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Xing Luo Luoyue, boarding on Xiao Xi’s body, roughly detailed, basically copy what Luo Yue said before he died.

For this point, if Luo Yue does not say, everyone basically does not know.

And Song Ren finally solved the puzzle, the consciousness in Xiao Xi’s body before.

Originally, she was thought to have been quietly given to someone. On the platform of the eighth level plane, when she heard the dragon corpse who discovered Wu, she woke up and forced her to take her to Star Domain 58.

Also understood that when he launched four Deitys to protect Xiaoxi, the dark dragon corpse would look across the ban and Xiaoxi at close range without attacking her.

That’s what happened.

This Luo Yue is also a pitiful person. He was looked down upon by clansman during his lifetime, sent to guard the tomb, and cleaned the house. Only Wu Hua regarded her as a friend, visited her, told her about the outside world, and brought her delicious food.

After ten years of civil strife in the White Dragon Emperor ’s Court, Wu Hua returned with Xiao Xi ’s soul, and she opened the channel without turning back, letting out the dragon spirit in the Dragon Mound and nourishing Xiao Xi.

Following Wu Hua to escape from Dragon Race, he was intercepted halfway and destroyed the dragon body. The only remaining Dragon Soul was collected by Wu Hua and placed together.

On the periphery of the starry sky, when Wu Hua was forced to run away, she put a small part of her dragon soul into it, and she took care of it carefully. In this time, after silently guarding through tens of thousands of years, it was finally sent It’s back.

It’s not easy, but in this world, apart from Wuhua, no one has ever remembered such a humble dragon as her. No one even knows her appearance even in the final dissipation.

Gal continues to tell that she secretly obtained the dragon egg, because Teacher sealed Uriel ’s memory, she had to separate her consciousness, completely disconnect the connection with the body, and let her ‘independent’.

As for entering the starry sky, where is the foothold? Whether it encounters a star beast or someone else intercepts depends on God’s will.

Song Ren finally understands why the sculpture he saw in the Red Mist Forest is on his own plane.

Song Ren remembers that when he was invited by the fire apes to play the piano overture “Undead Overture” for the new and old fire ape king, the statue shattered because Xiaoxi was returned by the Senior Thunder Dragon illusory shadow summon , When she revealed a ray of consciousness, the first sentence was: “Small, long time no see.”

At that time, he really shocked him, because it was Gal ’s illusory shadow, telling Xiaoxi to call his father, and the name of Bai Moxi is the same. (Chapter 266, Angel Resurrection Ambush.)

“After all, I survived.”

When I said this at the time, my voice was full of exclamation.

“I remember you, protect it, you will definitely have a great good fortune unexpectedly, maybe we will meet again soon, by the way, forget to tell you my name, judge the four angels One gal! “

This is what illusory shadow said to himself when it finally dissipated, but didn’t expect, this time, I really saw it this way.

At that time, he learned that there was a much larger World outside of the so-called ‘outside’.

As Gal finished, Urielton’s eyes were red and he gently took Gal’s hand.

“These, why have n’t you told me all the time, it made me treat you …”

Uriel ’s guilty heart at this moment. If it were n’t Gal, there would be no resurrection and no return to the black consciousness.

And for all these years, she has been blamed for the fact that Gal trapped her with spells, and let her watch the black dragon corpse fall into the black hole.

Gal smiled slightly: “I think too, but I do n’t want to give you such a lingering hope. At that time, we just passed the test of the four kings. I did n’t know that when receiving Teacher ’s angel blessing and baptism Will it pull things out in this regard, so even I do n’t know if Xiaoxi can be resurrected and whether she can take her to a safer place.

And year after year, millennium, and 10,000 years have come like this, I thought it was a failure. If I tell you, I am afraid that after giving hope, it will be even more desperate. “

“Sorry, it’s me … selfish!” Uriel apologized to Gal.

Gal is also holding Uriel ’s hand tightly: “Ul elder sister, I am sorry for you, we will be fine in the future, and I am still your good younger sister.”

Urielton smiled when he broke his nose: “Okay, I will always be your elder sister, just like that time.”

Holy angel Gabriel and Seraphim Tia looked at this scene and smiled on their faces.

The angel family will be unprecedentedly united and strong in the future.

Because of their four sisters, it will be an unprecedented one.

Teacher divided the angel realm into four at that time, in order to contain each other, and also to allow other real-world spies to mix in, fight, and differentiate.

Some things, the brighter the better, the more you form a rope, the more afraid others will be, and they want to target you more.

Over the years, they aloof and remote, watching other real people turn in it, they all know it, and do n’t care.

Because you have picked up one, they will fight back against another you do n’t know, because some news needs to be passed through these people who are against the water, and then let all circles feel at ease.

After tens of thousands of years, they have grown up completely. For those clowns, it is also time to clean them up.

Moreover, they were tired of disagreeing with each other, just like this time Uriel went to Wulong dragon corpse, they got Gal Xiaoxi halfway, and they followed without hesitation.

Because Uriel and Gal ’s knot is the only one.

Now, this one is completely gone.

As the two angel kings wiped tears from each other, Gal turned to look towards Song Ren: “You should have seen me, no wonder I came to Wu elder sister before, I always think you are familiar, and You keep staring at me. “

Song Ren was a little embarrassed and quickly explained: “I recognized you, but as for staring at you, it ’s because you, the elder sister, showed me a stabilization technique, I could n’t move to even a little bit . “

Uriel ’s sorry, I was not afraid that others would know your authorship.

In order to fear that others will recognize you and do not doubt you, I have transformed you into an angel.

“You are in my plane, and there is a pet fire ape. Of course, in the end, there are a group of monkeys and grandchildren guarding your statues and the small body.” Song Ren said.

Uriel is also interested: “It seems that there should be a lot of interesting things that I don’t know, let’s talk about it.”

“Wait, you have to clarify my story first,” the silver-haired Seraphim Tiya said suddenly.

This, Song Ren is really sorry, scratching his nose awkwardly, and then opening Secret Realm, a green leafy coffin leaps out of it, and then falls quietly on the ground.

The other three angel kings have some doubts. Seeing this, Tia directly covers her face.

“Hide and hide, I really want to strangle you!” Tiya said sighed helplessly.

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