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In the starry sky, the beast-trapping ship with the flag of Daozong slowly moved forward, but there were already no fewer than twenty small-scale ships slowly approaching, as if the predator was slowly hunting around .

At the forefront, there is a ship with a huge tiger head that blocks the right path. It is about the size of the Xie Family ’s ship, and it looks like you are waiting for you to come to the door.

In fact, after the younger brother ’s ship is surrounded by the enclosure, this Daozong ship is really catching a turtle in a jar, a lamb in a tiger’s den.

But at the next moment, there was a huge dragon roar on the ship with a sudden ‘ang’ sound.

Next, a huge dragon-shaped illusory shadow suddenly appeared above the ship, with scales shining on it. That kind of power is the pressure of the very pure Blood Dragon Race.

On the dragon body, there is a densely packed lightning flash, a pair of huge dragon eyes, so staring at the front of the main ship of the burly star.

All the boats stopped at once. On the main ship ahead, there were more than a dozen silhouettes flying out. A person headed immediately went salutated from afar, and then ordered the ships to spread out. Make way.

While the dragon phantom disappeared slowly, as expected, many ships seemed to follow the trapper and escort in order to express their apologies.

Until a few days later, in the darkness of the void in front, a white ripple like a waterfall gradually appeared, exuding an amazing atmosphere of space, but it was very gentle.

And when you get here, people are getting more and more. Song Ren even sees many ships or people coming in and out, as well as some half-deformed Demon Races.

In this huge World, it seems that there is no difference between a man and a demon, and only when confronted with interests, the battle takes place.

According to Xie Qingge, on the nine-element plane, there is only one Heavenly Dao network, where Human Race and Demon Race both write Novel, share information, and are wonderful.

While the ship of the burly eagle star stolen away slowly, Xie Qingge and Xie Yi’an are more respectful to Song Ren, because the Thunder Element ’s dragon seems to be very high in the Dragon Race , Not to mention the Imperial Family.

We must entertain these two distinguished guests who sneaked out of the family and ‘played’.

Even as soon as he entered the Nine Yuan plane, Xie Yian immediately connected to the local ‘WIFI’ and sent a message to the big brother.

Song Ren stood on the deck with Xiaoxi, watching the novel World around him, and the abundant spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, curious.

Song Ren soon sensed another kind of network that is different from others, slowly infiltrated into it, and as soon as he entered, he jumped out of his consciousness without seeing it. A page.

“Do you use an existing account to log in remotely?”

The next words are [Yes] and [No].

Song Ren was taken aback for a while.

Song Ren must of course log in with the original account. In case of re-registration and identification, his previous Deity can not be adjusted. He can still rely on these life-savings.

Song Ren quickly clicked [Yes].

When he landed newly after he was ready to see the headlines of this plane, there was a loud voice suddenly sounded above the head of this world.

【Welcome Emperor ’s Composition author ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me‘ Ah? ”is coming to the Nine Yuan Plane, I hope this is a pleasant trip for you. 】

Suddenly, many people lifts the head, listening to the voice of Heavenly Dao, envious.

“There are other authors of Emperor’s Composition coming to the Nine Yuan Plane, which is really enviable.”

“Yes, authors of Emperor’s Composition of other planes, once they reach another place Faces will be notified and congratulated to show respect! “

” But the author of this Emperor’s Composition does not know from which plane, Pseudonym is too deserves a beating. “

“che, if I could have this achievement, I would rather have a more deserves a beating Pseudonym.”

“Are you saying that we have the Emperor’s Composition author on our platform? “?”

“You think too much. There are hundreds of entrances connecting to the starry sky at the nine-element plane. How can you be sure that there is no other station coming from him? Moreover, this is the one in front of you. It ’s so big, can you determine who is better to study those new books. “

” Yes, you read Premium Novel these days, they are original and slow to update, but I already have clues, I want to imitate a wave, and then surpass him by updating, when the tim e comes maybe … “


Countless people discuss spiritedly, Song Ren is even more shocked.

I am the author of Emperor ’s Composition.

Xie Qingge walked beside Song Ren with envy, and he didn’t seem to doubt him.

“I do n’t know when I will become the author of Emperor’s Composition. That is the honor of a book pinnacle. I really do n’t know which platform Emperor’s Composition author who came to Jiuyuan will appear. By the way, Song Young Master, this is the first time you have come to my Nine Yuan Plane, will it be you? “Xie Qingge laughed hehe.

Song Ren blinked, nodded: “Yes, it ’s me, you can worship me as much as you can!”

Seeing Song Ren’s joke, Xie Qingge smiled and knew Song Ren I am amused by her, and I am in a good mood at the moment. After all, I have returned smoothly, and I am not making a profit. The family can survive for a while.

After the ship landed, he saw the outside, his father Xie Zijin and Tao Zong ’s entire group came in.

The Daozong people came to check the damage of the ship, as well as the due compensation and the prey obtained, and they also have a part.

“Qing Ge, are you okay, second son, how are you hurt?” Xie Zijin’s appearance is similar to that of his brother Xie Yi’an, but as the master of Xie Family, it’s more A bit of the majesty of the superior, but caring about his family’s appearance at the moment is much gentler.

“I’m okay, second brother, I live up to expectations, and I can support it for several years now,” Xie Yi’an said.

“Dad, let me introduce you …” Xie Qingge was just about to speak, but Xie Zijin was already the first Time Lock to live with two strangers, Song Ren and Xiaoxi. Second Brother Xie Yi’an had passed the message before The truth is told.

He took two quick steps and then saluted: “Xie Family Xie Zijin had seen two distinguished guests.”

Here are many people, and there are powerful Taoist sects beside him Check, he can’t break the identity of Dragon Ren and Dragon Race, otherwise, if the other party invites, the two Dragon Race VIPs will definitely go to the more sect rectification, his little Xie Family really can’t say anything.

After all, even the animal traps that enter the starry sky are rented by others.

“Two distinguished guests, we are ready to take the tools outside. If you do n’t want to give up, please move. The family has already prepared meals,” said Xie Zijin with a slight smile.

Song Ren didn’t expect that the other party is so hospitable, so wait for you to understand the situation of this plane.

“Thank you Patriarch, please,” Song Ren said with a hug.

“No trouble, no trouble, please come with me, second child, you can help with the matter here!” Xie Zijin said to Xie Yijing, who had recovered slightly.

Xie Yi’an nodded, beckoning the big brother to be at ease, squeezing his eyes to the niece Xie Qingge, Xie Qingge immediately ordered those Xie Family to avoid exposing Song Ren ’s identity, and then followed the second uncle to respond to the Taoist inquiry and Compensation matters.

On the same day, they came to Xie Family, a very good family. After talking and living together, after instructing Xiaoxi and the Black Emperor not to run around, they began to enter the Heavenly Dao network to understand Information about this plane.

However, when I entered the Spiritual Novels Network, looked towards the number of densely packed Novels in my plane, I was completely shocked.

What a shame!

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