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Three days later, Song Ren said goodbye to Feng Yingluo, and led Mu Qingluan, Li Muzhi, and Zhenhui, and the four youngsters embarked on a journey of the Tibetan realm.

Until a month of wanton shopping, after experiencing the attacks of various beasts, the lonely and quiet universe, and the increasing number of spaceships and popularity, they finally arrived at the real world of the Tibetan dragon.

The twelve real world is a virtue. There is only one entrance platform, which is similar to the previous high-speed toll station. Although there are thousands of entrance and inspection personnel, the queue has reached a hundred miles. Far away.

“When is our turn to go, or, Mu Qingluan, please contact the kid of the green pheasant. Isn’t he chasing you? Just come out and take us through the back door, there is no need to line up,” Li Muzhi chuckled.

Mu Qingluan frowned suddenly, looked towards Li Muzhi: “Close your mouth, I did not add his contact information.”

Although Mu Qingluan said so, he glanced at Song Ren secretly.

Li Muzhi’s twitched his lips: “Who knows.”

Zhenhui said: “Brother Li, even if we have the contact information of Brother Green Pheasant, we are in the starry sky, and we can’t sense any network, let alone contact each other.”

Mu Qingluan suddenly angered: “Dead bald donkey, I told you, I have nothing to do with that green pheasant, it is all wishful thinking.”

“Okay, OK! OK! Last time when Star Domain 58 competed for dragon corpse on the 58th, when he finally took the dragon clansman to us, but he always avoided you against us, you too Such a big girl, he can also be regarded as a pure Royal Clan Bloodline, people have been pursuing you that many years, even I am in a hurry,” Li Muzhi said.

Song Ren was a little surprised: “I saw the young pheasant when he was at Star Domain 58. The person looks good. I heard that there is a contradiction between your Celestial Demon and the real dragon. Yes, maybe you are good. For the two realities, it is a cross-generational diplomatic relationship.”

Li Maozhen had told Song Ren that the two realms were good, but because thousands of years ago, the two tribes tried to reach the depths of the starry sky, and found the original result of the Dragon Phoenix, so that they shot a lot, and finally a dead Loss, cheap star beasts, and since then, the two families have never been married.

I heard Song Ren say the same thing. Mu Qingluan shivered with all his energy. Without a word, he flicked his sleeves and went back to the cabin’s own room.

The three people who left the bow look at me, and I look at you, awkward.

“Speaking of Bigbro Song, our spacecraft can no longer move forward, you see all around teams are staring at us with poor expression, thinking that we are going to jump in front, and there is a dragon guard in front. During the patrol, those who forcefully cut into the queue will either be blacklisted or banned,” Li Muzhi reminded.

Sure enough, from afar, I saw tens of thousands of soldiers standing in great numbers ahead, and each and everyone scanned.

“Brother Song, why don’t we wait in line, it’s estimated that you can go in a few days, and someone behind you will continue to line up,” Zhenhui is also suggested.

Soon, Li Muzhi shook inwardly shouted badly, because a group of soldiers saw their awkward ship among thousands of teams and came immediately.

“newcomer stop, stop your spaceship for inspection!”

A team of dragon soldiers came and screamed loudly, which instantly caught the attention of many people, and they stretched their heads from their spaceships to see the excitement.

Although the team is very long, there are thousands of them, but this small cabin is too awkward in the middle of the two teams, even if you look at it for the first time.

And these patrol soldiers have nothing to do, you just hit the muzzle directly.

Song Ren, who has changed her face, stands at the bow, not at all.

“I’m going to call Mu Qingluan and let her mention the acquaintance green pheasant, maybe we can mix it up,” Li Muzhi hurried in.

But very quickly, at the entrance of the Tibetan Dragon Realm, there is a rays of light coming instantly, very fast, directly blocked in front of this Patrolling Team, and took out a token.

The team hurriedly saluted, and then scornfully said something that made them laugh, and then returned.

This scene shocked other people. This backdoor is too just and honourable.

And this woman is very beautiful, who is it?

Zhenhui looked at the woman who came with a smile on her face, a little surprised and surprised: “This is, Lei Ling from Dragon Race?”

Yes, the person is Lei Ling.

In the real world of angels, Lei Wuji brought Lei Ling and Lei Fang siblings to see if the person who owns his Bloodline is who are you. When he finally left, Song Ren said he would come Visit the thunder vein.

Lei Wou-ki left a token for him. When it comes to being crushed outside the real world, he personally picked it up.

And before one hour, Song Ren crumbled the token quietly, and this was the way to move forward without fear.

Lei Ling came galloping, looked at Zhenhui Little Monk, and this somewhat strange man, and immediately understood: “Bigbro Song is good–“

Song Ren smiled: “Thunder girl is good!”

“I’ll take you in, Old Ancestor is waiting for you over there!” Lei Ling finished, and she landed on the cabin, the entire group was just and honourable, and just entered the Tibetan dragon without any inspection. Real world.


When Song Ren crosses the platform, what he sees is that apart from the passing ships like locusts, after leaving from all directions, the rest is actually a vast and boundless wild land. Didn’t expect them to The platform is built here, perhaps because the rumbling sound of various spacecraft is too large, this is a bit eccentric.

A mountain range extends like a dragon crawling, a piece of ancient forest stands, and the spreading branches and leaves are like a green ocean, nearly ten thousand li, full of one after another Famine.

The sound of beast roars echoed from there, and the voice is full of ferocious ferocity.

“Old Ancestor is inconvenient to show up, he and my brother are in front, Bigbro Song comes with me,” Lei Ling pointed to a certain direction, Song Ren controlled the ship and left.

After more than an hour, the ship submerged under the deep forest.

Huge trees cover the sky, lush and green, like Heaven Supporting Pillar trees, surrounded by countless thick vines, there is an invisible barrier here.

Then Lei Wou-ki and Lei Fang walked out of thin air.

Song Ren tore off the mask on his face and looked at Lei Wou-ki before saluting: “I have seen Senior Lei!”

The shock of Mu Qingluan, Zhenhui and Li Mu who came out together, didn’t expect to come to pick them up in person is turned out to be the thunder vein Old Ancestor of the few Imperial Family Bloodline – Lei Wuji.

Their three people are also hurrying to salute.

“I have seen Senior Lei -“

Lei Wou-ki laughed heartily, walked quickly, raised Song Ren with both hands, and looked towards others: “Everyone got up, all got up, I thought you had to wait some time to come, so nice.”


At the same moment, after being inspected by a spaceship, he entered the real world of the Tibetan dragon. At the bow position, a little girl who was already slim, took a deep breath, and burst into tears.

“Relax!” Wu Yi and Uriel stepped out of it, looking at the familiar world: “Everything will be fine!”

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