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The patriarch feathers of the Yulong clan understand and understand the Tao Te Ching, which is beyond Song Ren’s expectations, and has a unique insight. After finishing a class, they benefited a lot.

“Okay, that’s all I understand about the Dao De Jing, more than five thousand words, but it expresses a different cosmological principle, concentration is the essence, not loss is astronomy. Zi is a prostrate oneself in admiration that I admire,” said Hawk after making a final summary.

“Anything else you want to ask, there is still some time today to help you out.” The feather feather added again.

Everyone shook their heads, to be honest, the feather feather’s understanding is above all of them. These words alone are enough for them to learn and feel, let alone give opinions.

It’s already very good.

The Hawk was so full of smiles that he looked around all the people who attended the class without asking questions.

“Okay, that’s it, then today’s lecture will come here first, I will study the astronomy of “Bu Tian Ge” as soon as possible, when the time comes is still this place, if you are interested, you can Come and listen, you also know that recently in order to greet the emperor matters, very busy, then come here today first, we…”

The Hawk hadn’t finished speaking, and suddenly raised his head, looking towards the distant sky.

Many people also feel something is wrong, because the surrounding air suddenly becomes violent, even numb.

Of course, many of the thunder princes in the field, or the dragon clansman of Cultivation Thunder Attribute, did not respond much.

A dark cloud came quickly from the side of the thunder veins, and then continued to expand until it covered the entire Thunder Dragon lineage area, and then surpassed it, covering the other Dragon Vein.

The speed is so fast that it quickly covered the entire Dragon Race.

Many people all looked up towards the dark clouds above their heads. What’s going on?

xiu xiu xiu!

Many powerful streamers flew out of their veins, standing in the air, looking at the dark clouds.

They can feel how terrifying thunderclouds are contained in this dark cloud. Even when the electric light flashes, they can see the flow of black demon thunder.


There is one silhouette staggering, with smoke rising from the head and suddenly coming down from the thick clouds.

Lei Wou-ki went straight up and said nothing, and there were four people who burned like black charcoal, directly down from the clouds.

Lei Wu Polarized into a huge Thunder Dragon, catching these people at the fastest speed.

“Clan, patriarch, Rayling, Rayling is gone!” One of them was sent to talk with Rayling before, hoping that Elder who collaborates on the thunder drum before speaking out would faint after saying such a sentence. past.

xiu xiu xiu!

Several patriarchs of Imperial Family Bloodline flew directly.

“Ray patriarch, what’s going on? This is your thunder pool’s thunder pool,” someone asked.

Lei Wou-ki put down several Elders and fed a medicine pill. Several people quickly came to carry them away. Lei Wou-ki flew up and looked at the thunder cloud.

“I don’t know, it seems that Rayling is angry.”

“Rayling is angry?” Suddenly, several patriarchs looked towards the patriarch of the Huanglong clan.

Because everyone knows, the task he assigned to Lei Mai is to see if he can coax Lei Ling out to cheer.

However, it seems that Rayling has been offended.

Huanglong patriarch Mulan looked at Lei Wou-ki: “Lei patriarch, this kind of thing has not happened before, will there be other factors affecting it?”

Recently [Ember] seems to be deliberately targeting the three races, and everyone is raising their alert to prevent other accidents.

Then the accident came out today. Although the problem is not from the three races, it is the thunder veins, but this power has caused the entire Dragon Race to panic.

It is inevitable that people will not associate it with the assassin alliance [Ember].

Because of Thunder’s affairs, it is also a part of welcoming the arrival of the emperor, and it is the most important part.

When everyone heard it, they all frowned.

Looking like this, Rayling seems very angry, how can it have such a large formidable power, this imposing manner makes them these patriarch are shocked.

Lei Wou-ki shook his head and looked up: “I’ll go up and see first.”

After speaking, it turned into a Thunder Dragon, directly submerged into the clouds.

Hundreds of patriarchs of Dragon Race, as well as various Elders, etc., nearly a thousand ancestors of the ancestral world, all watched, some people went to stabilize the emotions of the youngster, and some people saw Lei Wou-ki went up, clenched the Teeth also follow up.

Below, Li Muzhi looked at all of this, and tsk tsk shook his head: “It seems that this year is not good for Dragon Race. I always feel a strong unrest, Bigbro Song, what do you think about this. “

“Well, sit and look up!” Song Ren said.

Li Muzhi: “…”

Mu Qingluan: “…”

Zhenhui: “…”

Song Ren said so, but looking at the dark clouds, I don’t know why, it seems to have an inexplicable sense of familiarity.


next moment, a huge dragon roar suddenly sounded. This dragon roar, filled with a strange bloodline strength, made the entire Dragon Race oscillate.

“No, how can I not control myself?”

“Me, me too, seems to be responding to it.”

“My dragon’s blood burned on its own, this is, this is the summon of the ancestors.”




At this moment, countless dragons are all involuntarily transformed into ontology, and then raise Heavenly Dragon roar.

Song Ren were dumbfounded. They had heard Wolf Wolf before, but they had never seen Long Xiao.

All Dragon Races are in Long Xiao, the number, the imposing manner, and the spectacular scalp tingling.

“Aren’t we too special,” Li Muzhi shouted loudly, which really responded to Song Ren’s saying that everyone is like a dragon, but they are too exposed now, they can’t turn dragons.

The four quickly found a place to hide.

Lightning flashes, and with the help of lightning, they saw an extremely large dragon-shaped illusory shadow on the cloud, and around it, there are hundreds of other dragons that are completely small in size and do not know how many times. Go up to the patriarch of various races.

Hong long long kept coming, and then, an unimaginable sense of Longwei came down from the clouds and seemed to overlook everyone.

The time passed by one minute and one second. After a while, Lei Yun gradually began to subside, slowly attributed to Thunder’s thunder pool.

The patriarch of each vein is down from the air, each and everyone’s face flushed, looked towards the direction of the thunder pool, and the excitement couldn’t be added.

I haven’t seen it in years. Cultivation has become such a huge look. Apart from this, there is one more thing that is the source of excitement.

That is, they felt the Divine Spark on the ancestral Peak in Golden Dragon Rayling.

It’s vague, it seems to be a prototype, but it also shows that as long as Golden Dragon is given enough years, it may really condense the complete Divine Spark.

Since then, this world will give birth to a powerhouse that truly surpasses Peak.

a flip of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain powerhouse.

It is the powerhouse of Dragon Race!

It’s incredible!

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