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With the name Bai Moxi coming out, Song Ren immediately determined that the great-grandfather Li Muzhi saved himself was the obsession of the old tiger man he had seen on the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit island. .

The old man who has been guarding the bones of his grandson.

It’s really, it’s because of someone’s cause and effect.

And according to what Li Muzhi said, the great-grandfather Li Maozhen was the patriarch of the previous generation of tigers. No wonder his outstanding grandson and Xiaoxi were engaged.

Although neither of them is very willing.

One died in the internal chaos of Dragon Race.

One entered the adventure of the starry sky, died in it, and did not return even the body, only Li Maozhen’s consciousness has been guarding.

With this effort, Song Ren quietly opened the Heavenly Dao net and searched for the words White Tiger Li Maozhen.

Sure enough, there are many messages on it.

【Li Maozhen, the ancestor of the old generation Peak, often enters the depths of the universe, suspected of finding a way to break through Divine Spark. 】

【The prestigious name, at the age of three thousand years old, ascended to the position of the tiger tribe patriarch, condensing and dispersing forces, and reuniting the White Tiger realm. 】

【For the first time to marry the Tibetan dragon realm, it is suspected to create the strongest realm. 】

【Home-made eight divine technique, once famous for one person who seriously injured the four corpses of the corpse world, Hou Qing, Hou Qing, Han Yu, and generals. 】

【Yusanzi and Nine Suns all inherited their tiger style, and they are known as a ‘crazy’ in his time. 】


Thousands of related news are scattered all over the world, and this is just the most objective and the oldest news for everyone. The latest one was also passed to his elder son more than 40,000 years ago, and it was gone.

The old generation is already a thing of the past. There are many other news about the Tigers.

For example, Li Muzhi, who is in front of peerless grace and elegance and has a good aptitude.

Song Ren turned off the internet with no trace of his heart, and then looked at such a boy with a pale face.

Then I pretended to be inadvertent: “Of course I am understood. For some of the older generation, I am still very concerned, such as your great ancestor Li Maozhen, and Lei Wuji of the Dragon Realm, etc. By the way, which one is your great ancestor? The grandson married Bai Moxi from Dragon Realm? Why am I a bit forgotten. “

“Marriage with my uncle Li Tianhan,” Li Muzhi said.

This is not a secret. In the real world of White Tiger, you can find it just by searching, but it ’s just because the time is long and no one pays attention.

“Li Tianhan?” Song Ren quietly remembered the name.

After all, he and Xiaoxi can be regarded as his Tiger Yuan and benefited from it.

Still deceased.

It’s a pity that he has nothing to do with Xiaoxi and is desperate.

“Yes, I think of it, I heard that Bai Moxi was pregnant with Ancestral Dragon Bloodline, so outstanding, your young uncle is also a genius, who should be a woman, but it is a pity …” Song Ren shook his head .

Li Muzhi didn’t say anything. He is only more than two thousand years old now. Although it’s about 10,000 years ago, although it belongs to his own family, it is too far away from him.

“You are looking for me to save your great-grandfather? What’s wrong with him? How can I save a giant character like him, you should find the king of angels, or such a person as TD,” Song Ren wondered Road.

Li Mu smiled bitterly for a while, shaking his hand and reaching out a bell from his arms, and then squeezed gently.

Suddenly, a photomask directly contained the two in a confined space.

“This is my yoke for the Tigers. I talked in it, and even a person like Dao Ming could not hear it, Brother Song could rest assured,” Li Muzhi explained.

Song Ren looked at this strange little space and seemed to cut off the connection with Tianfo Temple at once, forming an independent fault.

Great, there is such a thing.

And Li Muzhi no longer worried at the moment, he calmed down the chaotic breath, and then looked towards Song Ren very seriously: “frankly, Brother Li, my great ancestor, met the fourth person.”

“What fourth person?” Song Ren wondered.

“The fourth person on the fairy ladder other than the emperor, army, and emperor,” Li Muzhi said again and again.

Song Ren was shocked for a moment.

The appearance of the emperor, this hundred of thousands of years, all writers or mainlanders who have been promoted to Emperor ’s Composition can be seen from the sky.

After all, he came out to announce, then opened the Golden Lotus wall, and wrote the name of Emperor ’s Composition author and the name of Deity below on the wall.

It can be said that it is Old Acquaintance, awe and numbness.

As for the warrior dressed in ragged armor and carrying a pair of long spear, this is still attracted by his writing “The Book of Morals”.

As for the Lord of the Third Human Sovereigns, he wrote all the five thousand words in one go to save the black spirit. The Tao Te Ching became astronomy, and he became the emperor, and the emperor was only in the vortex Out of it.

Then Li Muzhen, Li Muzhi’s great ancestor, how could he have seen a fourth person other than this, even he had never seen him.

Wait, is it possible that your great ancestor is one of the eight emperors in front of you?

That ’s not right. As a prince, you have moved all planes.

Deity Astronomy and Emperor Zi are unfamiliar titles that almost everyone hears for the first time. If he is one of the eight people in the front, there must be an older generation who knows, even if there are only a few words on the Internet .

The result is nothing.

Then, how did he meet the fourth person?

Knowing Song Ren ’s doubts, in fact, when he was under coax and pester, his great-grandfather told him about it, he thought Old Ancestor was boasting than Song Ren.

There was never only one Emperor Teacher, how could there be a second person.

Until he saw the military division and the emperor.

After confirming that the photomask is okay, Li Muzhi told Song Ren what happened.

At that time, the genius of Bai Moxi was born in the real world of Tibetan dragon, and Dragon Race was fully trained.

In order to unite allies, he married Bai Tiger Clan, the same outstanding Li Tianhan.

The two sides actually met only once, and they both knew that the two had no feelings. This was just a means for the elders in the family to stabilize their status.

Actually, those in the real world of the Tibetan Dragon are also afraid, because Xiao Xi is too good. He has to tie the White Tiger real world together, and when the time comes, he can help.

Once the Tibetan dragon realm has become the leader, the position of the second child is bound to be the White Tiger realm.

Absolutely didn’t expect. It shocked outsiders. The riots will erupt from the inside, and the eruption is so rapid, so thunderbolt.

The White Dragon Emperor’s Court, almost overnight, was destroyed when the world was closed.

At that moment, all truth, all planes, except shock is shock, nothing else.

The White Tiger community has also been slumped since then. After all, they have invested a lot of resources, and now it has become a target of criticism and has to be developed with care.

Li Maozhen has three sons, and Li Tianhan is not only the son of the eldest son, but also the grandson of not just in name only, but also in reality.

After a lapse of two years, Li Tianhan secretly left the White Tiger realm and went to explore the depths of the starry sky.

Because he was married to Bai Moxi, his family kept him at home for his protection.

Now the White Dragon Emperor’s Court is gone, Bai Mo is dead, and the in-laws are naturally gone.

He is going to go his own way.

Because the tigers are always press forward, not shrinking in the nest.

But didn’t expect, this is going to say goodbye.

The starry sky is too big and too deep, and the crisis is endless.

Li Maozhen has quietly left his mark on his three sons and a few grandchildren, so that he will be able to shine in life or death, especially Li Tianhan, who is married.

When they noticed that Li Tianhan was away, they were already looking for it, but not at all.

Until a certain day, the mark left on Li Tianhan is extremely weakened. This is the moment of life and death.

The great-grandfather Li Maozhen immediately followed the blurred impression, and went alone to the depths of the starry sky.

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