Facing Ke Miao’s inquiries, Song Ren lazily said: “How do I know? I also know that he died, it was miserable.”

After hearing Song Ren’s words, Ke Miao’s eyes suddenly froze: “No It ’s the Demon Race, the most outstanding teenager today. Even the secrets of my family ’s best efforts to keep it, do you know? ”

“ I also know that Ke Yuan is under the control of your family Young Master’s instructions, to kill the young man named Song Yu, but unfortunately-“Song Ren continued indifferent.

But one eye was staring at Ke Miao, who was full of hair, quietly getting darker and darker, and even some wrinkles at the corners of the eyes began to smooth out.

But because Song Ren got off the topic and deeply attracted Ke Miao, these subtle changes, not at all, caught Ke Miao’s attention.

He is really curious about this little Monster King now. He even knows who dispatched and killed anyone. It’s too weird.

He continued to set foot in air, approaching Song Ren who was not prepared to attack, or ran away, his frown deepened.

“What else do you know?” Ke Miao next step, directly less than 100 meters away from Song Ren.

“I, I also know that you are now full of blood, as if returning to the youthful spirit of that year, you are not just trying to catch me, but you are trying to kill me,” Song Ren Ke Miao, who had less than 50 meters, stopped again at his feet.

“How do you know, you are …” Before he finished speaking, he suddenly changed complexion.

Because he suddenly discovered that his cultivation base is no longer in the late stage of Nirvana Realm, but has become Middle-Stage, skeleton cells of the whole body, etc., are constantly degenerating at a young age, as if more than a hundred years ago .

He looked at this weird, colorless Formation and Ahebao who laughed at Hehe, and instantly remembered something.

That is a Magical Powers that cannot be cast on him.

“This is” Future Scripture “, which is the famous Magical Powers of Demon Race Hongya Emperor. How can you show it?” Ke Miao instantly understood, shouting almost hysterically, and then retreated quickly.

But Song Ren also got up suddenly in this brief moment, closed the smile on his face, and quickly closed the distance with Ke Miao.

“Do n’t come over, do n’t come over—” Ke Miao’s face was full of fear, because this Magical Powers is so famous and horrible that the past is really going back to the past, in a hundred years.

For a hundred years, he is really Nirvana Realm Middle-Stage, the success of the painful Cultivation, blinking back to the original, and want to recover again, it will take another hundred years.

It is really irreversible.

“You ca n’t say it but you ca n’t come, then I do n’t have much face, and I have n’t finished the matter of Ke Yuan, little lady, alas, Young Lord, do n’t run, we are happy together Playing, “Song Ren looked at this Magical Powers, and really made Ke Miao’s face changing rapidly, ‘recover one’s youthful vigor’.

With Song Ren, the colorless Formulation centered on him also follows.

With chasing and fleeing, coupled with the speed of Thunder Dragon Bloodline and Eight Talisman Gate, Ke Miao has been in this black and white field.

“I’m wrong, I won’t arrest you, I will collect your Magical Powers, I will quickly collect your Magical Powers-” Ke Miao was crying anxiously, and as Realm returned again At that time, after entering various dangerous places, Nirvana Realm Early-Stage who barely broke through, his entire mentality collapsed.

Cultivation in vain, everything is in vain.

Song Ren doesn’t care, he enjoys this state very much, and he also finds that with the fall of Ke Miao’s realm, it seems that the scope of this field has expanded invisibly.

Seeing that the border areas of the two races are constantly approaching, once the cultivation base falls to the hole, it will be completely over.

His life essence will not return to the original time, but only everything in the past period, including some scars on the body and hands.

A person whose cultivation base is low will not be reused by the Ke family. Even those who have sinned will be ruined by him.

Now that the cultivation base can still suppress Song Ren, Ke Miao clenched the teeth and stopped running. Instead, he turned around, and a crescent-shaped sword appeared in his hand, heading straight for Song Ren.

At this moment, Song Ren saw this, and immediately fled and fled. ‘wrapped’ Ke Miao, whose area was just right.

I care if you are a meat or a tank, I am a Ming Shiyin holding you.

You run after me, you run after me.

Looking at the A’bao, which looks like a muddlehead, ca n’t slip away, but Ke Miao ’s current cultivation base ca n’t catch up, he is really anxious that the tears have fallen.

“You’re shameless, you asshole, I’m a fairy board of yours-” Ke Miao burst into swearing directly and boringly.

I can see that he was forced to a certain degree.

When seeing A’bao who was fat and flashing at the foot of his thunder arc, Ke Miao wiped her tears and fled immediately.

Song Ren hehe haha ​​saw this, and felt that this Magical Powers was so interesting, Eight Talisman Gate moved, and instantly narrowed the distance with Ke Miao, and continued to cover him.

With Ke Miao complexion changed, he looked at his realm with trembling, and really fell into the cave perfection. Everything in his heart collapsed in this brief moment.

His future is gone.

Nirvana Realm ca n’t catch up, let alone the current realm, speed up, and arrive at the border between the two races, where there are patrol fighters, and even generals exceeding his cultivation base, shoot together, do not believe him .

Song Ren watched Realm’s Ke Miao drop again, and the 5 minutes of time to maintain the field also passed by quietly. Under Ko Miao, who has become a bird of surprise, immediately transformed into a Human Race look, Eight Talisman Gate opened to the extreme, directly to Ke Miao, then raised his hands, and then the surge strength, the last one.

“It’s you, Song Yu, you really haven’t died, we will work together to deal with the Demon Race A’bao behind me, he will give you …” Seeing a sudden appearance of the same clansman in front, After being Song Yu, Ke Miao was completely panicked and shouted quickly.

At this time, they are all Human Races. They need to work together to kill Demon Race. The past grievances must be set aside, and then the words are not finished. As soon as you turn your head, you will see A’bao behind I don’t know when it’s gone, even the terrifying realm has disappeared.

But soon, his complexion was on the side again, because although the black and white color was gone, the surrounding scene became barren, boundless, and there were three silhouettes like Ancient Giant overlooking him.

“Here, this is Deity Gui Li, Chen Zhan and Li Chungang, and the Divine Artifact, you, you are … Aiya ~~” Ke Miao feels thighs before she finishes in panic There was a severe pain, a bowed head, a large black dog with a large calf, biting on his thigh, the pain in the heart made him punch down.

The Black Emperor is more slippery than Song Ren. After turning into a black light, he goes to several hundred meters away.

“There is no way, in order to avoid attracting the attention of some people, I can only solve it here. I said that Ke Yuan’s story hasn’t been told to you yet. He died here but wasted. I used Deity once, but for you, I do n’t use it anymore, “Song Ren stood in the air, his voice was flat, but it was cold.

Also cold is Ke Miao, who discovered the big secret of unimaginable.

Abnormal author, music genius Song Yu, Demon Race A’bao …

Young Master, this time you really set up an enemy for yourself for nothing. Disaster for the Ke family.

People have shown him all this, it is enough to show that he is not alive.

Because only the dead can keep secrets!

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