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Old Drunkard nodded: “That ’s right, it ’s him, he was trapped. This was the ban he set when he recovered from the beginning, but he was not mature enough to control himself, but after so many years, he also quickly unlocked After that, I took back my sword box and went there for the second time to make a deal with him. “

“That transaction is, the bodies of 2 people?” Song Ren added.

Old Drunkard looked at Song Ren unexpectedly: “How do you know?”

Song Ren suddenly looked sorry, and he even suspected that Teacher’s purpose was impure at the time: “Actually, at that time, I was below.”

Song Ren said that he swallowed Heavenly Corpse Pearl at that time, lay inside, and saw the scene of the trade between Teacher and Huo Mei Monster Sovereign.

After listening, Old Drunkard looked at Song Ren’s head: “It’s too risky, because you escaped.”

Can you not risk it? Song Ren uses a virtual projection, which is directly crushed by others. If not, it is absolutely dead.

“His recovery requires a lot of vitality and Soul Power. It seems that he was seriously injured by the original Heavenly Dao idea in this piece of Heaven and Earth, which is why there are so many soulless corpses there. According to you, he and It is estimated that a Monster Sovereign trading a Monster Emperor will come out soon.

The transaction between me and him was to exchange the two corpses with the vitality and luck of the author of Emperor’s Composition. One of them was Xuan Yi ’s second brother Xuan Junzhi, and the other was Xihong. I did n’t know what method he used. The brother’s body was removed and preserved, but the others were gone.

Do n’t look at me like this, Master of Nan Huangtong and Su Beiqiu, the Emperor ’s Composition author Gu Ruochen was indeed killed by me, and the body was also thrown there. That ’s why 2 people followed the trail to get there, then one was seriously injured and one was The reason for the capture.

However, I gave Gu Ruochen another freshman. That day I went to find the guy. At that time, I had directed him to join Emperor’s Composition. It was his half Teacher, and his life essence was close. When he was alive, he seemed very excited. I talked about my difficulties. He was very willing to help me.

So, I cast a secret technique on him, a secret technique that I do n’t even know about the other half of my body. In this World, his body, his soul consciousness is completely destroyed, but he will be born in the outside world, seeing the broader World and knowledge, if you go out in the future, you might meet him, but maybe the appearance may change a little. “

Hearing Old Drunkard say this, Song Ren finally understood that day in front of the 9th Plum Blossom House, Wu Tianyu and Wu Ying, they watched the author of Skyrim Emperor’s Composition fall, and then the meaning of what the old man said.

Song Ren remembers that scene till now: “Don’t grieve for me, don’t be sad for me, I just chose my own way, it turns out that this is true, goodbye, my clansman-(Chapter 192 content)”

Afterwards, Fatty Ke Wu Tianyu and others were urged to Clansman and rushed to the Heavenly Demon Sea to receive the Secret Realm origin of the author of Emperor’s Composition. The Teacher informed him to let him wait and take him to the Heavenly Demon Sea.

It turned out to be the case.

Doesn’t it mean that the new teacher will definitely go out again to find the revenge of the original enemy, and there are 7 people who started his own brother, Emperor’s Composition author Gu Ruochen and his sect of the resurrected life, no, it should be Will also bring Sikong Bitu.

Although his character is changeable, he is a really good person.

Everyone wronged him.

And somehow, Song Ren suddenly felt a little curious about the world outside.

As for Divine Demon .Net, it must have been released by the other half for some reason after waking up.

Seeing the Teacher like this, Song Ren suddenly smiled. In that case, let the Teacher relieve a little guilt and pain.

Song Ren laughed: “Teacher, do you know what additional features I have in Deity Great Empress Ferocity?”

Old Drunkard rubbed his eyes, gently put out a breath, and turned his head: “What?”


That afternoon, Song Ren left Old Drunkard first, and rushed to Spirit Flower Pavilion as quickly as possible.

On the top of the Spirit Flower Pavilion, there are two separate tombs, all of which are standing tombstones, one for Xuanjun and one for Xihong.

Old Drunkard looked at the two tombs and the names on it. His eyes turned red again. He first looked at Xuan Junzhi’s, and finally came to Yuhong and touched the inscription on it.

“Yuhong brother, my old sword is sorry for you, I can’t even bring you back to life together. My discipline Deity has only 3 chances to resurrect one. I’m very satisfied, but I can’t be too greedy, he has to keep it in mind In case of need, I owe Xuan Yi, I have to let his second brother come back, I’m really sorry. “

Old Drunkard said at the end, sobbing crying.

Song Ren stepped forward and gently patted Old Drunkard’s back: “Teacher, it’s okay, 3 chances, even if it’s used 2 times, there is one more time, I …”

Old Drunkard raised his hand and stopped Song Ren’s words.

“You keep it, one more chance is a guarantee.”

Looking at Old Drunkard’s determined expression, Song Ren had nodded.

“The Teacher, I will start!” Song Ren finished, with the consent of Old Drunkard, the spirit strength in his hand emerged, and the graveyard behind the tombstone was opened, exposing the white jade coffin underneath.

Because the coffin contains spirituality, it can be vaguely seen that the appearance of the person lying inside is lifelike, although some places have begun to rot.

Old Drunkard looked at Song Ren and stepped back, standing in the air, with a rapid seal in his hand, layers of energy fluctuating down, blocking the entire mountain top from being perceived and disturbed.

When Song Ren was ready, Divine Consciousness entered Secret Realm and came to the Great Empress Ferocity, suddenly laughing.

“In the book, you have waited for that many years, the reincarnation after another, and failed to save your big brother, but in this world, but because of you, let a younger sister who has waited for her big brother for more than 70 years. No more sad, I will replace Xuan Yi Senior, thank you! “

Song Ren respectfully saluted to Deity of Great Empress Ferocity.

Above the sky, after everything is set up in Old Drunkard, I feel a different divinity coming out of the space, it is Great Empress Ferocity, but her height is the size of ordinary people, standing beside, and with eyes closed Song Ren.

Old Drunkard looked at the female Deity, looked at the body of Xuan Junzhi, and whispered to herself: “Hope you, hurt your younger sister, step on this mountain range, I can feel that she is everywhere for you Thoughts. “

The murmur contained a kind of unspeakable divine language, and then saw her raise her hand, one after another Guanghua kept pouring into the broken body of Xuan Jun, and there was a trace of Yellow Springs The airflow began to circulate on the top of the mountain, and a trace of coldness to the extreme breath made Song Ren and Old Drunkard tremble at the same time.

Unconsciously, some rotten flesh of Xuan Jun started to repair itself, and even some corpses disappeared.

Until half an hour later, Great Empress Ferocity withdrew his hands and lay on the ground. Xuan Yi’s second brother, Xuan Jun, who had been dead for more than 70 years, suddenly moved one of his fingers.

next moment, opened his eyes suddenly …

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