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Nothing about Star Domain on the 58th, Cold Angel Gal heard that it was not about the four Deity of Song Ren, but about Wu.

To tell the truth, the angels of the real world, the four Archangel kings have contradictions in these years, and each has his own politics.

However, the high-level angels selected in the same batch at that time were worshipped under the same teacher.

Although there is no ranking, it is called by age, but sometimes the temper comes up, and it is also called by its name.

The cold angel Gal does n’t seem to have the word ‘cold’, but it is really the most enthusiastic and has a lot of friends. Among the four Archangels, he is also the youngest.

To be honest, when I returned from the starry sky, there were 3,000 high-level angels who completed the mission. As for the last four, the process can be imagined.

Although Uriel always looks like a big sister, at that time, in the final selection, whether it was for good intentions or interests, Uriel had always pulled her, otherwise, She died long ago.

So, for anything Uriel, Gal is always attentive.

Including what she did with Wu Hua.

More importantly, the late Teacher seal Uriel ’s memory for 3000 years, but he accidentally unveiled this seal. Since then, Uriel has no worries in the past Happiness, but busy investigating the events of Wuxi.

Even with the Tibetan dragon real world, even the other three angel kings.

But even so, Gal always stands on the side of Uriel.

Uriel is always alienating her intentionally or unintentionally.

She knows that the whole realm of angels is extremely dissatisfied with her behaviors over the years. She just does n’t want to let herself fall into the wrong direction and fall into this mud.

Uriel elder sister, the person is actually very good, the appearance of recklessness and perseverance, just to cover up the heart of the now now, unable to heal the wound.

Uriel elder sister is actually very pitiful.

She knows, Tia elder sister knows, Gabriel elder sister also knows.

Looking at Uriel ’s rejection of thousands of miles, Gal once again glanced at Song Ren, the ‘male angel’.

Somehow, I feel like I have seen it before.

But it should n’t be. I have n’t been to Uriel ’s elder sister for many years, maybe I ’ve seen it before.

She once again looked towards Uriel.

“I have his location!” Gal said.

next moment, Uriel appeared in front of Gal and stared at her closely.

“Where is he?”

“Star Domain 21, near the corpse world, according to the latest news, there is an Old Ancestor figure in the corpse world, who wants to refine him into a dragon corpse.”

“He dares “At this moment, Uriel was instantly angry, and in the clouds, a huge ship of Angel Wings jumped down, and Uriel’s footsteps disappeared.

Seeing this, Cold Angel Gal quickly yelled at the ship: “Uriel, I will transmit specific location information to you.”

Gal said After finishing, press one hand on the eyebrow, after about three or four breaths, eyes opened again, and then flew to follow.

At the moment when he was about to board the ship, he turned his head and glanced at Songless, who was motionless, and flew into the ship within the body.

As the ship hong long long sounded, a group of angels dressed in armor seemed to have been ordered to enter the ship in the palace around them.

The ship quickly cut through the clouds and was disappeared, leaving only Songless in motionless, which is called a suffocation.

After a while, Song Ren was finally able to move. Without a word, waving his wings was like flying away from the clouds.

One hour, two hours, three hours …

Song Ren brow beaded with sweat flew back again, with a look of indignation.

Intentional, absolutely intentional, no wonder it ’s so reassuring to me, this is simply a Form that is hard to see through, even with double pupils.

The silent Song Ren returned to the palace and lay down softly.

At the same time, No. 21 Star Domain, with a powerhouse constantly coming, joined in this huge round-up, and there were more than 20 more, exuding a monstrous imposing manner without life The traced corpse attacked the black worm.

Surprisingly, above Wu’s head, there is a little girl sitting next to her, a big black dog lying beside her, and a small whale-shaped star.

At the moment, the color of a pair of longan is different.

One of them is normal, and the other is still full of coldness, each blinking and struggling, it seems that they are fighting for an unimaginable.

The little one above the head, since that day when clansman came to Dao Child gate, was taken away by the little flower.

Unconsciously floating in the starry sky until I met Wu Xia again.

Another consciousness reappeared on Xiao Xi, and then incarnation White Dragon peeled off a piece of dragon scales from his body. This piece of dragon scales even eerily exuded the soul energy of the black dragon, It was then put into Wu Hua.

Suddenly, a complete consciousness returned, and the sound of Long Xiao echoed in the universe, attracting the explorers.

At this moment, Xiao Xi is sitting on the blackhead, with anxious expression on her face: “Wu big brother, be careful, the dragon soul avatar you left back then has entered the body, as long as it can overcome the consciousness of another birth, You will be completely resurrected, damn, how did you meet the people of the corpse world, let’s leave here first, little flower. “

As Xiao Xi shouted, the little star beast flower on the side suddenly expanded rapidly, Then he swallowed the black roe and hurried away.

“The star beast in the rumor is still alive, chase me!” An old voice echoed in Star Domain, and suddenly numerous silhouettes chased up.

After two hours, the starry sky appeared a layered hexagonal regular interface, and a huge winged ship squeezed out of it. After a pause, he immediately chased up the trail.

Another hour passed, and in the starry sky, two teams of angels appeared again.

One team wears red armor, one team wears blue armor, the two leading angels are unusually lithe and graceful, wearing combat helmets, and cannot see clearly, but one of the hairs is silver white and one is black .

They are Seraphim Tiya, Holy Angel Gabriel!

The two teams were unexpectedly reunited. They were both a little surprised. They looked at each other, but said nothing. They also followed the traces of the starry sky and caught up.

After all, they are a family. Although Uriel has made the real world of angels maddening and hatred for tens of thousands of years, but since the Heart Demon of Wuhuan appears, they always have to help .

As for the future, what should I do?

At the same time, in the Third Rank plane of White Tiger ’s real world, a little fatty with his eyes closed, surrounded by piles of huge-energy spars, constantly has various airflow drills Into his within the body, but it can’t stand up, like an endless black hole.

Next to it, a Qilin Monster Beast lay aside, guarding fatty, but looking towards the massive spar, he was envious.

next moment, it seems to have sensed something, got up immediately.

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