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In the starry sky, occasionally there are messy and huge meteorite floating slowly, making a strange buzzing sound.

At this moment, a vessel entered the meteorite belt at a flexible speed, and then made rapid progress.

In the distance, a blue clothed woman with a pony tail suddenly appeared in the starry sky. Facing those constantly magnifying red light spots, Xie Qingge emitted a burst of rays of light throughout The ripples of the azure-white layer spread around her.

And she continuously clicked on several acupuncture points on her body continuously, her hands quickly formed the mark of the mystery.

next moment, on her, a white dragon spirit appeared, and the horse moved, which made it more valiant and formidable looking.

“True Dragon Treasure!” Xie Qingge suddenly loudly shouted. Suddenly, an amazing wave of power broke out in her body, and her white skin seemed to become sheep fat jade.

She is lying in the starry sky. Although she is still a humanoid figure, she is imitating True Dragon. For people to see, it is a dragon.

Xie Qingge was fortunate enough to have met a True-Dragon Race person and learned this magic.

Once the unfolding begins, the power is extremely overbearing.

The use of Human Race’s body to perform such magic techniques is extremely harmful to the body. After all, she does not have the Dragon Race body.

But the cultivation base and imposing manner are climbing rapidly in this brief moment.

She knows that her body ca n’t carry such secret techniques, but she still has another identity, that is, Sage ’s Composition writer, who has a Deity.

Deity, yes!

Just as she was about to summon Deity, she suddenly looked incredible towards her profile.

There is nothing there, or, because it is too dark, you ca n’t see anything, but your imposing manner and cultivation base at the moment, as usual, should have reached Peak, by Reincarnation Realm ( Prospective) Early-Stage direct breakthrough to the late Reincarnation Realm (prospective).

However, at this moment, her within the body’s dragon qi was suddenly active, and it was even more powerful than ever. The cultivation base climbed again, reaching Reincarnation Realm Great Perfection, even faintly, a bit emperor Rising trend.

She recalled what the True-Dragon Race person said: “The True Dragon Treasure I gave you can briefly enhance your cultivation base and stimulate your physical potential. But you may not be able to carry it yourself, and you need a carrier, and your Deity is the best, and “True Dragon Treasure” meets my dragon clansman, it will echo, especially the Imperial Family Bloodline, which allows you to connect There are no side effects. “

Xie Qingge felt that the body that was originally swollen gradually loosened, no longer painful and uncomfortable, and the eyes were incredible.

There is a dragon clansman, still an Imperial Family.

Is it possible that it was attracted by your own “True Dragon Treasure”?

Some saved, some saved, he must be there to see me, can he be worthy of the magic that belongs to their Dragon Race.

No shame, no shame.

Xie Qingge’s face flushed suddenly, his chest undulated, and his hands fluttered, blue clothed fluttering, and a six-pointed star under his feet lit up.

“Deity-Yin Yu!”


In the starry sky, above her head, suddenly the rays of light soared into the sky, and a huge silver cloud formed suddenly, spinning rapidly.

Next, a thick lightning suddenly fell, and behind Xie Qingge, a huge silver mansion Deity was formed.

This Deity is full of lightning all over her body. She is a female, holding a black curved bow in her hand, wearing armor and inexplicable power.

Xie Qingge’s body floated slowly, falling into Deity’s eyebrows.

Suddenly, this Deity exudes a post-cultivation base.

Hundreds of Scarlet ’s demon are suspended at Deity ’s arm: “Beastmaster, you have what you want here, have the ability to get it!”

The huge Deity makes a sound, and then She flickered quickly, controlled the bow, and did not have arrow feathers, but the moment she pulled up, there were three lightnings directly formed, and then shot to the one-horned Luo Hou Beast group with a thunderbolt.

The Beastmaster escaped with no difficulty, but behind the Monster Beast, three hairs screamed and were shot and exploded directly, falling into a black group.

The Beastmaster roared and looked at the demon crimson eyes, directing his men towards Deity.

Xie Qingge controls Deity and fights back, because the Beastmaster has the Sub Saint cultivation base, even if he has played against second uncle, he was injured, but his strength is still not to be underestimated. There are so many people.

No one noticed, just behind a meteorite in the distance, Song Ren and Xiaoxi lay on the meteorite, their heads stretched out quietly and watched the herd fight Deity .

Xiao Xi ’s face is full of enthusiasm, while Song Ren is full of bitter gourd, and only expects the group of beasts to stop coming.

“Damn Heavenly Dao, where did I send my father and daughter? There are no coordinates, where do you ask me to go to the Dao Child door of Teacher?” Song Ren secretly asked Little Heavenly Dao scolded it carefully, stretched out his hand at random, grabbed Xiaoxi, who was still watching the movie, and pulled his neck.

“Pay attention, don’t get caught, is there any altitude sickness? Dad means, can you breathe?” Song Ren dragged over and asked Xiao Xi.

Xiao Xi is full of curiosity, or, from the moment it is delivered, Xiao Xi is excited about everything around her.

“No, dad, are you sulking, how blushing?” Xiao Xi’s voice said cheerfully.

Song Ren squatted down: “I’m afraid the starry sky is out of oxygen, but it seems that we are all okay. As for me, I’m angry. When the woman’s beauties attracted away, we will leave. But where should we go in this vast universe? “

Song Ren looked at the dark surroundings, and there was a moment of worry. This is simply a blind man touching the elephant.

How big the universe is, he knows better than anyone.

But that being said, it was passed to this place by Little Heavenly Dao, but as soon as I came out, I could see a Deity comparable to the imperial class. I have to say that the World outside is very large, very Spectacular and more exciting.

He was instantly curious.

Song Ren looked at Xiaoxi.

Xiao Xi looked up towards him.

For a while, there was no speech.

“Otherwise, we are here to wait, see if there is a tailwind, and it is too dangerous to run around. You have seen it just now, and it is a group fight,” Song Ren said.

Xiao Xi a face of doubt: “What is a rider?”

“This is to see if there are safe people coming, do n’t take as much as I just did. A group of ominous beasts are scary, or you feel that there is a place where you have Dragon Race, we can also go there and settle down, “Song Ren rubbed his hands and smiled hehe.

Xiao Xi shook his head and muttered: “Dad, you also have dragon’s blood on you, do n’t you feel it?”

“cough cough, that, I ’m not pure without you Well, I’m fake, you try it quickly. When we first arrived in your land, we are not familiar with life. If a family member picks it up, it will work very well, “Song Ren said.

Xiao Xi had to close her eyes and feel it carefully. After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, full of excitement, and pointed to the meteorite where the two were hiding: “There-”

Song Ren quickly reached out and saw that Deity, who had been fighting with a group of ominous beasts before, came back and was galloping towards them. Before approaching, Deity dissipated, revealing the somewhat cool blue clothed woman.

“Xie Family Xie Family of the Nine Yuan Plane, I have seen Dragon Race Senior!” At a distance of 1000 meters from two people, Xie Qingge saluted.

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