“What’s the matter, what is this?”

“What did we do wrong, to torture us like this.”


Countless civilians are rushing to flee. The whole Ping’an City basically has no Cultivation. Even if there are, it is at most the gas of First Step and the small realm like Foundation Establishment. How can it stop the Third Step reincarnation? Attack.

However, due to Song Ren ’s timely appearance, many people were saved at once.

Soon, Su Youwei also rushed in a moment, forming a mask with one hand and turning the clouds and rain with the other, to extinguish the burning buildings and the screaming civilians all over the body.

Song Ren directly rose and faced with Deity.

“Dare to ask your Excellency, why use Deity to attack these unarmed civilians? Why did they offend you!” At this moment, this Deity, the cultivation base disseminated is the reincarnation (quasi-Emperor Middle- Stage).

The original Han Ling was in the later period of Nirvana Realm. He was promoted to Nirvana Realm great perfection by the Lingling Taoist. With Deity, the formidable power reached the reincarnation Middle-Stage.

Song Ren currently only has Nirvana Realm Middle-Stage, which is a big realm from this Deity.

And Su Youwei just came up to help Song Ren.

Song Ren gently shook the head and gave her a wink.

Su Youwei immediately understood that suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yongan and the others in a few moments.

At this moment, Wang Yongan and Aunt Wang have just climbed out of the ruins and are panicked.

“This is what it is, what is it, mother-in-law, are you okay, let me see, where is the injury?”

“I do n’t have me, Are you okay, are you okay? “

” I’m okay, what a big giant, that person is … Song Family kid? How could he stop in midair? Is he a Cultivation? “



A blue rays of light came quickly, which surprised both Wang Yongan and Aunt Wang.

“Wang Shu, Aunt Wang, are you okay, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, I will take you to a safe place first!” Su Youwei finished, too late to explain to the dumb two, grasped directly with both hands , Heading towards the small valley outside the city.

There used to be a ban on Old Drunkard, which is to prevent people from discovering and disturbing, just right.

As for Daniu and his newlyweds, they did not return to do business in other cities, but they saved Su Youwei some effort.

After telling the two of them not to run around, Su Youwei put his whole body on the outside, and a blue halo emerged behind him. Nirvana Realm Early-Stage ’s spirit strength flowed between the meridian and he quickly went to help Song Ren.

At the moment, facing Song Ren ’s questioning, deep inside the eyebrows that Deity could n’t see, Han Ling radiated his hair, his eyes were scarlet, and he fell into a frenzy.

I finally saw a person appear, and there were two golden halos behind him, representing his strength of Nirvana Realm Middle-Stage.

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