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Star Domain No. 58.

At this moment in this Star Domain, a piece of 100 meters long, like a dragon corpse cast from molten iron, is quietly floating in the starry sky.

Death and silence give an endless desolation and longevity.

This is a black-black five-claw giant dragon, dragon horn crystal clear and near-transparent, purple light shining, and the scales are flashing a little mysterious glory in the dark.

Such a giant dragon gives people an unstoppable impact just from the visual point of view. I really do n’t know how terrible he should be in his life, but now he just loses his vitality, forever Rested in this quiet starry sky.

Although the real world of the Tibetan dragon occupies the whole real world, it is also one of the real world that entered the starry sky for the first time. It is not the world of Dragon Race, but the plane in the beginning. Dragon Race surpasses other races, the so-called big brothers of all races take the lead.

Powerhouse has the right to speak, so it is self-proclaimed as the real world of the Tibetan dragon.

In fact, the number of True Dragon tribes is very scarce. Among them, the pure Bloodline is the Imperial Family Bloodline and has the highest status.

Next is the Bloodline of Royal Family, Hou Family and so on.

Even at the end, in order to control many planes such as Level 2 Third Rank and so on, some Royal Family and Bloodline of Hou family began to intermarry with other races in large numbers, and the number has increased dramatically.

The names of some families such as Jiao, Anaconda, Scorpion Dragon, Dragon Python, Dragon-Tiger, etc. came into being and have grown steadily.

However, Fan Zu once owned dragon’s blood and called himself Dragon Race.

This advantage makes many planes have traces of dragon clansman and strength control. They are like an invisible spider web, passing messages and processing methods to each other.

But the disadvantage is that the pure Bloodline of the real Dragon Race is constantly decreasing and rare, because the circle of pure Bloodline is only that big.

If you cross this circle to find another Dragon Race that is not pure, you will not be pure.

But in the end, there are some dragon clansman who do n’t want to be subject to this rule and secretly destroy them to find their favorite things and dragons.

Therefore, Imperial Family Bloodline, which has been declining rapidly during these years, is also more noble.

And the real Imperial Family dragon corpse, to be honest, even if eleven other real world accidents were obtained, the dragon clansman would dare to attack and snatch it back.

So the tens of thousands of years, the people of the Tibetan dragon realm, almost all of the dragon corpse who were living outside have been collected back.

They will not let anyone, a force get, and then study their weaknesses.

All the realities and planes know this potential rule and are also following it. Try not to provoke the lunatics as much as possible.

But as time goes on, Dragon Race seems to be more and more impure, and even after being divided into several internal circles, some people began to use their minds and even got dragon ’s blood to transform medicine pill and puppet Wait, Dragon Race has no control, making them more unscrupulous.

And today, floating in 58Star Domain.

Look at the dragon horn, the body, and even the majesty that has been dead for a long time.

This is a real Imperial Family Bloodline dragon corpse in the real world.

How is it possible, how can Dragon Race people ignore this level of Dragon corpse outside.

And on the dragon corpse, it looks faintly covered with scars and even some claw marks, like Dragon Race ’s own hands.

Soon, the news spread quickly.

This dragon corpse is the Imperial Family Bloodline who defected from Dragon Race more than 45,000 years ago-Wu Xia, at that time it even broke the ancestor ’s sleeping Earth Dragon mound, with After taking a lot of dragon qi and dragon ball, he was chased and killed by dragon clansman, but accidentally dropped into the suddenly appeared black hole, disappeared.

didn’t expect will reappear after tens of thousands of years.

Would n’t it mean that he has a Dragon Race’s highest essence condensed Dragon Ball, not only his own, but also his ancestors.

However, since its appearance, more and more forces have discovered him, but they dare not step forward.

On the one hand, they are still afraid of Dragon Race, they ca n’t bear this kind of revenge, they do n’t have such a big appetite, whoever dares to eat crabs first, they dare to swarm and get some soup. drink.

On the other hand, although this dragon corpse of Sovereign is motionless, all the onlookers can feel it, it seems that there is a different look from this dragon corpse, watching them all people.

Um —

At this moment, a huge flying bird Deity suddenly appeared, with flames burning all over his body, a pair of colorful wing wings, and the eyes of green silver watching the dragon corpse, gives a sense of strangeness.

A sharp phoenix sounded from the sky, and immediately the huge wings fluttered, with a terrifying power, stretched out his claws and went directly to the dragon corpse.

Many people who eat melons suppressed by this huge coercion are surprised.

Some experienced and knowledgeable immediately understood: “didn’t expect the first person to try out, it will be the Celestial Demon person in the real world, and he will use Deity as soon as he makes a shot.”

Under their eyes, what is surprising is that the huge Deity paw just grabbed the dragon corpse, not at all anything else happened.

This scene shocked others and also stunned the tempting Deity controller.

No, I only used Deity for the sake of insurance. I knew it was a real corpse, so I just walked away, and wasted my chance to use Deity.

She was so happy in her heart that she would leave after grabbing the dragon corpse.

Suddenly in front of him, a golden rays of light came suddenly, with an unstoppable imposing manner, and forced Deity to grab the dragon corpse’s feet.

The attack was almost to cut off the feet of Asuka Deity.

The Deity controller from Celestial Demon Realm immediately abandons the heavy dragon corpse and rises directly into the sky.

The huge monster Phoenix Deity is burning with flames, standing in the starry sky. Gradually, a woman dressed in red-clothed, lithe and graceful walks out of her eyebrows, looking quietly at that Dao golden light made a turn, turned into a huge yellow clock, and fell on the head of a bald boy.

The young man ’s eyebrows are clear, his skin is fair, and he is extremely stable. His eyes are like Star River, and a string of red beads hangs on his neck. His hands are folded and he looks at the woman.

“Mu Qingluan, this is the corpse of Dragon Race. Without the consent of the host, would you not be afraid to find a door to ask for it in the future?” The young man’s voice was clear and audible.

Mu Qing Luan from Celestial Demon Huang Realm suddenly sneered. A red feather appeared behind him. Mu Qing Luan sat up gently and tilted his legs: “Who am I, originally from Vajra Realm Little Monk of Zhenhui, when did you kindly think about the dragon clansman, might as well say, wait for the time to let your own adults come. “

” Mu Qingluan, even this little monk does not Shoot, since someone stopped you, all eyes will be on you, you will eat it, “Vajra real wisdom voice from one of the twelve real worlds remains calmly said.

Mu Qingluan gently turned his head, looking towards the other side of the Star Domain, where, sometime, three purple red coffins appeared, and under her eyes, the middle coffin cover gently Moving away, he walked out of a look pale, like a young man who had just crawled out of the grave.

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