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Song Ren didn’t know that Xiao Xi came to the real world of Tibetan Dragon without him.

Of course, Xiaoxi and Wuxi Uriel did not know that Song Ren came to the Dragon Race side in advance, because according to the itinerary, he should still be in the Celestial Demon Phoenix Realm, and the Dragon Race side not at all is ready to welcome his welcome ceremony.

Song Ren doesn’t want to be involved in Xiaoxi and avoids everything possible.

Small, she doesn’t want Song Ren to work so hard, she doesn’t want anything about Dragon Race’s position.

She has already lost a dad and does not want to lose a second one.


In the past, the youngest was missing one, and now several people have closed Divine Consciousness and simply playing mahjong. That’s called Shuang.

As for Mu Qingluan, Li Muzhi, and Zhenhui, I have never seen it before. There are such fun things in the world, especially the moment of bluffing. That moment of push is really cool.

At the end, Song Ren started to come up with the four 5000 years spiritual medicine from “Premium” from entering Premium to Boutique and Epoch three times, they were also crazy, and also took out their own treasures.

Unconsciously, it starts to smell bad.

“West wind!”

“Two cakes!”

“pèng! “

“Forty thousand!”

“Fuck, it’s red again!”


In the room, at the end, several people were having fun, and at the end, Song Ren was shocked to find that the compethension ability of these three people was too terrifying. After a few strains of spiritual medicine were exported, they began to touch their heads. , Gently open the double pupil to peek, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

This really teaches the discipline and starves the Master.

They didn’t go out in three days. After getting Leifang running again, let them don’t go out and warned Dragon Race that it was unsafe now.

“Isn’t the Feather Dragon being assassinated by [Ember], the three tribes have made them unhappy recently, and just today, the Horned Dragon tribe, which is affiliated with the Huanglong tribe, was silently assassinated by the ten people who were preparing to work. They Not only did they lick their tongues, they also used their blood to leave a sentence on the scene.”

“What is it?”

“I am blooming in the killing, just like the flowers in the dawn.”

Several people, including Song Ren, swallowed the saliva directly after hearing this sentence, and their backs were cold for a while.

everywhere, with no opportunity.

Song Ren is completely numb about this Assassin’s League. Several people have never left or messaged anyone, but this sentence comes from Song Ren’s mouth, but it makes people use it so quickly. stand up.

That is to say, they knew Song Ren had come in secret.

Mu Qingluan immediately looked towards Song Ren. If they didn’t believe it, they doubted it. Song Ren was one of the members of Ember.

Don’t say, really, because until now, the emperor Song Ren no one knows his origin and origin, it seems that all the planes have no news of his first registration, just like suddenly appearing out of thin air.

“What’s wrong?”

When they saw Li Muzhi and Song Ren watching them together, Lei Fang asked.

Song Ren showed a grin that was even uglier than crying: “Did you say this [ember] was specifically aimed at me? It seems that I heard it now. They killed all the people who were preparing me , Don’t want me to be more beautiful again.”

Don’t say it, really.

Lei Fang smiled bitterly. If you say so, now Dragon Race here, it is estimated that everyone is trembling with fear, and it is a curse to you.

Mold God!

“It shouldn’t be, I heard Old Ancestor say that they seem to be deliberately targeting Dragon Race. In short, don’t run around in recent days, we will also strengthen your protection.”

After hearing Leifang’s words, Song Ren felt helpless for a while, and originally wanted to pay close attention to launching his own plan, but didn’t expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway.

It seems to have to be delayed. Didn’t expect Dragon Race is so messy now. If I jump a little too much at this time, I might be mistaken as a member of [Ember].

For yourself, if you really have a hatred against Dragon Race and there is an emperor here, he doesn’t recommend pushing it to make this trip more muddy.

If you are not [Ember], you must deliberately make some clues, making people doubt yourself, when the time comes If you want to do something, you really are at a loss.

Leifang only noticed a few people’s mahjong, touched with curiosity, and then said with a smile: “What is this? How to play?”


Similarly, at the moment when the three Imperial Family Dragon Vein selected their opponents at [Ember], the envoy of the Vajra world came. The person who came was the Taoist priest of the Tianfo Temple and ten real Buddhas. , Twenty Bodhisattva.

This lineup is not a small one.

Dao Ming is the host abbot, but it is also equivalent to a leader in the real world, and the real Buddha is the ancestral realm, and Bodhisattva is the half ancestral realm. Such a person will be a little confused at this time.

So, it was received by the Patriarch of the three tribes of Bone Dragon, Huanglong and Yulong.

“Have seen Brother Yu, Brother Mu and Brother Kun, long time no see!” Dao Mingxiao hehe folded his hands together, saluting to the three patriarch who are now able to speak in Dragon Race.

The feather tribe patriarch-feather feathers.

Bone Dragon patriarch-Kunsang.

Huanglong family patriarch-wood redundant.

The three patriarch all laughed and said: “didn’t expect Dao Ming presided over the meeting so quickly, we are preparing to send invitations.”

Dao Mingdao: “Now all circles are looking at the Dragon Race side, this is not simple is to greet the emperor, but to give all planes the best opportunity to compete for strength and heritage, the most discussed in the past is Dragon Race is weak, but in my opinion, under the leadership of your three patriarchs, Dragon Race will surely return to its former prosperity.

This poor monk turned up without being invited this time. On the one hand, I wanted to see early that this could surpass the welcome Ceremony of Celestial Demon. After all, we all know that the emperor has stayed with me. It’s no longer needed, you can only be greedy.

On the other hand, I want to ask the three patriarchs to help this poor monk open a convenient door. “

Dao Ming’s words are very flattering to the three patriarchs in front of him, or they are putting pressure on them.

Also, with the arrogance of Dragon Race, it is necessary to surpass the Celestial Demon real world, and lay the foundation that he almost became the overlord before. On the other hand, it also stops the real world of the latecomers.

Dragon Race is the same Dragon Race.

There is also a saying that in the hearts of these three, Dragon Race will go from weakness to glory, but it will not lead three people, but one person.

patriarch, only there is a person!

The three glanced at each other, and did not say any more rhetoric, but said: “I don’t know what abbot Dao, want to let us open a channel, we only have these in the real world, mutual help is necessary.”

Dao Ming nodded with a smile, agreeing.

“Three patriarchs, it can be seen that some people have dug two books from the veins of Lieyang Island some time ago?”

The three feather feathers, Kunsang and Mu Man blinked, and what happened, why don’t we know?

Seeing the appearance of the three, Daoming continued: “Not long ago, someone dug two Buddhist scriptures from the veins of Lieyang Island, namely “Pan Ruo Jing” and “Hua Yan Jing”, you can ask All the staff there know that.”

The plumes of the Yulong clan suddenly said with a smile: “The news of the abbot of Daoming can be communicated by True Spirit. The matter of Lieyang Island is not even clear to us, and it is the one closest to my Holy Land in Dragon Mound. The island is almost closed to the outside world, and the abbot is a good tool.”

Dao Ming didn’t say anything, just laughed.

Everything goes without saying. It’s too tiring to play dumb puzzles. Do you have too few people to arrange Dragon Race in my Tianfo Temple?

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