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Vast and boundless starry sky, there is a small ship in slow flight.

On the bow of the ship, Old Drunkard looked at the quiet starry sky, his eyes full of confusion, memories and discomfort.

And behind him, two people tied their hands and feet, their noses and noses were bleeding, their bodies were cold, and they had already become bodies.

Xuan Chen came from behind and looked at the two corpses with a sip on it, and then went to Old Drunkard and put one hand on his shoulder, looking at many slowly turning planets in the distance.

“Why, it’s uncomfortable? It’s their self-destructive self-destruction that has nothing to do with us, moreover, I just tortured them a little bit,” Xuan Chen said.

Old Drunkard shook his head gently: “Bai Changyu and Miao Feng were the first brothers I ever saw in more than 70 years. I remember Bai Changyu was very handsome, and many women dreamed of love.

He is also very loyal and has a lot of research in the field of time. He once told me that if one day he studied Great Accomplishment in this area, he would go back in time through the time, you know what he wanted to do ? “

Xuan Chen’s hand that was originally placed on Old Drunkard’s shoulder slipped gently, casually saying: “What?”

“He said that he wanted me to take a step first, gather these good brothers together, and then be my boss, let me be the second, such a handsome person, there is no reason not to be the most eye-catching person.”

Xuan Chen suddenly hummed, but he didn’t have the gnashing teeth before. There are more memories in this hum.

“He also said that he could not write Novel through the time to the next few years, but he was extremely admired for those Sage’s Composition, the author of Emperor’s Composition, he arrived in the future, and then copied their Novel. , And then take it back to the time period where you are, and update Novel.

when the time comes, and I am the author of Emperor ’s Composition. Let them in the future have no books to write. I still remember now, when he said these words to me through wine spirits, that kind of dazzling look. “

Old Drunkard said here, he drew a hip flask from his arms and took a big sip to his mouth.

Xuan Chen’s face was originally stretched, and when she heard this, Pu Chi laughed.

I feel bad again soon, and I tensed my face again.

“People don’t just look like a lady, they think it’s pretty.”

Old Drunkard also shook his head gently, turned around, and came to Bai Changyu to gently organize his messy hair.

“He has a cleansing habit and likes to clean. You will change him to white clothes from head to toe later.”

Xuan Chen hummed, but did not refute or refuse.

Later, Old Drunkard looked towards another somewhat old Miao Feng.

His legs are long gone. Only one empty trouser leg is being pulled.

“Miao Feng this person, I like to challenge the speed the most, and I have great ideas. I always like to take risks and try. When I have time, I like to compare speed with me, but I have been secretly cheating. With the help of” Eight Talisman Gate ” “To win him, three days ago, we saw him at the Fifth Level Yaolan and looked at his broken leg. My original anger was gone at that moment.

From his eyes, I know that his life is very bad, and even called it down, without the glorious eyes of the past, only to follow the waves and spend the day as a mixed day, you can imagine that he used to be Of the 79 of us, is the battle strength ranked fifth, and even saved me in a Secret Realm that year. “

Xuan Chen came over and looked at Miao Feng’s appearance. After a long time, it was also sighed.

“However, when they saw us, they were only temporarily shocked and shocked, but they didn’t run. After learning their news, on the way to their way, I still thought, how do they escape, how do we chase, and then personally Break them up, take out the skin and pull the muscles, “Xuan Chen said.

Old Drunkard actually agreed with the nodded: “Some things ca n’t be changed, no matter whether it was once, or the fifty-eight corpses that had been devoured by the Demonic beast on the falling snow peak, they kept echoing in my mind Now, it ’s okay for you and Jun. They thanked their own crimes, so dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, find a place to bury them. “

Xuan Chen agrees: “Then Sikong Bitu and President Song —”

“They have their own affairs, and we will get together in the future. For now, let ’s go to the No. 12 Star Domain, Level 7 Xueji plane, and find other people. After all, the clue left by Miao Feng is there, although there are It ’s been ten years, and I do n’t know if I am here. ”

Xuan Chen said: “Whether it’s there or not, it’s also going. I must capture them each and everyone personally to condolences to other unscrupulous brothers.”

Old Drunkard said: “Next we are estimated to be busy. Although the Lingling Taoists were seriously injured, they will eventually recover under the treatment of Dayan Immortal Sect, but we are different, I cultivate. The base and the body, including the soul, have become two parts, far from the past.

If the Dry Spirit Taoist now appears in front of me, I can only escape. I have to work hard to finish these things, and I have to go back to the Dao Child door to find Master to restore myself. “

Xuan Chen agreed, what he just wanted to say, suddenly turned around with Old Drunkard.

There is silence and darkness, but the two of them feel that something terrifying seems to be coming out.

They get up slowly, ready to fight at any time.


After only a few breaths, I saw a huge blue whale star beast, rushing out of the darkness.

And on top of the whale’s head, there is a small silhouette sitting on it and directing.

The huge star beast passed in front of them, too late to be shocked, and saw the rear, a dozen old men exuding the horror cultivation base galloping away, and each and everyone’s purple red coffin followed him Rear.

Both parties seem to ignore them, and Xuan Chen and Old Drunkard are relieved.

Instead, it was Old Drunkard. Looking at the pattern on the whale and the pursuit of the corpse world, it seemed a bit familiar.

Xuan Chen scratched his head: “No dust, do you feel that the silhouette of the star beast is facing us, it is a bit familiar, and it seems that I have seen it before.”

Old Drunkard looked thoughtful for a while: “How do I feel a little familiar, including this star beast, even the people in the corpse world are hands-on.”

“The World outside is different. Everywhere is full of magic. I really do n’t know how you lived before. Just like a few days ago, a book of morals was born, which caused Heaven and Earth emperors and military divisions. The manifestation is as good as your discipline.

I really do n’t know what kind of author this is. It ’s too bad. It ’s a pity that I do n’t know the author ’s name or in which plane. Heavenly Dao only reported the entry of this book into Premium and Boutique. Honor, only 48 words. “

“After a long time, you will be surprised. In addition to looking for people, we still need to continuously increase cultivation base. After all, they went outside 20 years earlier than us. In case we meet, we fight But … “

Old Drunkard ’s words just came here, and Xuan Chen looked towards the starry sky in front of it, where countless four generations of angels, holding the burning fierce sword of the burning sun chased the past …

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