“Last time in Longshou Mountain, Monster Sovereign Long Panzi sneak attacked you. I and two old people from the Golden Hydra and Golden Wings Great Peng Clan came to lead you to Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. I said There is a Demon Ape Clan from Dashan. I really want to see you. In addition to the three of us at that time, there were only Mu Xiao, Kui Cha, Long Lan, you, and the goblin.

I know that the goblin is within the The body is the only soul consciousness of Long Panzi. I also know that Madam Long is behind him, the meaning of being alive is to attract Mo Tianxing, but unexpectedly, in addition to Mo Tianxing, the fire king Zhu Yue and Yue Yue are also here. , These all are indifferent, when I was resting, a word was slowly condensed in front of me, do you know what it is? “

Sikong Bitu looked at Song Ren, his face It is very gentle, like an elder telling ordinary stories to Junior.

Song Ren slowly got up and turned to look at Sikong Bitu. I didn’t know what I thought of, and suddenly laughed and said: “It should be written, [Xuan Chen in Wensheng Secret Realm] These seven words. “

Sikong Bitu smiled suddenly:” It really is you, but I’m still very skeptical. “

Song Ren’s face suddenly seemed difficult:” You are Scam me? “

” Okay, don’t respond so much, and pretty close, after all, we were the first one, except you, I know all the other Demon Races, plus you have been Passed by the Human Race of this sword box for a period of time, everything seems logical to come.

Since you escaped to death under the command of the King of Fire, you completely disappeared for a while, and then began writing ” “The Legends of the Monkey King”, entered Premium, but as far as I know, the manifestation of the King of Azure Snake, not at all Monster Emperor, then there is only one possibility, you are not in the demon realm, but in Human Race Territory Cultivation.

Later, Zhu San and Yue Mei two demon went to Human Race to find you, and soon brought back the news, you will return soon, then, this time they were brought into the Academy by the fire, and cultivation base, from the last Transform God Boundary Middle-Stage is now in the late stage of Monster King Realm, and it has completely spanned a huge class, and the time is only four months.

I do n’t know what to say, say you genius? Hell? Or It should be said that Jian Wuchen’s guy is still so excellent. It seems that a mud pill can turn into a pearl in his hands. In the end, it is still from a person outside the sky. The means of knowing is higher than we do not know how big the field is. You are here this time for Nan Huangtong, right?

It should be that his disciple has become an idol of not many people on the side of Human Race. My Deity is used to rescue Divine. Sea of ​​Chaos The girl named Su Youwei, Nan Huangtong as a Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, now disappears, how can he ignore it, just didn’t expect, he will arrange the pieces What a profound and can not believe it.

Human Race That surnamed Song teenager, Demon Race, you are so good, his eyes are so spicy, I really admire you, and you worship him as a teacher? ”

Sikong Bitu said that at last, his eyes were looking towards Song Ren.

Song Ren’s heart is long gone now, because Sikong Bitu said just now that Teacher is from heaven?

It’s heavenly again. So far, he has become more and more confused about Teacher. He only knows that Teacher is an Emperor’s Composition author, and even supplemented some of Teacher’s life, but now, the fog in front of Teacher seems to be bigger. It ’s

There is still a little bit of certainty. Sikong Bitu doubts his relationship with Teacher, but does not integrate him with his Human Race identity, only as if he is a Teacher in the demon realm. Another pawn under the arrangement.

This is all right. What he was most worried about just now is that Sikong Bitu will doubt that he is a Human Race and a Demon Race, and will try to find the cultivation technique. /p>

Looking at Sikong Bitu’s gaze, Song Ren simply let go of himself, after all, it was Sikong Bitu in front of him, not a Human Race of Mundane The secret he knows is far higher than himself, and even the picture at the moment, it is estimated that even Teacher himself does not know, how did he shoot and get it?

Yes, I am Teacher Second Brother’s A’bao, First Senior Brother is the one who constantly writes Legendary books, has several Deity, Divine Artifact, national idols, handsome and handsome, romantic, and makes me self-obscenity every day, want to regard him as “Beyond the example …”

“Stop, he and I are curious, but at the moment we are talking about you,” Song Ren said before he finished, Sikong Bitu rushed to stop.

Song Ren suddenly felt uncomfortable, so it was really impolite to interrupt others directly.

“Well, you know that Xuan Chen is still alive, why do you want me to send a message?” “Song Ren said.

Sikong Bitu smiled suddenly, then turned to watch the continuously repeated scenes, and the dozens of black shadows, and took Xuan Chen to leave:” You can see, To which forces do those shadows belong? “

” Uh … “This is true.

” I know Xuan Chen’s guy is alive, but I don’t know who took him away. Besides, that guy Fate is hard, I know, I am here again, how to check his news, and why should I check his clues? That Old Guy sent me a message last time. It was your Senior Brother who took Divine Artifact in exchange for those border soldiers and showed me the Eight Talisman Gate secretly.

The last time I was outside Longshou Mountain, the message you gave me, the two disciples he received were all used on me, so do n’t be afraid, I ’m not the person he knew then. ?

After more than 70 years, I have n’t seen him. I thought he had already died. As the last insider for decades, there was no trace. My identity should be the most confidential. In order to live and trust, I would do many extreme things. “It ’s done,” Sikong Bitu said, with a Murderous Intention in his eyes, and a cold chill.

Song Ren’s face turned wild. What he was most worried about was that, he hurried back, If he could, he would immediately launch Secret Realm to get in. The exposure would be exposed. The survival is the most important.

Seeing Song Ren ’s war alert, next moment, it ’s almost like Sikong Bitu coming out of a beast. Converged, and then laughed heartily.

Song Ren’s face was hard to look again and was played again.

Teacher, Fire Monster Monster Sovereign, Sikong Bitu, and Xia Family, this It ’s the four people Song Ren ca n’t see right now.

“That ’s the courage, then Old Guy might as well send his First Disciple here. They were originally Driving Deity, I just appeared in the Demon Domain of the Locust. In front of countless Demon Races and Black Locusts and me, I exchanged the Divine Artifact and the lives of the generals. That courage, I admire it. As for you, in your Senior Brother In front of me, the difference is not a little bit. “Sikong Bitu said.

Song Ren heard that people praised themselves and belittled themselves, and for a while, they were silent, cursing an old nerve in their hearts, sick!

It seems that Sikong Bitu I really like to see Song Ren eating crickets, and he looks very good. He slowly collected the projection stones, and then stepped into the darkness with a stern look, and even the lights in the great hall went out in this brief moment.

“Go back and tell the Old Guy, I have changed, but it has not changed. If something needs to be done by me, your message is that I am still waiting for him to fulfill his promise of the year. What should I say? What, what not to say, and how to do it, want to come, you should be a smart panda, go out! “

In the darkness, there was a sound of Sikong Bitu’s tired voice, which was a kind of exhaustion from the heart.

Facing the darkness, Song Ren hesitated and bowed to the darkness. Respectfully, a salute, a salute to Human Race …

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