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Song Ren remembered that when he was in the mountainside of Tianfo Temple, he made some mistakes and made him sudden enlightenment, which was broken by the Middle-Stage at the later stage. How long did it take, really because of the wine, let him Once again sensed the breakthrough opportunity?

This monk’s talent is terrifying.

Cultivation base In the end, it is very difficult to break through a realm. In addition to spiritual power to reach a certain level, Primordial Spirit and perception are even more important.

Like in the real world of angels, his Primordial Spirit was reinforced by the emperor and became very huge.

According to Uriel, as long as you don’t fall, as long as you rely solely on spiritual power blessing, you can at least reach the point of ancestral realm.

Of course, because of two astronomy, he has successfully secured in the Great Saint Really-Stage, one or two smaller realm than those of his peers.

The seemingly brilliant spiritual power and Primordial Spirit are hidden very deep, but there is only one chance.

Song Ren looked at Zhenhui.

Zhenhui also looked at Song Ren.

Song Ren wanted to say something. Why should I help you, but when I looked at the clear eyes of others, I suddenly felt something wrong, and then I carried my hands on my back and pondered for a moment.

“I told you last time that the grains are used as rice, etc. You eat it. After brewing into wine, you avoid it and think that it is a dirty thing, right?”

Zhenhui nodded: “Right.”

“So do you still think so?” Song Ren asked back.

True Hui frowned, nodded, but shook his head again.

“It’s wonderful after drinking habits, but it’s so painful when you wake up, it can make people forget their troubles for a short time, but they do some unreasonable things in the muddle. I was drunk two days ago, almost It was impossible to do such a thing when I broke into the place where the maids changed their clothes, so I was sober,” Zhen Hui said.

Song Ren is a little surprised, why haven’t I heard of it?

“I don’t know how to give you the sudden enlightenment. As a person, and as an author, I personally rarely drink, but it is a kind of emotional sustenance, not what your Buddhists say. Things that insult the body, mind, and spirit.

You should know that when we drink when we are happy, when we celebrate, when we part ways, when we are alone, when we are missing, when we think about it alone, too much, too much, wine is an alternative spirit. Catharsis, it replenishes our stomach in the solid state as grains, and floods our spiritual world with liquid.

Send you a few poems, this is not my work, but a few ancestors I adore. “

Under the eyes of Zhenhui and Mu Qingluan, who have fallen into contemplation, Song Ren said.

“Drinking now, drunk now, and worry tomorrow, tomorrow worry.”

“When drinking wine, what is the geometry of your life? For example, Chao Lu, who has gone through many hardships to relieve worry, only Dukang.”

“You can laugh a few times in your life. You must be drunk when you meet each other.”

“Lanling wine tulip, jade bowl filled with amber light. But the owner can be drunk, I don’t know where is the other country.”


Song Ren even said a series of fifty-sixty poems about wine, each of which is incomplete, but has a different feeling, and even makes people sad.

As an author, Mu Qingluan is a little surprised by these verses that have never been heard.

How talented people can write such verses?

Wouldn’t he write it?

Zhenhui listened, her eyes were getting colder and colder, and finally she suddenly smiled and solemnly saluted Song Ren: “Thank you Brother Song, the little monk understood, it seems that I still have to find answers and feelings in the wine. “

“Small meaning, it’s all my words. You don’t want to give up. What is the second thing you want to tell me?” Song Ren asked.

Zhenhui glanced at Mu Qingluan.

“Okay, you guys talk, I’m going to find Mr. Liang,” and when they saw that they had secrets to talk about, Mu Qingluan was also wise and left after saying goodbye.

Song Ren took out his ears and felt relieved for a while: “Finally gone, I have been nagging all the time, my ears are out of cocoons.”

“Thank you, it didn’t take long for you to contact me, you know me like that, let me feel it, I’ll go first,” Song Ren said, and the satisfied pats Zhenhui’s shoulders will leave.

Zhenhui smiled bitterly: “Brother Song, I really have the second thing to tell you, not that you secretly blinked me.”

Song Ren was stunned: “I thought you understood what I meant, what happened?”

Zhenhui looked at all around and lowered her voice: “My Master, they have heard from you, the Sea Territory island you mentioned, now there are only fewer than 1,000 thousand remaining in the Dragon Race. There should be one It will be almost two months, when the time comes will send you related pictures for you to look at, and then we are making further plans.”

“That is to say, in a month or two, we are about to set out for the Tibetan realm, shall we?” Song Ren asked.

But more of a horror to the power of Buddhism. This is not their real world, but the real realm of the hidden dragon.

How big is a real world, and even Song Ren can’t imagine it. They made it up by themselves, and they have only so much left to check, which is really scary.

However, it also means that you are nearing the time to travel to the real world of the Tibetan Dragon, and you are also close to seeing You Youwei.

“Well, I am understood, I will prepare in advance,” Song Ren finished, and left.

Zhenhui looked at Song Ren’s back, and then stretched out his hand, a pot of wine appeared in the palm of his hand, and took a sip: “It seems to have a different taste.”

Song Ren went straight to Li Muzhi.

He is the responsible liaison arranged by Li Maozhen for himself.

When Song Ren saw Li Muzhi again, this guy was lying lazily in a corridor, and Huang Xuan sat sideways, holding a fruit plate in his hand, not knowing what he was talking about.

“Li Muzhi—” Song Ren shouted loudly on the other side across the artificial lake.

The two looked over, and Huang Xuan got up and met with a smile.

Li Muzhi stepped on Flying Sword instantly: “Bigbro Song ——”

“The days are pretty nourishing. I said I couldn’t find you during this time. The feelings are in the land of warmth and tenderness. Why, don’t you run away?” Song Ren jokingly said.

Li Muzhi scratched his head awkwardly: “No, I mainly want to escape and there is no place to go. I followed the orders of my great ancestors and followed you. Besides, I also know that you are busy during these days and I saw you just now “The Devil” is in Epoch, and Deity will definitely come out. I believe Bigbro Song, just like I believed you could save your great ancestor.”

Li Muzhi said finally, deliberately lowering his voice.

Song Ren was speechless for a while, then stood respectfully and respectfully looking at Huang Xuan, who was sorry for the nodded, and then hugged Li Muzhi to the other side.

“I’ll pass on your great ancestors and find a place closer to the location of the Dragon Mound, if it’s a bit dangerous, and the isolated island guarded by Dragon Race, and the boundless ocean, at least these three points must be achieved, “Song Ren said seriously.

Li Muzhi didn’t understand it and wanted to ask why, but it was still nodded, and finally he was used.

When he arrived, the great-grandfather had specifically commanded that everything Song Song said must be followed, and if necessary, the entire White Tiger real world would help.

Li Muzhi didn’t know what agreement he had reached with his great-grandfather, but in the rescue of his great-grandfather, he had reason to follow Song Ren’s mission.

“Relax, let me pass the message back here.”

Song Ren watched Li Muzhi go back to talk to Huang Xuan and muttered in his mouth: “It is necessary to write a part of the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures. It would be better if they could spread from certain islands.”

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