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Thunder pulse!

In the great hall, Lei Wou-ki returned from Wan thunder pool, and was a little depressed.

As the head of the clan, finally sticking to the 8th floor of the thunder pool, then summon Lei Ling, the other birds are not birds themselves. After a long time of bitterness, they came back until there was no fruit.

Meeting other people, I had to laughed heartily: “Rayling said it wants Cultivation recently, don’t bother!”

Return to your palace, drink some spirits, and when you turn your hand over, a note will appear, which reads the real world that the two families of Yulong and Bone Dragon secretly surrendered to.

He doesn’t understand now, who gave him the news?

And this font is full of sharpness, it looks very capable, is it a clansman of other veins?

The recent Dragon Race is getting more and more unstable, maybe the emperor is about to come, people from all walks of life are rushing here, there are many planes, whether you want to see this magnificent scene , Join in the excitement, or see the idols of other Emperor’s Composition authors’ minds, making the Tibetan Dragon Realm sites full of queues every day.

After all, some planes are far away, even with the fastest spaceship, it is safe and secure along the way, at least it takes more than half a year to reach the real world, so it is not known how many people left early.

Like today’s Dragon Race, Vajra Realm, Angel Realm, and White Tiger Realm have all arrived early.

It is estimated that Celestial Demon is really fast, because they support the Dragon Race to win the position of patriarch, even more how Dragon Race claims to surpass their scene to greet the emperor, which is enough to attract everyone to explore the details in advance. .

In the dim great hall, the candlelight with flashing thunder was beating, and Lei Wou-ki looked at the paper in his hand and frowned.

“Reporting back to patriarch, Black Dragon Clan is coming to visit!”

Outside, there is a guard’s report, whose voice echoes in the great hall.

Lei Wuji lifts the head: “Wu Zhen is here?”

Lei Wou-ki is a bit stunned. It is really in the veins of the Imperial Family that only the Black Dragon family is the most low-key.

They can’t be low-key, talents are dying, resources are scarce, people in the entire Dragon Race look down on them, and why do they want to be high-key, bouncing and bouncing, can only become clowns and joke in the eyes of others.

So, their clansman rarely shows up, and they don’t participate in various activities. Sometimes they don’t see a Black Dragon Clan for hundreds of years. It’s easy to forget, and there are people on this lineage.

He used to have a good relationship with the Black Dragon family, and Wu Hua’s child liked to come.

But since the incident, Wu Zhen rarely showed up, and cut off all relationships.

The last time they met, it was over 20,000 years ago.

I can’t believe that in the same Dragon Race, it’s just because of different territories that we can’t get together for a small one hour, but we haven’t seen it for more than 20,000 years.

didn’t expect This time he came to visit himself on his own initiative.

“Please come in now, forget it, I’ll do it myself!” Lei Wou-ki finished, and received the note, waved his hand, the whole great hall suddenly lit up, the whole shirt was put on, and he went to meet with a smile Too.

Many years ago, they were actually very good brothers, and they were the people who assisted the White Dragon Royal Court.

An unprepared civil unrest, but they all carried out their tasks outside and did not return in time. By the time they came back, they had become a boat.

They want to take revenge, but there are too many Dragon Races involved, and they have no ability to kill, because then, there are only a few of the entire Dragon Race, not even a small plane.

And these involved Royal Clan Bloodline, mixed bloodline, their family controls the thousands of planes in the real world, and there are other survivors of all planes in the real world, like a huge giant Like the net.

They are incompetent and powerless.

Until the ancestors who guarded the Dragon Tomb come out to take the lead, only the leading maniac will be executed, and the others will punish the small ring.

After all, the law does not blame the public!

What secret technique did the lunatic use to confuse others’ minds and amplify their desires? Actually, they want to restore the glory of their ancestors, pure Bloodline, or bring it up a level.

After the White Dragon Emperor’s Court was overthrown, everyone was frustrated, but didn’t expect ten years later, that Wu Hua’s guy would make a big dragon mound, and then be killed to death.

Since then, the Black Dragon family has been tagged with shame, and the Black Dragon’s patriarch Wu Zhen has also been implicated and rejected by all Dragon Races.

In order not to implicate himself and the others, he refused to communicate, and slowly, he became so strange to each other.

It’s ridiculous that all Dragon Race can kill their own patriarch family, and they can all be pardoned. Then a child who has been involved in a dragon mound, but implicates the entire family, even after 40,000 years, has been excluded, which is really ironic.

When Lei Wou-ki came out, he saw Wu Zhen.

Lei Wuji froze for a moment, his eyes reddened instantly.

The Wu Zhen in front of him is like a 70-80 years old old man with white hair, a gullied face, and a waist.

These two were the former left and right guards of the White Dragon royal court.

Lei Wou-ki is like a 40-50 years old man with a broad chest and dark hair, all in stark contrast to Wu Zhen.

“Big Brother Wu” Lei Wuji stepped forward quickly, holding Wu Zhen’s hand at once.

Wu Zhen looked at Lei Wou-ki and did not seem to change everything at that time, and smiled bitterly: “long time no see, Wuji!”

Lei Wou-ki held Wu Zhen’s hand and looked at his white temples, his heart was really uncomfortable.

It turns out that years and stress can really make a person look like this.

Wu Zhen was so high-spirited and vigorous. The two brothers often performed tasks together and were valued by the two elders since childhood. It is the kind of trust that can give the back to the other party unconditionally in combat.

When he encountered the star beast in the starry sky many years ago, he still blocked the scary catch of the star beast for himself, causing him to cultivate for hundreds of years before slowly recovering.

“I’m sorry, I haven’t come to see you for so many years,” Lei Wou-ki mixed feelings, that kind of discomfort is really beyond words.

Because his memory of Wu Zhen is still a few 10,000 years ago, he ignores the passing of time.

Wu Zhen smiled and reached out pats Lei Wuji’s generous shoulders: “You are the same as before, very good!”

“Brother Wu, I…”

“Go in and say,” Wu Zhendao said.

Lei Wou-ki was nodded, and he had to lead the way, only to find that behind Wu Zhen, there was a man wrapped in a black robe with his head down.

Unsurely, he continued to pull Wu Zhen toward the great hall, and ordered him not to let anyone disturb him.

On the way, the two were talking and laughing, talking about the changes around them. After all, as Wu Zhen, they had not come for tens of thousands of years. Looking at these basically unchanged buildings, forest trees, they lamented the hurried years.

The two also pointed to some places, talking about each other’s playfulness when they were young, which caused them to laughed heartily from time to time.

Until he entered the great hall, Lei Wou-ki even took out his collection for thousands of years and was reluctant to drink wine to pour them.

“Come on, Brother Wu, you can come to see my brother. I am happy. It seems that looking at your present Essence, Qi, and Spirit is very good. Just by this, I respect you and do it!”

Lei Wou-ki looks really happy, and looks very heroic, touching each other and drinking.

Wu Zhen also seemed very happy, and seemed to have returned to his carefree days.

“Doesn’t this brother drink?” Seeing this black robed man who had been silent in his seat, Lei Wu extreme rose from the bowl said with a smile.

Wu Zhen smiled.

next moment, the black robe gently took it off, revealing a young smile.

“Uncle Lei, long time no see!”

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