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Ko Family!

Fatty Ke stayed alone in the room, looking at the strange mark on his back in the mirror, frowning, and gently touching it with his hand.

I do n’t know why, this mark feels a bit hot today.

Since I went to the Author Certification Guild with Grandfather, I plugged many valuable treasures into Zhong Jingshan, hoping that he could hand it to the author to show his forgiveness for what his friend did.

Although Zhong Jingshan resigned, he still stayed. Even now, there is no news of returning.

grandfather the past few days a lot easier.

But Fatty Ke has a feeling that does n’t matter.

“What the hell is this?” Fatty Ke said to himself, it was not good, so he asked grandfather to show a few people, and he always felt uneasy.

But the next moment, the pattern that mysterious appeared in the Kejia Jucai Hall after being tried by all parties was getting hotter and hotter at this time, and then instantly turned into a fluorescent isolated body toward the door Go out.

Fatty Ke froze for a moment, then looked at the back, smooth and fair, with only a few flesh folds, and nothing else.

Do n’t put on his jacket, he hurried towards the door. When he opened the door of the room, he saw the two people enjoying the scenery from the door.

These two people, one is as gentle as jade, the other is redheaded, and his face is awkward. They just talked like this, and even pointed at the nearby scenery as if to play.

Fatty Ke lives in an independent courtyard, which is very large. Usually there are many servants and maidservants. More importantly, the Kejia base camp alone, the emperor-level powerhouse that sells its lives to Ke family, has Five statues.

Normally, while enjoying the offering, they are strictly guarding whether any outsiders break in. Three of them guard the warehouse, one guards the grandfather, and one guards his courtyard throughout the day.

Now, two strangers, not at all, accompanied by Ke ’s family, just passed the city like this, and no one came in.

What the imperial powerhouse does.

What ’s even more incredible is that the fluorescent light that has always plagued his back is just caught by the white-clothed gentleman, and then disappears.

Fatty Ke ’s eyes shrank suddenly.

These two are extremely extraordinary, especially the red-haired person, who deliberately left behind the white-haired man.

The position of master and servant is obvious.

And suddenly he was planted behind him, when did he plant it for himself?

Is it that day the Ju Cai Hall was in front of that many races?

How did he enter the Ke family?

Where did the imperial powerhouse dedicated to guarding my residence go?

In a short moment, Fatty Ke thought a lot, but did not shout.

The other party has this kind of ability, and his own yelling is useless.

Bai Yu looked at a calm and comfortable Fatty Ke, satisfied with nodded, and came so slowly, passed Fatty Ke, and walked to the room behind him as if there was nothing.

Fatty Ke looked out of the door, hesitated, and followed him in, putting on his coat on the chair.

“Temperament is good, but it’s really white!” Bai Yu played an unprecedented humor, letting the side of the fire monk Monster Sovereign subconsciously looked towards the owner.

The last time the owner said that this fatty is an unawakened Primal Chaos Body system, which is very rare. This time, he made a special turn here, plus the joke just now, it is really love.

In the future, he will be the Master ’s discipline, his own Young Lord?

Suddenly envious!

Fatty Ke slowly dresses himself up, and then saluted towards Bai Yu without any care.

“Dare to ask Senior, is there anything to come to my Ke family? If Junior can do it, I will do my best to help Senior achieve my wish. If it is treasure, the underwear of Ke’s outer library is chosen by Senior at will.

Bai Yu looked at Fatty Ke, and the more satisfied she was, the more she looked at the day when that many people surrounded the trial, Bai Yu showed a smile on her lips.

“I want to accept you as a disciple, what kind of thing?”

Fatty Ke looked at Bai Yu and hesitated for a moment, immediately kneeling on his knees, there were three Loud: “disciple Ke Yangshu, meet the Master!”

The sudden movement made Bai Yu, who was preparing to speak later, stunned, and suddenly haha ​​laughed.

Monster Sovereign Huo looked at this scene incredible.

Not right, this operation is not right, you are too sloppy, you do n’t even know the name of the person, and even the other party did not ask anything, just because of a question, they immediately went to the teacher.

Are you a tiger?

Or is your brain wrong?

Bai Yu laughed three times, looked at Fatty Ke who was still kneeling on the ground, and leaned forward: “Can you tell me the reason?”

Fatty Ke glanced at Bai Yu and said: “Because you are strong, better than many people, and I am preparing for Cultivation to become a powerhouse, because only the powerhouse has the right to speak, and it can be a life and death!”

Bai Yu nodded: “For this reason, I barely give you a pass.”

“Dare to ask the Master, the rune on my back is dry and so on?” Fatty Ke asked.

Bai Yu said: “The person who protects your life, at least in the great hall that day, is surrounded by people, you ca n’t die.”

Bai Yu finished, I saw Fatty Ke again peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ three loud heads.

“disciple many thanks Master love!”

Bai Yu got up now, came to Fatty Ke, and gently lifted him up: “You will be my discipline in the future. His name is Bai Yu. He is Huo Ju, and he will be your subordinate in the future!

Hou Rong heard behind him, and immediately walked out, one-knee kneels to the ground: “Huo Rong, I have seen the Young Lord!”

Fatty Ke looked at Hu Rong, nodded: “You Hurry up. “

He can feel the power of Huo Ta.

They are master and disciple?

From the realization of the present relationship, it seems that it is too short, but there is a voice in my heart telling him that the white clothed Master in front of him is very powerful. Perhaps his future changes will start from this moment. .

“Come on, let’s go to the Author Certification Guild to find someone!” Bai Yu said.

Fatty Ke froze for a moment, and then quickly said: “Master, is this must be in order to disciple angry? It ’s not necessary, I did it. He used his own strength to vent his friends. I … “

” You think too much, I ’m just curious about the author who can write the world outside of the world. If someone bullies you, it ’s all about relying on your own fists to bully back Instead of relying on the elders, so that you will always rely on it and you ca n’t grow up. This is the first lesson I gave you. As for the teacher-teaching ceremony, I will go out to you later. “

Bai Yu finished speaking, and started to go out. Fatty Ke looked at the back of the Master. Although he didn’t understand what the so-called ‘outside’ means behind, he understood.

“Disciple is taught!” After worship, hurry to follow along, Huo Ju finally moved.

When they left the courtyard, they saw their grandfather, Ke Wenda, standing with his hands on his back, standing in front of an ice sculpture with a stiff body, his body wrapped in ice, and his frightened eyes open.

Fatty Ke’s eyes suddenly shrank, this is the imperial powerhouse who protects himself.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, Fatty Ke quickly took the lead: “grandfather, this is my Master!”

Ke Wenda looked at Bai Yu and suddenly smiled, and then saluted: ” Have you seen Mr.! “

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