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A group of slowly rotating, nebula resembling a bird’s nest, surrounded by thousands of spaceships of various colors, vast crowd, banners hanging.

Song Ren feels so respected for the first time, whether it is formal or sincere, Song Ren feels proud at this moment.

Being secretly tied to Angel Realm and Vajra Realm, it is much better than before. Even if it is stationed on the Internet, it is not reported and it is suppressed.

This is what a star should be.

At this moment, a huge Phoenix like ice sculpture and a Fire Phoenix with flames burning out of the nebula, they pulled a golden luan made of gold and invited Song Ren to sit up.

Mu Qingluan and Huang Xuan on the side also walked out and motioned to Song Ren to go up. All honors at this moment belong to Song Ren.

Song Ren is somewhat sorry, but he is still a ghostly vanity who walked up on his vanity, standing on Luan, and being dragged around by Phoenix, Song Ren feels like he is traveling as an emperor. The treatment the prince should have.

Song Ren almost immediately became very interested in Celestial Demon.

peng peng peng!

As I headed into the nebula, fireworks suddenly appeared in the stars, and the ships were burning brightly in the stars. I really don’t know how they did it.


“Song Ren, I love you–“

“Song Emperor Song, Welcome Emperor——”

“I finally saw a living person, wu wu ——”

“No, sister, sister, pinch me -“


As the fireworks exploded, countless people started cheering. The enthusiasm made Song Ren suspect that even if he spent a lot of money, he would not be able to hire such a standard and crazy acting actor.

Clang clang! Clang clang!

As a team of nearly tens of thousands of armored soldiers came out in flames, standing on both sides to escort Luan, fearing that the people on both sides would rush out and tear Song Ren away.

After the soldiers held their weapons, the people on both sides immediately rushed up, shouted loudly, and then stopped by the soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Song Ren shuddered.

After entering the Nebula and officially entering the Celestial Demon Realm, what he saw was still the vast crowd. Song Ren had to raise his hands, smile all over his face, and shouted: “Brother sisters, hard work! “

“No hard work, the emperor comes from afar, you work hard!”


It wasn’t until after crossing the ten thousand li Great Wall formed by people who didn’t know how long, Song Ren’s face was almost stiff with laughter, and this reached the Celestial Demon’s clan, which was created by Next, how much pressure is there on the other real world of the original ranking?

Along with driving down from Luang, Celestial Demon’s architectural style is mainly white, black and red, and the form is a burning impact, which is very in line with their style.

After all, according to the file about the Celestial Demon Phoenix family given to him by Li Maozhen, the most distinguished are the black Phoenix, Bing Phoenix and Fire Phoenix, etc., their Imperial Family Bloodline in the equivalent to Dragon Race, and then Vermilion Bird and Qingluan , Spirit birds, 鹵鶵, honghu, partridge and other bird families.

Song Ren walked down, stepped on the red tiles, opposite the huge square, a team was welcoming, on the sky, there were seven colors light and Phoenix flying, Mu Qingluan and Huang Xuan and Zhen Hui and Li Muzhi came after themselves.

Mu Qingluan gave Song Ren sound transmission lightly: “Walking ahead is my Celestial Demon, the contemporary patriarch of Phoenix, my Master, and Huang Xuan’s aunt, Feng Yingluo. Next to her are the Phoenix King and the Phoenix King. , Venerable, Dharma protector, followed by sacrifices, fortune-tellers, Nirvana masters, Sun God officials, sacred elders, witches…”

“Stop, stop,” Song Ren hurriedly stopped the sound transmission. You introduced so much at once. Just like blind date to introduce the relatives of the other party, you will forget it when you turn around, and I will not be resident in your house. Remember the most important thing. Too.

With the welcome team stopping two or three meters away from Song Ren, standing in front, wearing a phoenix dress, wearing a phoenix crown, and holding a Phoenix-shaped staff, she looked at Song Ren and smiled. : “It is an honour to welcome the emperor to my Celestial Demon Phoenix Palace.”

Song Ren hurriedly saluted: “Junior has seen the Phoenix Clan Chief and other Seniors, and it has been a trip all the way, it is a miracle to the Junior. Song Ren feels thanks to the various things Senior Senior has done for me, and can come to the Celestial Demon Phoenix family to conduct It’s an honor for Junior to be a guest.”

Feng Yingluo is very beautiful, this smile is even more beautiful, and coupled with his unspeakable nobleness, Song Ren raised his head for a moment and couldn’t help saying: “There are beautiful women in the north, peerless and independent. Laugh at Qingren Guo again. Would you rather know Qingcheng and Qingguo? Beauty is rare!”

After hearing Song Ren’s words, Feng Yingluo’s eyes lit up: “A smile in the city, a smile in the country, so beautiful sentences, although women like to be praised, but what can be said from the emperor’s casual, still let To give this seat extremely glory, it is not a loss to be an emperor who can write astronomy, please, we have prepared food, wine and dance for you.”

Song Ren was shocked when he said this poem. It’s not like himself.

It’s a patriarch of a family. Song Ren didn’t dare to take the slightest look. He swallowed a spit and adjusted his thoughts to salute: “Trouble seniors, please!”



The dining table is large and high-end. Song Ren doesn’t know what this jade stone is for, but sitting next to it, I can feel that the spiritual power of the inside body runs much faster every week, and there are various tableware, All kinds of food, spirit wine, and dancing lightly and gracefully beautiful women.

And all this is for him.

Song Ren was a little touched suddenly, even if he knew it was an exchange of interests, it felt worthwhile.

It feels good to be respected!

Of course, Zhenhui and Li Muzhi also sat on the same table. What’s interesting is that Zhenhui was very excited about drinking and drinking. Li Muzhi was sitting beside Huang Xuan, his face flushed from time to time, pointing at the dance Woman, saying which dances can also dance and so on.

There are other senior executives of Celestial Demon, each and everyone toasting Song Ren, saying the words of welcome and blessings, the bustling is not like words.

So that in the end, even Song Ren didn’t find out when he was drunk, and he was cuddled up on a huge round bed with several dozen meters, covered the quilt, put the red tent, and added The candlelight on red has the feeling of a cave and a hotel.

Outside the palace, there are more than thirty beautiful women in only obscene clothes standing in a row, under the bright moonlight, reflecting the clearly visible gong sand on their arms.

And in front, Feng Yingluo looked at Mu Qingluan, frowning slightly.

“Are you sure you don’t need these? Don’t men like them all?”

Mu Qingluan said: “Master, the last time he was drunk, he kept shouting the name of a girl named Su Youwei. One had to like what another woman like to be able to remember all the time, I can feel By the way, he is different from other men.

Trust me, Master, if we do this, it is likely to be counterproductive. Today I am very happy to see him. My suggestion is that such activities should be arranged for more days, and our purpose cannot be exposed prematurely, you think how about it? “

Feng Yingluo nodded: “That line, just follow what you said. Under our real world, all the authors of Emperor’s Composition are estimated to be coming soon?”

“Half a month is almost the same. As of today, the number of Emperor’s Composition has exceeded 180,000. It is estimated that after half a month, the number of authors of Emperor’s Composition will reach 500,000. When the time comes to listen to his lectures.”

Feng Yingluo is very satisfied: “It’s done well.”

Then, turned around and looked at these virgins, slightly sighed: “It’s a pity, what if he wants?”

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