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On the Dragon Race side, the Three Old Ancestors that came this time are all ancestral powerhouses.

Rain Dragon Old Ancestor, Mo Yunhai, Fire Dragon Old Ancestor, and Candle Dragon Old Ancestor.

These three are all older generations. Here comes a group of Juniors and subordinates.

Of course, the powerhouse of the real world of angels is not only the four kings in front of you. The old angel king left a lot of backers for this realm before being fed during meditation.

Moreover, there are many planes such as the first level, Level 2 and Third Rank of the real world, and many sects also have ancestral powerhouses. As long as the angel summon of the real world will definitely come to support.

Therefore, there has never been a battle in the since ancient times of the real world, because once a large-scale ancestral powerhouse battle is formed, there are only two results.

One, one side wiped out the other, but there is no possibility of rising, because other realms will not give you a chance.

Two, both sides suffer, the other real world the fisherman catches both.

So, this has caused the tacit balance of the twelve realities so far.

It also made the little one grow older with age, Ancestral Dragon Bloodline becomes more and more thick, Divine Ability in memory keeps complementing the Dragon Race, and also got in touch with the White Tiger real people, making many other real world fears , And then used some means to pull the Dragon Race from high altitude.

Is n’t it good to maintain balance with each other, why make a bird to break it?

Facing the question of Rain Dragon Old Ancestor Mo Yunhai at the moment, Holy Angel Gabriel walked out: “How can we get your Dragon Race stuff, could we find the wrong place?”

Moyun Haidao: “My corpse friends said that my Dragon Race traitor black corpse more than 40,000 years ago was taken by your angelic family. You also know that Dragon Race Mundane dragon corpse does not matter, but Imperial Family Bloodline’s dragon corpse is about the honor of our family, and it is bound to be taken back and buried in Dragon Tomb. “

When Uriel heard it, she suddenly laughed heartily, her hands clenched tightly, and she hated the most to call Wuhua a traitor.

“The old corpse of the corpse world said? You can also believe that we just grabbed a star beast, not at all I saw the noble dragon corpse, you can go back.”

I heard Uller ’s saying that the candle dragon Old Ancestor yelled: “Old Ancestor said that the corpse of the black dragon was swallowed by the star beast, please hand over the star beast, Our Dragon Race will definitely compensate the angels. “

“If we say, don’t pay?” Uriel stood up from the throne.

The three of you “Dragon Race Old Ancestor” were in a rage.

Uriel continued: “People say that the Star Beast swallowed the body of Wu Hua, you believe it. It’s too good to cheat. Obviously, we robbed their Star Beast. This is revenge. And it’s murder a person with a borrowed knife, but you are willing to be this knife.

Okay, I admit that in the end the star beast had the magical Divine Ability, slipped away from our eyes, and now I do n’t know where to go, but there are people in the Vajra world in the area, you can go to Everyone asks.

Why, do n’t believe it? Still unwilling? What do you mean by Dragon Race, the people in the corpse speak you believe, we speak but do n’t believe it, when we are women, we ca n’t bully. “

As Uriel finished his last words, angrily stomped his feet, a terrible coercion suddenly came, countless energies gathered invisibly, and vast energies condensed outside the whole angel realm A vortex.

The endless flow of energy keeps flowing in. At the same time, an extremely ancient and strange atmosphere slowly diffuses from the vortex.

Under the shocking eyes of countless Dragon Race, after the vortex high-speed rotation, a huge angel was revealed.

But more things are kind of sad, how powerful and prosperous the Dragon Race used to be, but as a little angel in those days, I have seen it with my own eyes.

Especially the birth of Xiao Xi, she followed Wu Hua, she was really aware of what is the grand occasion of Wanlong Dynasty.

“Let’s go back!” The fallen angel dissipated, Uriel said.

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