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In the face of Li Yingzhuo’s analysis, Song Ren did not say a word at first, but more of a displeasure in his face.

I’m here to help you, not to be fooled by you.

In the face of a sudden silence, Li Yingzhuo also seems to have noticed the inadequacy of the language. It is really sitting in this position for tens of thousands of years. I have been thinking a bit more, and I have been talking to myself normally.

This habit is about telling yourself and others, and then looking for loopholes together to make up for it. This only maintains the heyday of the tiger family since the failure of his father to invest in the real world of the Tibetan dragon.

“That, sorry, little friend, get used to, when are you going to help my father get rid of the curse?”

Song Ren frowned: “I still had some inspiration just now, and I’m not sure now. Maybe a year, maybe a dozen years, Patriarch Li. Excuse me. I met two friends this time, so I don’t. I’ll do more harassment, I’ll come to inspiration, and I will come to the nobility.”

Song Ren finished, got up straight.

Everyone suddenly complexion changed.

What about playing?

“Xiaoyou, what did this do? The old man is a bit wrong, and he didn’t mean to target you. The old man apologizes to you here first,” Li Yingzhuo said quickly when he saw Song Ren.

After all, this person is the only one who can save his father, at least in him, the chance is very great.

Song Ren smiled: “Don’t dare, Junior is a pawn, but can’t bother Senior. Apologies, Junior is really something, inspiration comes, I will come to help each other, so leave!”

Song Ren finished, turned around and walked out, and for a moment, even the capital of Li Mu was stunned.

oh la la!

As the huge hall door opened, many young people outside stood upright and looked at Song Ren.

Later, Li Yingzhuo and Li Yinghu and the others hurriedly chased them out.

“Little Friend Song, it’s the old man’s fault, don’t be surprised. Wouldn’t I apologize to you for the second time?”

Many younger generations looked at this scene incredible.

What did they hear?

Third Grandfather as patriarch, even apologizing to this younger generation, is it the second time?

What happened?

Song Ren is extremely unhappy at the moment, I am here, it is purely a duty, but you have been thinking about exploring my bottom line and secrets, knowing that you people are used to aloof and remote, and there are hundreds of subordinates Thousands of planes are serving you a real world.

And you are this big man in the real world.

“Bigbro Song, you…”

Song Ren turned around and looked at Li Muzhi, who was also chasing him, and other youths beside him, including Mu Qingluan and Huang Xuan.

He looked at Li Muzhi as if nothing had happened: “Brother Li, is it convenient for you to send it?”

“Little Friend Song, don’t do that, the old man is really inadvertently lost…”

Li Yingzhuo’s words are not finished yet, Song Ren salutes Li Yingzhuo “Senior don’t give it away, Junior can go.”

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Li Muzhi led the way, he went straight out.

He doesn’t know where the sudden anger came from. Maybe he couldn’t get used to the speculation of adults, and he seemed to have to see through a person from the inside out to show his intelligence and nobility;

He does not allow anyone to harm Xiaoxi, even if he knows that Xiaoxi exists.

Prior to Uriel, Xiaoxi wanted to regain the status of Dragon Race and become a new patriarch, which has always made him cherish.

So he came alone and wanted to rely on himself to complete the tasks assigned by Little Heavenly Dao, and then take Xiao Xi and Su Youwei to spend the rest of his life in peace.

But Li Yingzhuo’s two sentences, whether intentional or unconscious, always make Song Ren uncomfortable.

He is an individual, also has Seven Emotions and Six Desires, even more how, is a father who needs to protect the daughter, even if the daughter is not biological.

Without a loss of heart, the emperor who sent him to the door was pushed away.

Even if Li Yingzhuo is stupid, he understands how important another person is to Song Ren.

Li Muzhi looked at grandfather, and he didn’t know what to say at the moment, and finally angrily sighed: “grandfather, do you know how much energy I spent?”

After speaking, he quickly chased Song Ren’s back.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this is broken.

I have never searched the temper of this emperor before. Who would have thought it would explode at the first touch.

“Youngest, you are talkative.” Li Yinghu said.

Li Yingzhuo sighed: “Yeah, it’s taboo.”


【Qing Yuan Chun】!

“Eh, Brother Li, why did you come back so quickly? And Mu Zhi, I have something urgent for you, so panicked, it seems to be a trivial matter, then the monk is coming out, Bigbro Song Come back,” Song Ren, who appeared again just a few days after seeing the arrival and the arrival of the chafer and the silver turtle, smiled hehe.

Soon, Zhenhui came out of another room, and was a little puzzled.

When the two were away a few days ago, when mysterious and secretive thought they wanted to do a major event, they came back in a flash.

However, although Song Ren still wears a face mask with a facelift, he can see that he is very relaxed and even happy.

It’s just that Li Muzhi is so sad.

What happened?

True Hui was puzzled, but it was not easy to ask.

His main task now is to stay in front of Song Ren. Once the host waits to contact him, he will take Song Ren back to the Vajra world completely, or go directly to the Tibetan real world to find the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures.

Song Ren pulled Li Muzhi in this brief moment: “It’s okay, but it’s just not inspired.”

Li Muzhi raised his head: “Bigbro Song, I’m really sorry, I was in danger as soon as I came, and you were wasting Deity once, and then my grandfather was like that–“

“Returning cause and effect is sentiment, not duty. Moreover, I have already gone, and I am full of sincerity. This cause and effect is also repaid. At least I have no guilt in my heart.”

“Bigbro Song, it’s not like that, I–” Li Muzhi hurriedly said, meaning that he gave up completely.

“Don’t say it, don’t you want to take pictures of these two brothers, and pass them back to their family members, and since then we have all put our hearts down, eating and drinking, how good!” Song Ren After that, he pulled off the mask on his face.

The two gold and silver tortoises, who were still in doubt next to them, were shocked when they saw Song Ren’s true appearance, and then spoke in unison: “Damn ——”


“Did the two girls come to see the white-faced Langjun too? You guys really have a vision. We just collected a few here, only 16 years old, and the girl is satisfied.”

“Sorry, I am here to find someone.”

“Looking for someone? Alas girl, you have come to the wrong place, we don’t have the person you are looking for, you have your own man…Aiya, so many, please inside the girl, you have someone to look for Portrait? I can help you find it quickly, this stinky man, there is such a beautiful girl who is still running to me, I am really in the blessing, I don’t know the blessing, please the two girls!”


As the room door opened, Mu Qingluan and Huang Xuan saw five people who had drunk a table…

Cockchafer, silver turtle?

True wisdom?

A monk is not only visiting brothel, but also drinking wine?

What kind of world is this?

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