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Universe Starry Sky, only one star beast began to wander, and occasionally accidentally passed through the land of the plane and immediately escaped.

But he quickly turned his head suspiciously, and no one from the past came out to chase them?

In the thousands of planes, among all the planes covered by the network, countless creatures all bow down to the two silhouettes of the sky.

This is awe from the depth of one’s soul, as if facing your own teacher.

No, not only that, but also a sense of indebtedness.

This kind of gratitude, overwhelming majority comes from the newly broken armored man.

If you compare the old man with purple hair to the emperor’s division, he is a military division!

Between Heaven and Earth, there is a silence, only the murmurs of the emperor and army divisions before and after, just like the Sound of Great Dao, but also contains a different kind of things,

let People feel a sense of peace, which makes people feel surprisingly calm, and it seems to have touched a kind of discenable sudden enlightenment.

This sudden enlightenment is different from the past, but it is an enlightenment that seems to run through everything!

Song Ren is standing, but at this moment, he does not know when a golden lotus is born.

Twelve petals of golden lotus!

Song Ren swallowed and did n’t know what to do, but could feel the encouragement from both eyes.

Song Ren hesitated and wrote again.

“Earth follows Heaven, Heaven follows Dao, Dao law is natural!”

The Daode Jing is divided into many chapters, but there is no certain order.

Because it is not a story, every word and every sentence of it is the truth of the Dao, the mystery of the universe, the rule, and Dao ‘!

The Dao is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the people are big.

Four of the universe are big, and man is one of them.

However, people must regard the earth as the rule, the earth as the rule, the sky as the rule, and the way as the rule.

As Song Ren wrote this sentence, behind him, based on the twelve golden lotus, slowly stretched out a vine.

It swayed gently, like Song Ren’s tail.

At the same time, Between Heaven and Earth, the Emperor Division and the Military Division repeated the same.

The roar continues, like Sage lectures!

They immediately opened the network and narrowed their eyes.

Originally, this Daode Jing is the seventh book of Emperor ’s Composition author ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me‘ Ah? ’

More scary is that it only has 48 words.

I ’m going, should I be so nonsense.

Tibetan Dragon Realm!


There are more than a dozen Bloodline pure, different color giant dragons, coming from different directions towards the sea level, which is included a silver lightning Thunder Dragon.


A group of red insect Buzz! Buzz! Buzz !, formed a thick fog, with a sedan on it, and came straight to the sea level.

Vajra world!

On a vast and endless sea, Buddha ’s radiance is shining, covered with ancient temples, golden ’s Buddha ’s radiance, submerging ten thousand li, Buddha sound bursts, and constant singing.

At this time, this Holy Land in the Vajra world formed a huge ancient Buddha illusory shadow in the air.

Speaking verses, blooming Buddha ’s radiance.

Myriad Buddha Seal Symbol is flashing, with ten Buddhas, wearing moonlight white robe and entering it, appeared.

Celestial Demon Phoenix clan, a huge black phoenix hangs in the sky.

“Qing Luan, you will go to the Falling Sea plane as a teacher and invite him to come!”

“Yes, Master!”

Corpse Realm, White Tiger Realm …

The twelve great realms understand that this contains the avenue, who attracted the two silhouette books of Heaven and Earth, and immediately made a decision immediately.

Must brought him to his real world.

Even if it is to grab.

In the Jinghong Hall, Song Ren shut down the network, he suddenly came to the 48 words of ‘Inspiration’, and then looked towards Yun Fengzi.

Yun Fengzi looked at the yin and yang gossip figure disappearing behind Song Ren, swallowed a spit, and then smiled toward Song Ren a saluted.

Song Ren was taken aback.

His Royal Highness, hundreds of Emperor ’s Composition authors all stood up and looked at Song Ren with a complex face.

It turns out that the son of the virtual Heavenly Dao, which I have been writing in Novel, really exists.

We thought you were just casually inspired, but did n’t expect you to play so big.

In the face of so many eyes, Song Ren spread his hand: “I am really just inspired. I am just like you, just a Mundane.”


In the crowd below, there is a silhouette of a woman, who can’t cover her ears with a thunder, and instantly shoots.

Goal, Song Ren who is pretending to be!

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