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As the huge horn sounded, the lens was turned, and under the true focal point of ten thousands, over the great hall where the author of 500,000 Emperor’s Composition was located, the clouds suddenly cracked.

Colorful rays of light come down!

Phoenix of ten different colors on the left and right tweeted down, creating an alternative avenue in the middle.

The rose petals in the sky are all over the place!

Next, a slender silhouette seemed to hang down steadily, as if it were draped in coercion.

He wore this Celestial Demon phoenix, a custom-made clothing for the emperor, exactly the same as the clothes formed by the two astronomys, except that Nine Divine Rings were missing.

Song Ren is at an infinitely high height at the moment, plus this shirt, plus this special effect, wrong, against the background, makes him look rich and handsome, unparalleled temperament.

In addition, many people have only seen nine emperors appear in Skyrim before, and Song Ren shows one of them.

But this time, it was a real look. Everyone was full of awe, mysterious and powerful writing ideas. At this moment, it looks like this, almost everyone’s first impression, and immediately felt that this is The prince should look like.

Personality, amazing talent, like a fairy.

And the most popular thing is temperament, a temperament that everyone thinks is never there.

That is the unique and unmatched emperor temperament!

Emperor’s Composition authors in mind 500,000 gathered in the scene. At this moment, as the emperor appears, it seems to have become dark.

Golden sunlight forms a wide avenue, and red rose petals are scattered. This beautiful scenery is intoxicating.

However, after Song Ren’s face appeared calmly, it made such a beautiful scenery dark again.

This person should only exist in the sky, somehow it fell into the world!

This is probably the first impression in everyone’s mind.

Mu Qingluan, even the host, was dumbfounded.

Song Ren carrying his hands quietly to Celestial Demon Phoenix patriarch Feng Ying Luo sound transmission: “I said Senior, this way will it be too blunt, low-key is enough.”

On top of the clouds, Feng Yingluo is fully controlled and commanded, with a solemn face. Hearing Song Ren sound transmission is also busy at the moment: “Little Song, must be stable, we are now broadcasting the whole process, watching from thousands of planes , When the time comes The video will also be copied to eleven other real world, tens of thousands of planes, and watched by hundreds of millions of people.

It’s not your business anymore. We have to manage your image of the emperor. On the one hand, this is our Celestial Demon Huang Zhenjie just and honourable invite you to show you, the other 11 are true The world is watching, and the thousands of planes of our subordinates are also looking at the details of a real world.

You have to go to other realms in the future. They will either do as well as me, or be better than me. They can’t be better than me. It is a huge pressure on them.

On the other hand, you have now replaced Liang Yunjiu and become the idol of the new generation of people, giving everyone the impetus to move forward.

In terms of culture, everyone thinks that the ancestral Peak is at the end. At that step, everyone really just spends time, and then waits for during the meditation, but because of you, it refreshes everyone’s concept.

The spirit that originally thought that the master was just a network and formed like a flower and grass has experienced consciousness for countless years, but you let us see the fairy ladder and the six silhouettes on the fairy ladder facing away from everyone .

The Daode Jing and Bu Tian Ge attracted them.

The ancestral realm is not Peak, Cultivation is endless.

In writing, you have refreshed the goal of all the authors’ struggles. Everyone until now is to become the Supreme Emperor’s Composition at the end of the book, and walk out of Deity, but you have shown that on Emperor’s Composition, there are astronomical sayings. , And now there are ten astronomy.

Everyone is more curious about the other eight emperors and eight astronomy.

As you can see, at the moment in the square, these 500,000 Emperor’s Composition authors look at your eyes, sacred and worshipped, awe and respect, just like a leader who wants to learn and surpass the goal.

There are also some Emperor’s Composition authors who have failed to meet the standards and can’t sit down in the square, but we rejected them. If the total cost is around 800,000, then there are at least 10,000,000 Emperor’s Composition authors in the 12 real world.

Emperor’s Composition author of 10,000,000, after reaching the achievement of Emperor’s Composition, he steadfastly confessed, either, mass production of Emperor’s Composition, to see who walked out of Deity more or less, or muddleheaded, as a teacher, guide Junior.

Because the life goals pursued by his poor life have been achieved, that’s all.

But you have shown astronomy, and the group of people who climbed the mountain found that there is a higher mountain in front of them that they need to conquer and fight for.

So, your existence is very important, we have to pack you well, at the very least, not to ruin everyone’s impression on you, to calm down your mind, everything has me, don’t be stunned, you are about to fall If you fall, your image will be destroyed. “

Feng Yingluo on the clouds quickly reminded Song Ren when he was distracted.

Song Ren was shocked, quickly stabilized his body, and listened to Feng Yingluo’s words. The woman started talking, but it was really clear and logical. I didn’t know that I was so important.

It seems that this is impossible.

It’s really too much responsibility for myself. It’s a leading idol and a goal that everyone wants to fight for. I hope that one day I can focus point like ten thousands like myself.

Aiya, this is causing trouble.

Song Ren fell down and stood behind a huge green jade platform, then looked at everyone who was flushed.

Skyline, but there is silence.

All the people watching the live broadcast are short of breath at the moment and their hands are tightly held. I don’t know how many women have fainted.

It’s so handsome, so cool.

Song Ren is standing with his hands behind his back. Without saying a word, it will give people the illusion of found mystery.

“Qing Luan, what are you doing?” Song Ren felt embarrassed after a minute and a second, and the same embarrassment was Feng Yingluo on the clouds, and quickly sent a sound transmission to Mu Qing Luan.

Mu Qingluan woke up instantly, his face reddened, and some panic.

Because in front of him, there is a huge gold mirror, which is the Divine Item live broadcast this time, she wakes up and hurriedly controls the mirror to fly up and switch the lens.

On everyone’s live broadcast screen, overlooking the sky, I don’t know when, in the three directions of the 500,000 Emperor’s Composition author’s left and right, and behind, a million Celestial Demon phoenix soldiers have quietly stood neat and tidy!

They are all dressed in yellow golden armor, hanging cloak, with colorful feathers on their helmets and one-handed golden weapons.

As the cloud layer Feng Yingluo’s hand gently waved, the million-dollar soldiers who had already been ordered were Qi Qi one-knee kneels.

The sound of the sonorous armor shook the world, causing goose bumps to rise.

“I wait to see the emperor!”

The voice of millions of blood-bearing soldiers echoed the sky.

The sound waves of millions of people soared into the sky, directly dispersing the clouds.

Jing Fengying immediately fled in hiding.

And at this time, the 500,000 Emperor’s Composition author also seems to have reacted, bending down to salute as he lowers the camera.

“I wait to see the emperor!”

Like the military and military officials.

500,000 The authors of Emperor’s Composition from everybody have their own pride. Feng Yingluo can’t arrange it, so it seems very pretentious, but millions of Celestial Demon fighters in the real world are OK.

With their guidance, these Emperor’s Composition authors should know what they have done.

Song Ren was worshipped by so many people, and his face was red and excited, and his blood was surging. At this moment, he seemed to be added by the yellow robe. I miss the yellow-edged high-spirited and vigorous: Play, nothing goes back!”

Of course, I can only think about it. He didn’t dare, so he had to make a full spectrum, and then his voice echoed: “The bureaucrats quickly got up, the road is long and long, and I will go up and down, I Song Ren only But it’s faster than you go. Since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!, you are all OK, it’s just a matter of time.”

Oh! ! !

Song Ren’s words just said, behind him, a huge unimaginable black Phoenix, spread its wings, soared into the sky, straight into the sky…

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