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Song Ren walked out of the door, and in front of Buddhism, a little golden rays of light slowly lifted into the sky, and many Buddha sounds murmured.

Song Ren looked at the direction of the gate, somehow, there was a little palpitations, it seemed that something was slowly leaving.

“What happened?” At this moment, a few monks with brooms cleaning outside came from one side.

When I saw Song Ren stopping them, a few monks saluted: “Amitabha, it looks like, there should be a monk of Bhikkhu dead, good, good.”

Song Ren nodded, expressing understanding, let them leave.

Song Ren looked at the golden light and sighed of Skyrim, and lamented the impermanence of life and death, which could not be avoided anywhere.

Perhaps this is the reason for this continent, where everyone strives to cultivate and scramble to climb higher.

Everything, for longevity and peace.


Song Ren folded his hands and said goodbye to the stranger who had never met before his last journey.

After a long time, Song Ren eyes opened, with a lot of emotion in his heart, he opened the Heavenly Dao network and looked at the many messages he sent to the Teacher. There was no reply.

The universe is too big, there are too many planes, and there are only a few planes that I have logged in now, which can’t be synchronized.

“Teacher, how can I get well recently? must take care of myself, I am still in Tianfo Temple, but I want to come, I should leave soon, maybe go to other places, maybe go to the Tibetan realm, if you see the news, must Reply me. “

Song Ren sent the last message, originally wanted to ask Dad about the situation at Teacher.

When I left Ping’an City at that time, I thought that my father was from Mundane, so I even did my own Novel piracy and engraved jade discs. I was looking for Old Drunkard.

The last meeting was when I met the Kuling Taoist, and everyone came to know that he was the president of the Author Certification Association, and then he jumped out of the world with everyone and went out.

I haven’t had time to add a friend. Now I don’t have a contact method to ask.

As for Xuan Chen, Ji Si, Gui Hai, Bai Yu, Fatty Ke, there is no more.

In fact, there is the Huo Monster Sovereign, but that is on Divine Demon.Net, logged in as Tai Chi Panda A’bao, even more how, why do you contact him.

Many old people and hometown people, only Teacher.

After waiting for a while, there is still no news, Song Ren is a little lost to close the network.


At this moment, there was a shocking roar outside the door, which was more sad.

Song Ren was taken aback, looking at the Buddhism Picchu during the meditation is over the main entrance, and now there are tigers, is it possible that there are rumored tigers and arhats?

Jianglong Fuhu, Song Ren was very curious, and walked out now.

Only halfway through, a golden light appears. It ’s not the TD host who has n’t seen these days, who else.

He is comparable to the existence of the king of angels, Peak.

“Where is this layman going?” Dao Ming looked peaceful.

“Why, it’s not enough to wander around, do you invite me or put me under house arrest? If I want to leave, there are a hundred ways to leave, do you believe it?” Song Ren stared at Dominion.

Becoming a prince, within the body, the prince’s seal was scored, giving Song Ren this confidence.

Dao Ming looked at Song Ren, who was a little angry, with his hands folded: “Of course I believe this poor monk, only for the safety of the layman …”

“Then you think that you don’t believe in your own site. Since it’s so bad, how dare you invite me to use that kind of dirty method? Let it go!” Song Ren pushed away the Tao Ming directly, looking a little angry, even more Many are inexplicably anxious.

Dao Ming looked at Song Ren ’s back, sighed: “Amitabha, do n’t dare, this poor monk here first thanked Song Jushi for the” Gui Jing Jing “presented by Zhen Hui.”

Song Ren raised his hand.

Everyone is taking their own needs now and using each other, not to mention that I put some sweetness first, and my sweetness depends on you later.

Song Ren really likes Taoism more than Buddhism.


The main entrance is too far. After all, the Temple of Heaven is too big. Not counting the mountainside. Five thousand mountains. The simplest temples have more than 36,000. There are also various pagodas, trees and so on.

Song Ren’s feet moved, opened Eight Talisman Gate, instantly reached the main gate, and then walked out.

Outside the door, several janitors are chanting the old mantra, and a yellow clothes monk kneels on the ground, motionless.

He is dead.

It turned out to be this person.

Lifts the head, lush and green in front, only a wide avenue, nothing else.

But Song Ren felt that the main road was the anxiety just now, but he couldn’t say it at the moment.

Next to them, two monks of the nursing home dragged a white clothed youth and stood up.

“Li Muzhi?” Song Ren froze when he saw the bloody nose and swollen face, a bloody teenager.

This young man has left a little impression on Song Ren, because he is more handsome than him, and he is more fashionable.

At the time at Star Domain 58, when the Great Influence was competing for the black dragon corpse, only he was aloof and remote, did not participate, and surrounded by millions of Flying Sword, like a little Sword Immortal.

And people are very good looking, handsome like a jade tree, white clothes lightly.

In addition to being on the island of Ministry of Heavenly Spirit, he was given the opportunity by the tiger old man and broke through the cultivation base to avoid being chased and killed by the person sent by Fatty Ke when he left behind.

And he gave the most of Tiger Yuan to Xiaoxi, which is a grandfather of Xiaoxi,

After all, the two were close to each other.

So, for the Tigers, Song Ren still feels good about his senses.

Li Muzhi opened his bloated eyes, mouth expose a smile: “I, I know you are there.”


In the room, Song Ren sits on the table deliberately, pours the water from the teapot into a cup, and then pours it back again.

Looking back, he looked at Li Muzhi, who was unconscious in bed, and then looked at Zhenhui sitting opposite.

Pushing the elbows of the two deaf mute monks at noon to Zhenhui with closed eyes.

“Take some food, the past few days have eaten wild fruits in the mountains, you are still young, in the long body stage, this is not good.”

Zhenhui eyes opened: “I am two years older than you, and I do n’t eat meat.”

“Don’t you come to rub the rice? What are you doing here?” Song Ren was ‘surprised’ for a while.

Speaking of this, Zhenhui clasped his hands tightly and finally let go: “At the command of the Master, to take care of your diet, life and life guide, I was originally sent to you.”

Song Ren gave a long ‘oh’ sound.

Zhenhui looked at Song Ren: “I ’m not here to monitor and eavesdrop on your conversations. I traveled well in the mountainside and achieved some results. Not only the cultivation base stepped into the small sanctuary, but also got There should be a lot of “Hundred Thousand Great Mountains” left by the military division, you think I am willing to come. “

Zhenhui looks aggrieved, and her mentality is about to explode.

Song Ren quickly picked up his elbow: “Do n’t be angry, do n’t be angry, get hurt, I know, try it, the spices are all in your bones.”

“I told you, I don’t eat meat.”

“If you don’t eat meat, you take a pig alone in the mountains, and you want to eat it secretly.”

“The pig is what you said, which means great intelligence may appear to be stupidity, and you can find the Great Ascension sutra better.”

“Did I say it? I did n’t say it. I let you bring pigs, mainly because I ’m afraid you are hungry. I can temporarily solve the hunger and hunger. It is also a smart monkey to pick you wild fruits and white horses. Horse leg meat is actually the most powerful, and there is sand demon. If you are cold at night, you can sleep on the sand and keep it warm. “

“You …”

True and energetic, all trembling, then got up and left angrily.

Song Ren took the elbow back and smelled it.

It ’s so fragrant!

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