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“Hurry up, find Yang Xiong, and ask for a statement. For more than 70 years, we completely let go of this obsession, and also gave a statement to Quanxia’s known brothers,” Xuan Chen hurriedly urged.

Old Drunkard is motionless, staring at the deep forest where he ca n’t see the end, and for the first time looking for the seventeen people who left that year, he has a sense of retreat.

how many years, he dreamed of finding them and asked why.

After he and Bai Yu injured the Lingling Taoist, he came apart and he didn’t even return to the sect, so he followed Xuan Chen to find them.

Turn around one plane after another, going through one danger after another, until Yang Xiong is left alone.

Since then, I can give myself an explanation to the brothers who died that year.

But he understands better, in such a cultivation world of danger lurks on every side, what is a person ’s weakness.

Like yourself, you should be able to return to Dao Child door early, and then with the help of Master, restore the cultivation base as soon as possible, and then find the Lingling Taoist to revenge.

Otherwise, once he recovers, he is now the same as the cultivation base, and is not an opponent at all.

However, he values ​​love and can’t wait for a moment.

Even if you go back, you ca n’t meditate.

And baby discipline Song Ren, have a temper with him.

That is, do n’t give up, do n’t give up.

If you are caught by someone and threaten Song Ren with your life, exchange with eight Deity, he believes that Song Ren will abandon all this without the slightest hesitation.

Because this child’s endowment is like this, it’s too affectionate.

This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Su Youwei rescued him casually in Qingyun Mountain that year. He has been under pressure to help him, so that he finally has a passion.

Song Ren ’s identity is too sensitive now, Emperor.

All circles are competing. A few days ago, he knew that he was robbed and invited by the twelve real world, and finally disappeared. He also worried for a long time.

But thinking that it should be okay, what didn’t expect is that he turned to the world of Vajra, the Tianfo Temple not far in front of him.

For the first time, the two met on the same plane and landed on the same network.

Why Old Drunkard doesn’t want to see Song Ren, and hug him well.

Has it grown tall? Are you fat or thin?

It has been nearly four years since the last separation.

However, he also knows that Song Ren is so easy to wander around in all walks of life and walk among the gangsters by virtue of being alone, so he can get away at any time.

Nothing to worry about.

Do n’t worry about anything.

Do n’t be afraid of danger.

However, if you meet him, countless people will soon stare at you.

They have become Song Ren’s weaknesses, forcing Song Ren to take unwilling paths and do things that he doesn’t like to do.

Song Ren has been famous for so long, no matter whether it is Song Rentou, Gui Hai, Ji Si, Bai Yu, Fatty Ke, Huo Hu, etc., there is no information on the Internet about their acquaintance with Song Ren. News from people.

As everyone knows, maybe they will get a chance, but it is more of an unimaginable danger.

Of course, waiting for yourself is never afraid of danger.

Xuan Chen returned directly: “What is wrong with you? What happened?”

Old Drunkard looked at Xuan Chen and hesitated: “Song Ren, now in Tianfo Temple.”

Xuan Chen was surprised for a moment: “You, how do you know?”

Old Drunkard turns the toilet and turns the web page into a visualization.

Xuan Chen looked at Song Ren’s message and fell silent.

None of them spoke.

But Yang Xiong is clearly in front of him, and coming here is also going through hardships.

He is unwilling!

But Song Ren …

After a long time, Xuan Chen looked towards Old Drunkard with a lost face: “Otherwise, forget it, we will come back later.”

Old Drunkard looked at Xuan Chen. He was stabbed by Yang Xiong first, then beaten to death by Bai Yu, and finally rescued by Xia Family.

As the one who has died once, the biological brother Xuan Junzhi also tragically died, and the position of the patriarch was taken. He was imprisoned for more than 70 years by the Xia Family dynasty because of his interests. .

However, for the safety of Song Ren, he is still willing to choose to let go.

Old Drunkard suddenly smiled and shut down the network directly.

“I didn’t receive the news of Little Brat, nor did he know that he was in Tianfo Temple, we, just came to Yang Xiong, and then left!” Old Drunkard slapped Xuan Chen on the shoulder: “How are you?” p>

Xuan Chen held his hand tightly: “But in case …”

“No matter what, we can make it easy.”


After all, Xuan Chen followed Old Drunkard. Before the main entrance, I saw a mess here. A white clothed youth like a small Sword Immortal closed his eyes, surrounded by a sharp sword energy, and a little green energy. all around.

Old Drunkard supported the sword box behind him, and he could feel that the young boy had a deep sense of kendo in front of him.

Because they belong to the same kind.

All play swords.

Li Muzhi is also the eyes opened of had a feeling in the heart, glancing at Old Drunkard and Xuan Chen.

A Sub Saint, an imperial realm, too weak, and then hurry to heal.

In front of them, there are eight guardian monks, each and everyone standing at different angles, exuding a terrifying cultivation base.

They are facing off!

It seems that before this, several people had some fights, but the teenager was obviously out of touch.

The time is right, the people are right, and they are not the same. This boy is very tiger.

The two glanced at the Eight Great Monks, which had nothing to do with themselves.

Then go towards Buddhism over there, preparing to ask Yang Xiong the gate monk.

“According to Chen Huan, is Yang Xiong’s name at Tianfo Temple really true?” Xuan Chen said.

Old Drunkard nodded: “That’s it.”

“hmph, does he have virtue, title this law, do not know if he has any guilt in his heart,” Xuan Chen smirked.

The two took a look at each other’s appearance, and when there were no loopholes, they came forward.

“The two donors please stop, Tianfo Temple is now at the time of ritual Buddha, no longer accept visitors, if there is something important, please come back in the future,” said one monk.

Recently, there are so many visitors. Not long ago, I told the boy that he broke into that night, and now he made all the guardian monks come out and was beaten like that.

How can anyone come today?

“Oh, let’s not go in, I will find someone,” Old Drunkard said.

“Who are you looking for?”

“I am looking for Zhende, whose real name is Yang Xiong, probably came more than 20 years ago, we … we are his deceased,” Old Drunkard added.

“Zhende, don’t watch it, someone will find you,” the monk suddenly smiled and turned to look towards another monk who was staring at the monk in the nursing home.

The monk in yellow clothes withdrew his eyes and came out from behind: “Find me?”

When I saw the appearance of Yang Xiong, who had become bald and had a scar, Old Drunkard and Xuan Chen shook hands together.

After so many years, after falling off Xuefeng, they finally met again.

Zhende looked at the two strangers in front of him with some doubts and folded his hands together: “Amitabha, this poor monk doesn’t know the two donors, I don’t know what’s wrong with you looking for the little monk?”

Xuan Chen and Old Drunkard tear off the human skin mask on their faces.

When I saw the true appearance of the two, the true virtues that had never been shocked by Gubo were all trembling, and then my hands fell down weakly …

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