Seeing Song Ren knew about the goblins, Mu Xiao immediately laughed, but the smile was more bitter.

Who would have thought that they were outside, and they were Heaven’s Chosen Child of various families.

In Academy, it is valued by Teachers and countless premium authors want to surpass it.

Honors, innate talent, Bloodline, or cultivation base are all good choices.

But who would have thought that they were bullied together by a goblin who hadn’t caught it so far, and they were bullied and dumb, so they didn’t dare to speak up because they lost the demon.

Song Ren laughed: “I didn’t lose anything, but I got a lot of things, what did you lose?”

“You still get something? Do n’t blow it, here we are A few, who haven’t lost a few things, my Golden Feather shield was snatched by the goblin, “Mu Xiao’s sullen face, apart from this, and his two swords of wind chase and shadow.

“Hey, I ca n’t even say a word, my celestial halberd is gone, it ’s a hard grab, you see if the dog bites the mark on my hand, now I keep it, and keep reminding me, wait until To catch that goblin, you have to kill it. “Kui Cha extend the hand to show everyone, causing a few other demon to sigh.

Then Mo Ya, Long Lan and Que Linger all lost a lot of things.

What did you lose, and this time you leave, you do n’t want to look for it, and if we catch it, maybe we can find it in the goblin ’s lair and bring it out for you, etc. Wait, you said you got something, what did you get? “Mo Ya asked.

Song Ren originally wanted to show them off their spoils of war, but how did you listen and what they were missing was so familiar.

Then, I instantly understood how those shields, long swords, heavy halberds, underwear, etc. came.

I go, I thought that the black emperor who had been transformed was not the same as the black emperor in Novel. Now it seems that it is still the same insignificant and not serious.

I almost pitted me.

I just want to say it.

No wonder they will go to Heigu twice. The feeling is not to go to the grave, but to find the black emperor and find those things in Secret Realm.

No, no, the good things in Secret Realm must not be returned to them, otherwise, it is unclear.

I also cannot admit that he knows the Black Emperor.

When the peng peng in the heart of Song Ren was beating, I heard Mo Ya ’s question, and suddenly felt nervous: “I, I actually lost something, but it ’s not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning Mention that what I got was actually writing the “The Legends of the Monkey King” with meditation. Do you think I can update a hundred more in a day, all of which are slowly pondering and writing in Heigu. “

Song Ren lied, and Mu Xiao was immediately provoked by them.

A’bao ’s concentration is good. They were boring at first, but in the end, all their minds were put on fighting with that dog demon, and they kept attracting it with temptation. Hooked.

People are hooked and they take things away, but we didn’t catch them. This is the most aggrieved.

The demon drank some wine, talked bragging, and slowly dispersed.

Three days later, Song Ren alone left the Academy, but he finally executed. However, Monster Sovereign of a college just escorted Song Ren to the royal court of Monster Sovereign before he left and returned to his life.

“Congratulations!” Seeing A’bao really came, Huohou Monster Sovereign stepped out of the royal court with the blue mask and gray robe still on his face, and countless Demon Race all Scrambling to look at the Epoch writer.

This is Heaven’s Chosen Child, which is out of their territories. It is their pride.

Song Ren glanced at the intact Xia Zhilan and finally let go of his heart.

Just stay safe!

“Subordinate A’bao has seen my emperor!” Song Ren saluted, Huohou Monster Sovereign quickly laughed and hehe raised up.

“It’s such a great gift, I don’t see you, I don’t want to be a subordinate, I will face me twice before and after, and let the whole demon domain know my name, from today At the beginning, you are my brother Huo Huo, the second commander of Huo Huo’s court! “As Huo Huo finished speaking, the numerous Demon Races around him suddenly knelt down.

“Meet you, Lord Bao!”

It sounds neat and magnificent, and seems to have been practiced hundreds of times.

Song Ren was shocked. The gift was too big, and he quickly yelled at the fire: “Master, absolutely not, A’bao have what skills and abilities, I just …”

“Do n’t, you have this ability. In the late period of Monster King Realm, I believe that with the resources of Academy, as long as the next few years, you will definitely be able to reach the Monster Sovereign realm, sit on an equal footing with me, and even surpass, I now have to Hurry up to take the lead while you have n’t developed yet, otherwise, you will be pulled away by other forces later, when the time comes, thanks to me. “

Fire Monster Monster Sovereign laughed hehe said, very Explicit, very realistic, but also full of frankness.

In terms of opportunity, he always seizes it very timely.

Song Ren’s face was very embarrassing, and for a moment, I didn’t know what to say.

Hehe laughed and was drawn into the royal court by the fire. There are various foods being served. What is even more meaningful is that Xia Zhilan did not know when to change into a woman’s dress. , No longer wearing a mask, just stay behind Song Ren and pour him wine.

But my face is cold, and it looks very unwilling.

Everything is arranged by Monster Sovereign.

In order to do a full set of the show, and not to cause the suspicion of Monster Sovereign, Song Ren touched her hand without any trace when Xia Zhilan poured a drink again.

Xia Zhilan stepped back two steps at once: “impudent, you —”

But soon, I met the fire. Monster Sovereign Some cold eyes, Xia Zhilan bites Lips came forward again gently, holding a hip flask in his hand, and remained silent.

“A’bao brother, don’t be surprised, this little girl is persistent, can’t bear to be a master of me, what’s going on with me, an excellent handsome like A’bao, you will be blessed in the future,” Huoyan seemed to say to Song Ren, and it seemed to say to Xia Zhilan.

Song Ren laughed without saying a word. After hesitation, he saluted to the fire: “Then, my brother would thank many brothers, really, that, haha, big brothers understand.”

Song Ren no longer refers to his subordinates, but instead changes to a younger brother. Words like big brother look kind.

Sure enough, the Monster Sovereign is not only not angry, it seems very happy.

“Yes, I understand, what the Emperor said is also a demon, like your cultural people said, sir lady, gentleman is good, big brother can tell you well in advance, I will take it Xiaolan, a disciple, you must have seen it. Although she is a Human Race, the innate talent is excellent.

The young King has already reached Monster King Realm Early-Stage. This is what Human Race calls a hole in the virtual world.

Originally I thought, after a while, he was sent back to Human Race to collect information. After all, Xiao Lan’s family was killed by Human Race. Yes, all this, Xiaolan was in his eyes, but since A’bao’s brother saw Xiaolan, this is her creation, Xiaolan. From now on, taking care of A’bao is your mission, understood Is it? “

Faced with the command of the Fire Monster Monster Sovereign, there was even a taste of order in the tone.

Xia Zhilan kept her eyebrows locked, and finally she seemed to confess her fate. She knelt toward Song Ren with one knee. p>

Looking at Xia Zhilan like this, Huobang Monster Sovereign was satisfied.

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