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“My first guess is this. Is there a possibility that the unfathomable mother-of-pearl is not twelve, but twenty-four, 48 or something, but we got it Only twelve of them.

If the universe is divided into four regions, East, South, West, and North, we are east, because we are in the same region, and the various planes can communicate with each other and communicate with each other, so for the emperor and astronomy I haven’t heard of it. In other directions, there are real worlds and planes like ours.

They haven’t heard of us yet, but they are prosperous, with Emperor’s Composition and astronomy. “

Everyone is silent, in fact, many people have thought about this problem, not why, just because the universe is too big.

Song Ren continued: “My second guess is that we are the only one in this universe, just like a basket of eggs, we are in one of them, and the other universe has everything in it.”

The big guys from all walks of life are nodded, not how novel the idea proposed by Song Ren is, but this question is also often discussed and discussed.

Otherwise, how to explain the origin of the six people on the fairy ladder.

Song Ren, as a prince, speaks more authoritatively.

Although it is only a psychological effect, but I feel that they are in a circle that we do not know, and the conjecture and induction in the underworld are based.

“Excuse me…”

“Do you have a Teacher to guide you on…”

“I heard that your next trip is the real world of Tibetan dragons, so face them…”

“If the prince you guessed is correct, if you meet other princes in the future, you will tell them…”


Who can believe that this exchange meeting between the authors of Emperor’s Composition and the authors of astronomy will last three days and three nights, and will end at noon on the fourth day.

Song Ren’s mouth is dry. Although he drank water halfway, this hearty feeling is unprecedented.

Everyone is very satisfied with this reply and communication. Even if some people didn’t get his turn at all, their questions are the same as those of other people who asked them, and they also got the answers they wanted.

Song Ren is still in Celestial Demon Real World, but this real world has prospered a lot at once, because the 500,000 Emperor’s Composition author has not left.

They are a terrifying force, and they are almost all resources of the Celestial Demon Real World.

Although the exchange meeting is over, they haven’t left yet. They always try to have a face-to-face talk with Song Ren.

However, other people from all walks of life admired themselves and normally admired the authors of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, but they are very admired. Countless Boutique Epoch and Sage’s Composition writers, and even other planes, Crazy poured into the Celestial Demon real world.

This is the butterfly effect that causes many activities with one activity.

Song Ren has a good rest, and as for receiving the author of Emperor’s Composition, he doesn’t need to worry about it.

What makes him more happy is that this time his passionate speech, I heard that the picture has quickly spread in the eleven other real world and the subordinate planes he belongs to, and he has made it to the top of the headline list.

I really want Teacher and Dad to see them, know that I’m out, and come to me.

After another two days of rest, Mu Qingluan came.

“Good performance, now you are really a national idol. According to the latest news, we have put a lot of pressure on the Tibetan dragon realm. They are now preparing to greet you, but there are some veins The divergence and disagreement made the process extremely slow.

Trust me, even if you go to the real world of the Tibetan dragon now, they are probably not happy, and they are not prepared,” Mu Qingluan said here, with a smile on his face, more about his real world. I’m very satisfied with what I did.

Song Ren is of course not ready to leave for the real world of the Tibetan Dragon. He hasn’t got your support and Dragon Race yet.

White Tiger The real world secretly gave him a few pulses of Dragon Race news, in case of unexpected needs.

As for the real world of angels, almost all are informed and tokens are given to act at any time.

Vajra’s world hasn’t arranged it yet, but there is true wisdom.

So, you guys, you haven’t mentioned it now, because the time is not up.

“Generally, it’s just normal play,” Song Ren has been watching the playback of the network for the past two days, especially the picture of dropping from the sky.

What a fucking handsome!

Are there any wood in the first man’s group?

“You and Lao Liang’s hosts are also very good, especially after interviewing many authors of Emperor’s Composition afterwards. The questions I asked made me reflect,” Song Ren said.

Mu Qingluan suddenly pointed out of the hall: “Lao Liang is outside. His identity and his past must be clear to you. We worked so hard to support you. I came here to get astronomical experience from you. , I wonder if the emperor has free time?”

Mu Qingluan’s mischievous face.

Song Ren quickly said: “Lao Liang is coming, let him in.”

The more Liang Renjiu’s identity Song Ren understands, the more he understands his out of the ordinary. That many Emperor’s Composition under his hands is really amazing.

Song Ren went out quickly and saw Liang Yunjiu staying under the huge pillar. When he saw Song Ren coming out, there was a smile on his face: “Emperor——”



Song Ren, Mu Qingluan, and Liang Yunjiu stayed together from time to time to discuss academic matters in the following days. Song Ren also gained a lot of out of the ordinary insights from them, and benefited a lot.

Especially Mu Qingluan, afraid of forgetting, directly open the network recording, so as to go back and study the words of three people.

As for Li Muzhi, perhaps a little bit of a change has taken place these days. He doesn’t repel Huang Xuan much, and he doesn’t know where to go for a stroll. Song Ren can’t see him.

As for Zhenhui Little Monk, she is completely fascinated by fine wine. Feng Yingluo, of course, try their best to meet the needs of this Little Monk.

In spite of this, they found that every time Zhenhui wakes up after drinking, her eyes are always clear and sharp.

After listening to Song Ren, I always feel that this Little Monk out of the ordinary, maybe he really can have a sudden enlightenment from the grain wine this time, just like in the mountainside at the beginning to break through to the later stage of Xiao Shengjing.

It’s really unintentional positive outcomes.

Mu Qingluan is also a loyal fan in addition to communication. If she is idle every day, if you want to go shopping, she will appear and disappear unpredictably behind her.

“You have the time to update “Qing Mo”, I don’t know how many people are waiting to watch it, don’t give it to you.”

“Big sister, writing books must be inspired. I can’t open the Internet just to do it. You are also the author and be considerate.”

“But we are all thinking hard, your inspiration is to casually stroll and eat? People want to sleep as soon as they are full.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll update it now, let’s update the ten chapters first.”

Song Ren is finished, open the network while walking, and then shua~ shua~ shua~’s chapter “Writing the Devil”.

Mu Qingluan looked stunned, you usually write like this?

Is it too casual, to play?

“Okay!” After just a while, Song Ren released ten chapters.

“Now don’t disturb me now,” Song Ren was about to leave, a roar sounded, and a scene of World of Ice and Snow appeared above the sky, with several mountain peaks standing on it until it stayed at ninth peak.

Mu Qingluan looked at this familiar scene, his face was shaking tremendously, thinking about Song Ren’s randomness just now, this scene of Skyrim suddenly felt jealous in his heart.

Will he be the son of Heavenly Dao, how can you make the rest of us live?

At this moment, more than half a million angel authors of Emperor’s Composition and others all looked towards the sky.

They have never seen this scene.

However, people from the real world of White Tiger have seen them.

Familiar ones can no longer be familiar.

That is, the ninth peak of Sky Cold Sect in “Magic”!

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