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“So, you know who is leaving the message,” Song Ren’s voice suddenly froze.

Lei Wou-ki nodded: “I know, but I haven’t known it in recent days, and I said just now that I’m coming to see you, and I want to tell you that the Huanglong clan team we are about to stand up gave up.” /p>

“Who is that?” Song Ren asked.

Lei Wou-ki shook his head, instead looked towards Song Ren: “So, do you believe that I will not harm you.”

This question seems to be a reincarnation, just as Song Ren asked Lei Wou-ki the same question a few days ago.

Song Ren stared at Lei Wou-ki, then looked at the fly ash on the ground.

Thinking about Xiaoxi, Wuxu, Uriel, and Red Forest in the beginning, Lei Wuji asked him to protect Xiaoxi, and finally nodded: “I believe!”


Lei Wou-ki finally smiled, came over and hugged Song Ren: “That’s right, Brother Song, that’s how the trust between people is established. Rest assured, it’s a matter of entering Dragon Mound Wrapped in me, even when the time comes Everyone refuses, the old man also gives you a way out for you to enter.”

Song Ren looked at Lei Wou-ki suspiciously, and was somewhat unaccustomed to it: “Senior, why are you suddenly so enthusiastic about me? I am so enthusiastic that I think you are your illegitimate child.”

Lei Wou-ki hehe smiled straight away: “I want to treat you as my own nephew, but unfortunately without this fate, I can only call you brother, it is a take advantage.”

Song Ren is even more puzzled and always feels something is wrong.


After just a few days, Celestial Demon, Patriarch Fengying Luo, came with a group of clansman and lived in the VIP area.

After a few days, the remaining real worlds such as Insect Realm, Demon Realm, Lich Realm, Profound Nether Turtle Realm, etc. all came, one after another settled in the VIP area,

Many people of course went to visit Feng Yingluo first. After all, the emperor is in your real world. Where did you put the emperor this time?

However, Feng Yingluo did a very good job and refused to visit anyone. After entering, he never showed up and saw Song Ren, the emperor, but everyone thought that the emperor should come.

After all, Dragon Race is almost ready, and the subordinate planes of the Tibetan Dragon Realm have also sent a large number of ships during this time to pick up the Emperor’s Composition authors.

Celestial Demon Phoenix Realm shocked the network with five 120,000 Emperor’s Composition authors, and they hide the Dragon Realm. At this moment, the budget Emperor’s Composition author has reached 800,000, at least exceeding the Celestial Demon Phoenix Realm.

Everything is going on under tension and stability.

Song Ren still lives in the thunder vein, but Li Muzhi, Zhenhui, and Mu Qingluan return to their real world.

In a flash of another month, more and more people are coming to the real world of the Tibetan dragon, because it is destined to be an unprecedented grand event.

Song Ren has rarely communicated with Lei Wou-ki during this month because he has been running towards the Thunder Pool.

More often, I am alone, and planning everything.

Mu Qingluan came secretly two days ago and asked when he would go back. When the time comes out, it was Dragon Race’s welcome ceremony.

Song Ren didn’t care. He didn’t think about it now. Although he said that he believed Lei Wou-ki, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

In my free time, I am still updating my “Qing Mo”.

Until this day, Gal said that he had important things to find him, Song Ren disguised and sneaked in.

Gal opened the network and showed him a video.

On the screen, two people were injured, covered in blood, and many people were anxiously carrying them toward the house.

Song Ren is suddenly flawed and his eyes are red: “Teacher, Teacher, and Xuan Chen, what’s wrong? Where are they?”

Song Ren shivered anxiously and immediately shouted hysterically.

Long ago, he entrusted the angels to let them find Teacher’s clues for himself, but didn’t expect, see you now, it will be such a scene.

Gar sighed, and looked at Tiya: “I don’t know, this is just the news from the informant, they are at Dao Child door, we don’t know the specific situation.”

Song Ren immediately opened the network and sent a message to Teacher Old Drunkard, but after waiting for a long time, he still did not reply.

“Teacher They’re in trouble, I’m going to Dao Child gate, now go!” Song Ren’s anxiety made him want to go to Dao Child gate to find the Teacher immediately.

Gal Busy said: “Also, about one or two months before the Dragon Race welcomes you to the Ceremony. Time is up, I will send someone to take you.”

Go to his ceremony, Old Drunkard is, to a certain extent, his loved ones. Is it important for a broken ceremony to be a Teacher?

Song Ren went out in a hurry, and a few angels immediately followed Song Ren.

After seeing Song Ren leave, the angel king Uriel walked out of another room and gently put out a breath.

“He’s really troublesome here, and he’s all hands-on,” then, looked towards Gal and Tia smiled: “Thank you two sisters.”

Gal said: “His Teacher and the one named Xuan Chen were only attacked by star beasts in the starry sky. It’s okay, they have been recovered for a long time, elder sister, this picture has been obtained long ago, you If you don’t show it to him, will you guard against this day?”

Uriel said: “How is it possible that he gave us the portraits of the people we need, and we also sent people to look for them in every plane. Although this is a picture three months ago, but at that time he Still saving Li Maozhen in the White Tiger real world, this is a big help for us, how can it be distracted.

Furthermore, the spies who stayed in Dao Child’s door also saw that in fact Jian Wuchen and the one named Xuan Chen knew Song Ren was looking for them. Now Song Ren’s reputation is better than ours, and they are deaf, The blind is also understood, why not contact Song Ren? From this perspective, we should know what they think.

You have also seen that because one of them is small, Song Ren will look like this, and add a few more weaknesses, whether it is for him or others, it is bad, they know the current affairs, so there is no contact .

If it weren’t for him that he was always on the Dragon Race side, I’m afraid I would hear some wind, so I wouldn’t show him this outdated video. “

After hearing Uriel finish, Gal and Tia admire the nodded again and again.

“What about the little one, how are you doing?” Tia asked.

Uriel opened the window and looked in the direction of the thunder veins, slightly frowned: “Actually I don’t know, I just hope everything is fine!”

hong long long!

Uriel’s words just fell, and the whole sky was ringing. Then, at the moment when many people looked up, the sky saw the clouds, and the clouds turned into fog, and gradually, a snowy world appeared.

In this world, there are nine huge main peaks, and countless faint peaks. The imposing manner is magnificent. Each of them is huge. The icebergs are gigantic and reveal a vicissitudes of imposing manner.

Until, the picture advances to the ninth mountain.

Uriel and others watched this scene, and I wondered why it was strange in my heart.

Coming again?

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