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I heard Song Ren say that when such an unheard-of sacred book is in the real world of the Tibetan dragon, the Buddha is silent, and the Taoism on the side is also frowns.

“Why is it in the Dragon Realm? Eighteen Relics, this is a privilege that my Buddhism truly has the right to be a monk. The skeleton itself is turned into glass, but I have never heard of this person in the Buddhist world. is it possible that is the ascetic monk outside? “

Dao Ming thought.

Song Ren looked towards Buddha illusory shadow.

“Can you draw the relevant map?” Buddha said.

Song Rentou shakes like a rattle.

“No, I really did n’t remember, I just probably remembered that the island was surrounded by oceans, and because of the writing of the Tao Te Ching, I was struggling with my brain, and I was very weak,” Song Ren was very Honestly.

Buddha was silent and didn’t force it.

“Dao Ming, live a good life to settle the lay people. From today on, the lay people will be my Buddhism true Buddha, and treat them with the highest etiquette, at least, the angel realm must not be weakened,” the Buddha said.

Dao Ming was stunned, since the ancient times at the Temple of Heaven, the only true surviving buddhas today are only seven.

But each of these is a Peak cultivation base.

There are even many realm ancestral realms, but the Buddha Zen is insufficient, and can only wander outside, but can not be a real Buddha.

Now, this emperor, by virtue of the small holy realm, has actually received the gift of the true Buddha of the Buddha. If the other Bodhisattva Buddha knows, even if the heart of meditation is even better, it may be jealous.

The last time Feng Zhen Buddha was 17,000 years ago.

After seventeen thousand years, the 70th three true Buddhas were the emperors.

Cultivation base is the weakest.

But since the Buddha spoke, he should have his reason, and he is the only one who has seen the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures.

Or make a bold guess, would the Great Ascension mantra be written by him?

“Strictly abide by my Dharma purpose!” Tao Ming opened his salute, and then the illusory shadow of the Buddha slowly dissipated.

At this moment, all the Buddhas in the real world, including the monks of the Tianfo Temple, bowed their hands together to salute.

Song Ren’s heart bursts out. Such a powerful person, although professing to be a Buddha, ended up with a sentence no worse than the real world of angels.

There is a comparison psychology, is it possible that is also a person?

Song Ren murmured secretly.

Dao Ming turned around, facing Song Ren: “Just, this poor monk, Tao Ming, the host of Tianfo Temple, welcome you to come to our temple as a guest.”

Song Ren smiled: “I think you guys forcibly tied it up.”

Dao Ming smiled gently: “Where do the priests say, you as a prince, how dare someone kidnap, just because you have a relationship with my Buddha and follow the Buddhist traces, moreover, you are the truth of my temple now One of the Buddhas.

The angel realm is certainly very good, but my Vajra realm is not bad. Everywhere is peaceful. Perhaps, you will have a different harvest here. Of course, if the lay person suddenly remembered other poetry, you must contact this poor early. The monk is, this is very important to the Buddhist world. “

Listening to Tao Ming ’s words, Song Ren nodded: “Can I contact Angel Realm, I have to let them rest assured.”

didn’t expect Dao Ming shook his head: “This is not enough for the time being, the identity of the emperor is too sensitive now, and all circles are fighting for this cause and effect, but this poor monk can guarantee that at most six months, I will May carry your letter to the angel over there.

Or, not long afterwards, it ’s not always necessary for us to go to the real world of the Tibetan Dragon. We still hope that the lay people can live in peace. This is your home, Amitabha. “

Listening to others’ words, Song Ren said nothing, and directly sensed the Heavenly Dao network in this world, and logged in with the original account.

On the sky, not at all welcomes the advent of his Emperor ’s Composition author.

It seems that these big brothers in the real world can already slightly change and control the maternal network seeds, just like the situation when they were first taken by Uriel.

Since people have kindness towards themselves, they do not limit his freedom in life, or just wait for a while.

Sorry, you can really use the Vajra world to open the Dragon Race gap.

With Lei Wou-ki as a dark hand, work harder here, and the task can be completed earlier, and then you will be taken out of Su Youwei, and they are all very happy.

He really doesn’t want Xiaoxi to take risks.

From the Dragon Race civil unrest, the destruction of the imperial court, the chasing of Wanlong, and the current individualism, there is a lot of sand and black rust.

It can be seen how dangerous the Dragon Race is, and it ’s small, but it was the last White Dragon in the White Dragon Royal Court.

According to Uriel, Ancestral Dragon ’s Bloodline, but threatened the balance of the remaining eleven real worlds, was secretly promoted by many big realms.

If you let them know that Xiaoxi comes back with Ancestral Dragon Bloodline again, both they and Xiaoxi’s revenge are a kind of terrifying existence.

Of course, Dragon Race is right now, but patriarch from generation to generation has tasted the sweetness, and even their next generation are working hard, fighting, standing in line, waiting to become the new patriarch.

Suddenly, Xiaoxi is back and wants to take over Dragon Race. Do you think they will agree?

So, whether it is internal or external troubles, Xiao Ren who has already died once, Song Ren doesn’t want her to be involved anymore.

Everything depends on him.

The Heavenly Dao network in the Vajra world can be used. Except for a small number of comment posts about the Buddhist scriptures, everyone is similar to other real world, and there are all kinds of things.

After all, the Vajra world is not entirely a Buddhist monk, but a representative and a symbol.

The arrival of the emperor should be welcomed by Bodhisattva, True Buddha, and Vajra.

But because of Song Ren ’s special situation and the fact that he was passively ‘stolen’, he cannot be known for the time being.

Song Ren was just about to leave, and suddenly thought of something. He was in the realm of angels. Uriel transformed him into an angel to hide himself.

Now in the Vajra world, the clothes on the body have been changed to monk clothes after waking up from the carriage, but will they also shave themselves to be bald in order to hide themselves?

I don’t want to do this.

Song Ren directly looked towards Tao Ming.

Dao Ming seems to be able to read psychic skills and has a gentle face: “Residents rest assured that there are often many destined persons with cultivation in Tianfo Temple, and even seventy two real Buddhas, there are a few people with hair, no matter what. Of.

Besides, everyone has seen the appearance of your emperor. Although I have n’t really seen you personally, I can see one or two. Therefore, the Tianfo Temple was just lurking in the now now. Outsiders are all cleaned up.

The lays can move around freely, when the time comes, I will send a monk with a root of wisdom to wait beside you, and also to listen to the Great Buddhist Sutra. “

Dao Ming is very considerate.

Song Ren scratched his head: “Actually, I have a doubt. How did you determine that I am the emperor from that many angels, and you are not afraid to admit the wrong person? I was changed by Uriel.”

Dao Ming smiled.

“It ’s Xuan Zang Junior Brother. When he said that the emperor entered the Temple of Heaven, Jiu Rou and Female Bodhisattva are guaranteed, only your mood is the most violent. As for the other angels, they are specially trained combat deadpools, There is no desire, so Xuan Zang heard the sound, rest assured, Female Bodhisattva will have it. “

Song Ren’s face suddenly turned red when he heard it.

Me, am I that kind of person?

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