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Dragon Race is now separate, of course, there is no patriarch, or, no one listens to the speech, and it cannot form a rope.

Like the last time Uriel received the black dragon corpse, only the Dragon Race Old Ancestor of the Dragon Race Mo Yunhai, Fire Dragon Old Ancestor Huozhe, and the candle dragon Old Ancestor came to ask for dragon corpse, according to the Dragon Race tradition, the Imperial Family Bloodline dies in the dragon tomb after death, and all other veins are hung high, unattended.

“Mother pearls will produce two Internet seeds every thousand years, which is the same as those of other planes. Someone has to go in and take out, and then send pioneers to explore the plane and arrange it.

Despite the division of Dragon Race, there are 137 veins jointly guarding the Dragon Mound, and the Dragon’s Nest is deep in the Dragon Mound, and there are dozens of pulses in the Imperial Family Bloodline. In order to open the dragon’s nest, and temporarily lift the dangerous inside.

Even if one of them is missing, Wanlong’s Nest can’t be opened, so either, you can lobby many Dragon Vein people with a stranger and give you one after another to open the Dragon Mound and Wanlong’s Nest , Or, Dragon Race patriarch is enough.

Although I haven’t paid attention to all aspects of the world for a long time, I still know that Dragon Race has a few pulses to control other Dragon Races and a new patriarch is born, but such news has been around for thousands of years. patriarch In this regard, you can give up.

As for lobbying other Dragon Vein people, you have no chance, even as a prince, so you want to meet the Dragon Race mother-of-pearl, which is undoubtedly comparable to heavenly ascension. “

Li Maozhen said seriously.

Song Ren’s originally rising hope sank a little.

It’s Dragon Race patriarch again, as Uriel said, but he doesn’t want Xiaoxi to get involved again.

Because Xiao Xi appears, in addition to the unwillingness of the Dragon Realm to surrender, there are other people from all walks of life, open strife and veiled struggle, huge power, unimaginable, he cannot protect Xiao Xi, and all this is just for Pinch off a plane.

Song Ren can’t do it for one family and lose another family.

“If Angel Realm, Vajra Realm, and your White Tiger Realm help you together, you guys each control Dragon Vein, there must be a way,” Song Ren thought of the file that Uriel showed him. Quickly said.

Li Maozhen did not shake his head this time, but said: “There is a certain chance, but it is not very big, but you can try it, 20% chance.”

After listening to Song Ren, my heart was finally filled with happiness, 20%, and opportunity.

“Please Senior Help,” Song Ren stood up to salute.

Li Maozhen looked at Song Ren: “I tentatively don’t ask why you want to cut off a subsidiary network of the real world. You just came from the Vajra world, and now that Zhenhui is with you, I want to come to you and Tianfo Temple must be achieved Under certain conditions, it may be your help, but how do you move the angels? Why do they help you?”

Song Ren can’t always say it’s because of being small.

“There are some reasons for this, but please be assured that Seniors will help each other. At the very least, I have seen the mother-of-pearl of the angel realm,” Song Ren said.

Li Maozhen heard that watching Song Ren didn’t seem to be lying: “They actually will give you an outsider to see the mother-of-pearl, it seems that they really trust you, so I am relieved, no wonder The angel kingdom and the Vajra kingdom have not come. Now I have arranged for the other Nine Realms messengers, and I have been working around for a few days. What do you think about this?”

“My purpose has been frank for Senior. What does Senior think I should do?” Song Ren asked for advice.

Li Maozhen got up, opened the window gently, and breathed in a breath of fresh air. His eyes suddenly became sensible, and he seemed to have returned to the moment when he did the patriarch.

“Huangxuan has been chasing her husband, do you know?” Li Maozhen said.

Song Ren nodded: “I know a little about one or two, but Mu Zhi’s brother seems to be deliberately avoiding her.”

Li Maozhen smiled bitterly for a while: “It’s not intentional to hide. The child of Mu Zhi once told me about this in his mind. Even if a person is hard-hearted, it should be enthusiasm by the female doll, even more how, Muzhi also likes her. The reason why he has been hanging so steadily and tepidly is because of this child proud and arrogant.

He wants to talk about the major event of marriage after entering the ancestral realm. Because of his talent, he feels that he can go a long way. He does not want to get married and have children while he is young. There are too many obstacles, so in order not to affect Mood, just keep hiding.

Although I have said that he is irresponsible and selfish for a girl, but the child is so stubborn and I can’t help it.

Sometimes I would like to persuade, but I am afraid of causing the miserable situation of Tianhan, so I don’t care about the emotion, including all great-grandchildren and great-granddaughter.

Oh, let me tell you a piece of data. Although there have been many young, talented people in Dragon Race who are pursuing Celestial Demon women in the past thousands of years, but no one is married, there are men, and they have never been in Dragon Realm chooses a spouse. “

Li Maozhen turned around and said suddenly.

Song Ren shook his head. He really didn’t care much about it.

Li Maozhen said: “As far as I know, because Dragon Race and the people of the Phoenix clan came out together in the mission, in the depths of the universe, they found a fruit, the Dragon Phoenix original fruit, Dragon Race is the most primitive, and the highest bloodline is Ancestral Dragon. The same is true of the Celestial Demon Phoenix family. Their most primitive is Yuanhuang, which is a level with Ancestral Dragon Bloodline.

And this dragon and phoenix’s original fruit, they soon recognized, a long time ago, an Ancestral Dragon Senior and a Celestial Demon phoenix Senior in Celestial Demon died together Out, there is a record in the clan of the two families. Once there was a pair of Seniors who fell in love across the border, and finally met together to travel through the stars, but didn’t expect to die here.

A few 100,000 years, whether it is Dragon Race or Celestial Demon Phoenix Realm, for the once highest Bloodline no longer exists, even if it is Dragon Race, a awakening of the Ancestral Dragon Xuanmai 10,000 years ago, also died in a battle Civil strife, so, how important is this dragon phoenix original fruit condensed by Ancestral Dragon and Yuanhuang, the value is self-evident.

At that time, I saw that the whole body was golden and purple, exuding the fruits of powerful dragon and phoenix. There are two ways of distribution. One is, each person gets half, but the efficacy is definitely greatly reduced, because they have already The two are combined into one, the other is the income of one family, and the chance of awakening the ancestral veins has doubled.

At the same time, you will get some Magical Powers of the other side, such as Phoenix Wings or Longwei, and even some other extremely secret things, such as the extinct Magical Powers hidden in Bloodline, or you can become a cultivation between the two groups of Cultivation. technique and so on.

Obviously, in the face of absolute interests, the two tribes broke up, and even made a big shot in the end. Do you know who got the Dragon Phoenix roots in the end? “

Li Maozhen said here, it also means taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Song Ren shook his head: “Aren’t you the fisherman catches both?”

“How can we have such good luck, fortunately, they have forgotten that they are in the depths of the universe, and even more, a little battle will attract star beasts, a group of powerful unimaginable star beasts, Not only did they lose the Dragon and Phoenix origin, but they also lost the bodies of thousands of Dragons and Phoenixs. Only a few dozen people fled back in embarrassment. You said, is this a dead loss?

Since then, there has been a gap between the people of the Tibetan real world and the people of the Celestial Demon real world. Although there are occasional passing on the surface, this thorn that could have risen completely has always existed. As far as I know, Celestial Demon’s control of Dragon Race is far more powerful than my Tigers. “

“Senior means–“

“Mu Qing Luan!” Li Maozhen said.

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