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Song Ren wrote quickly, and finished [Purple Tenuity] [Too Micro] and [Tianshi] in Misaki in a short time.

They are like the guiding coordinates of the starry sky, full of inspiration and derivative meaning. At least Song Ren writes it, it is very like this feeling.

After writing Migaki, Song Ren paused and looked up, it seems that there is no natural phenomenon.

Li Maozhen looked at Song Ren and said: “Although it is not very understandable, but it is a bit like the Star Domain chart, but some stars have not heard of it, which is less than a thousand words.”

Song Ren is embarrassed, isn’t it?

When he shrugged towards Li Maozhen, he was about to write the [Oriental Canglong] in the twenty-eight stars. Suddenly, the whole room was dark.

No, not the room was dark, but it was dark.

Song Ren’s expression is overwhelmed, isn’t he really his own?

Li Maozhen is also stunned, is it true?

He and Song Ren hurriedly walked out of the room and looked up. It was originally for breakfast in the early morning. When all the Cultivation people swallowed East-Rising Purple Qi, the sky was dark. The morning sun was missing, and Haoyue wasn’t seen.

Similarly, Li Yingzhuo and Li Yinghu, who have already emptied two dozen or more li houses around [Qing Yuan Chun], also have the same look on their faces, what is going on?

And beside him, there are many tiger powerhouses, including the moved Li Muzhi, Zhenhui, and Mu Qingluan.

Li Muzhi has been sober from the drunkenness of last night, looking at the brothel with colorful lanterns hanging in the distance, weakly said: “Will it be Bigbro Song ——”

At this moment, Li Yingzhuo didn’t expect them, because it’s dark not only the White Tiger realm, but also the countless planes governed by the White Tiger realm, and 11 other realms.

“This is?”

Almost at the same time, all the real world was darkened together, and the kind where you couldn’t see your five fingers, many people quickly lit the lights and were at a loss.

Some people are still lying on the bed, looking at the sky outside, and turning to sleep again.

Today’s night is really long.

The real world of angels, only Uriel’s four angel kings, somehow thought of Song Ren.

Because of Li Maozhen’s story, Song Ren told them, and I know why Song Ren went there.

Able to affect a real world that suddenly turns black during the day. With the exception of the top-level Emperor’s Composition, there is only one possibility.

“He actually did it,” Uriel murmured.

Of course, other people, other realities and planes are still in a state of ignorance, and I don’t know what happened.

Until it is so dark, it seems to enter the depths of the universe, and there is a bright spot of purple on the starless sky.

This is a star.

They are pretty sure.

Then, next to this star, there is another brighter star, then the second, the third…

But everyone soon discovered that these stars are not the stars that you usually see, but are placed with certain rules.

But Song Ren still recognized Purple Tenuity, Tianshuxing, Yuhengxing, Kaiyang, Yaoguang…

He knew it was useful. Without a word, he quickly wrote about 28 stars.

“Two north and south stars are hanging upright, and there is a flat road on Tiantian. There are always black stars connected to each other. Don’t have a black name Jinxian…”

“Six stars resemble Big Dipper, with Kui Shang Jian Xing facing each other, Tian Bian Jian San 3 39, Dou Xia reunion 14 stars…”

“The second of the Three Stars is the Dingzuhe River, the Tianxing stomach has four slanting stomachs, the Thirteenth is like a B shape, and the eight-star famous tomb in the river…”

As Song Ren keeps writing, there are more and more stars on the sky, and soon Song Ren is started, because only he saw it, and among the many stars, one person appeared, and he frowned, constantly As the finger shakes, the stars appear to move.

Like the next game of Go World.

It’s just the world and the stars, and the stars as the pieces.

It is until now, the emperor who appeared as East-Rising Purple Qi.

“He appeared!” Song Ren wrote to Li Maozhen while writing.

Li Maozhen on the side couldn’t believe it. Although he couldn’t see anything, Song Ren had said so, so he couldn’t do anything fake.

“Don’t talk, you can’t be distracted, you can’t disturb your thoughts, hold on!” Li Maozhen is excited, but if he can lift the curse, he will inevitably at all costs.

At present, at least there is a slight chance.

Song Ren no longer speaks, and still writes word by word.

I don’t know when it’s already full of stars.

Many people can’t see through, but those super-big guys, as they slowly move Divine Consciousness up, they see the huge shadow of the emperor’s thoughts at a glance.

He is playing chess, not right, he is playing stars.

How is it possible that the Emperor Master will not come out for no reason, but what is going on here?

Song Ren is in one go, writing all the remaining 28 Constellations, and then relieved, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because there is another person besides the Imperial Division, that is the Military Division.

He is carrying long spear, and is moving the related stars from time to time.

But in the next moment, Song Ren’s face changed suddenly, and he turned his head directly. In his room, it seemed to be a miniature version of the starry sky, where the same stars were like pearls, floating in it, sometimes Turn.

And under this nearly dome, an old man in purple robe and an armored man are pointing, and they seem to be saying something.

But the language seems very old.

Until Song Ren’s [Bu Tian Ge] written by Song Ren, all the stars are suddenly above them. They stand in different areas, forming a magical pattern of each and everyone.

However, the emperor and army masters looked at this, and in the end the two eyes lit up. With this kind of thinking and rules, they were suddenly embellished on the top. In addition to forming one after another, there are some other stars. Song Ren has never seen anything.

It seems to be a black hole and one after another triangular shape.

If Song Ren gave them a point of inspiration, or a seed, they are fertilizing and watering at this moment, so that the seed is growing quickly, and then the branches are scattered and extended. Out of a lot of veins than before.

Until a long time later, both of them sighed in relief, seeming to reach an end, and they were both quite satisfied.

Soon, the two looked towards Song Ren.

Song Ren swallowed a sigh of relief. This time, it was really close contact with the Imperial and Military divisions.

Song Ren looked at Li Maozhen on the side. He was still looking up at the sky, motionless. It seemed that he could not perceive the situation here.

Song Ren quickly saluted: “Junior Song Ren, I have seen two Seniors!”

But the two just looked at Song Ren, not at all said a word, and then, the Emperor Master suddenly smiled, raised his hand from the simulated starry sky in front of him, and took out a pearl-like star light spot, which seemed to reward me flicks with the finger, directly into Song Ren’s body.

A near-primitive, but also contains the power of stars, suddenly swept from Song Ren within the body……

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