it is quite wild. It always has the habit of collecting good babies, maybe there are accidental gains, can’t we go? “Kui Cha also encouraged aside.

Song Ren heard that I just wanted to roll my eyes. Is it good for me to sleep well? Why go to provoke a Monster Sovereign alien, and everyone is a Demon Race. Because of the poor Bloodline and strong energy, I must kill to the last one?

Why is a demon a difficult demon, even the law of survival?

Song Ren shook his head directly, and he had to rush back to sleep, but soon his feet hung up, Mu Xiao and Kui Cha went straight to the north gate with him in his arms: “What more can hesitate Yes, do n’t you want to test the results of your Cultivation during this time, what a chance, and we have all gone out, that can keep you a good student, North Gate is my elder of the Golden Hydra today Station, we have already said that we will return at most three hours. “

In the laughter of Que Linger Long Lan, etc., with Song Ren’s two legs weak and kicking, they went out the North Gate smoothly and headed north …

Make evil-

Faced with the mountains, Song Ren shouted weakly.

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