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You can really pick the time when people are playing the secret meeting between you and Yulong patriarch, so you jump out of the innocence and you have to believe it.

“Amitabha, some people in my Tianfo Temple infiltrated my monastery many years ago and stole many Buddhist scriptures. Now I heard that the stolen Buddhist scriptures were found on Dragon Race’s Lieyang Island, so I found the Yulong patriarch to see Can he be in the hand of convenience, can I help you find it.

But Yu Patriarch’s righteousness and rejection refused, saying that Lieyang Island was an island close to their Holy Land in Longzuzu, and no outsiders were allowed to come close, so he left.

Everyone can see this picture. From Yu Patriarch entering my room and leaving, there are only a dozen breathing time. If you want to plot something, at least it will be at least midnight, how can it be so fast?

Also, is it not good for us to add a friend to communicate through chat? Why is it too stupid to take the risk of being discovered? “

After hearing Dao Ming’s explanation, many people are nodded again and again, it seems quite reasonable.

Many dragon clansman who ended his punishment from Lieyang Island at that time also seemed to think of it. Indeed, some Buddhist scriptures were found there.

In this way, Yulong patriarch not only did not cooperate with outsiders, but also uprightly maintained the glory of my Dragon Race.

In a short while, everyone looked towards the feather feathers full of respect.

Bone Dragon patriarch Kunsang looked at it, and was annoyed, dead bald donkey, but he could really quibble.

When he was about to play other videos with Guan Yu dragons, Yulong patriarch suddenly said: “Since this is already the case today, let’s start standing up. After all, you all know that even if we take military Force scored the victory and defeat, but the people under our own reluctance, we are still a piece of sand, we can’t become the climate, and we can’t restore the glory of the former Dragon Race.

“You, Kunsang, don’t think about using those dirty methods, do you think I don’t have the videos of you and the birds in those years, I just disdain to do it, I’m cooperating, you can just and honourable to tell you, but I also have the pride of Dragon Race. Unlike you, it is thoroughly shameless, I am really ashamed of you!”

Quan Sang’s face turned red with a few words from the feather feathers.

“Dragon Race compatriots, I am a direct person, I just want to be a Dragon Race patriarch!” Next moment, the feather turn around and respond to the domineering response of all the dragons around. In a moment, everyone stupefied.

Both Kunsang and Muran were stunned.

The huge body of the feather feathers roared, and there was an indescribable sadness in the voice: “For more than 40,000 years, I no longer have a patriarch in the Dragon Race, hundreds of Dragon Veins are in their own politics, I would like to ask the feather feathers today Are you tired of being a patriarch for each lineage for so long? What is the effect? ​​Is it stronger or weaker every year than every year? Is our Dragon Race overall strong or weak?”

As the feather feathers finished, all the dragons were silent.

They all know that it’s just that they can’t pull their cheeks off. The strong is strong, the weak is weak, and the gap between rich and poor is too great.

The whole Dragon Race is also weaker year by year.

For example, they are scattered in the Dragon Race of the real world. Sometimes, even if they get some news, if they send it back, they will only send it to the Dragon Vein people.

Some of these people disagreed and were so unsympathetic that they did not have a unified plan management and scheduling and missed many good opportunities.

Some dragons even found a planet in the starry sky. The news came back that there were suspected mineral deposits, but the dragon clansman of this vein was just a mixed and inferior Dragon Race. What can I do.

You said it too, but it’s just suspicious and uncertain.

And still in the depths of the starry sky, we don’t know who to tell, lest when the time comes make an oolong and make us embarrassed.

Also, our Dragon Vein is poor and has few powerhouses, how to station and dig? There are no large ships, how to transport?

If they were snatched by other Dragon Vein people understood and developed first to improve their strength, wouldn’t we make a wedding dress for others?

Forget it, don’t know.

After dispersal, we all learned to be selfish.

Sure enough, the planet actually has amazing deposits. It was discovered by the people of the insect world afterwards. It is roughly estimated that at least they can be excavated over 10,000 years.

How to say?

Speaking out, you are the sinner of Dragon Race and will be blamed.

Don’t say, I was terrified.

I had no choice but to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Such things have been countless in these tens of thousands of years, and not only this lineage but hundreds of Dragon Vein.

It is conceivable that as the most complete dragon clansman covering all the real planes, how many opportunities have been missed.

Probably because the resources and information are too scattered, other real talents are not worried, anyway, they can’t afford any waves, and even have extra time to put their hands into the entire Dragon Race to control.

Dragon Veins, scattered dragons scattered in various planes, also understand that the resources and service capabilities provided in these years have continued to decline.

What can I do, do my best, and even lose the brother and the serious injury, the news I get is uploaded, and then there is no news, I don’t take it seriously.

Since this is the case, why should I work so hard? All the sub-helms were created by the White Dragon Emperor’s Court. Today, no one manages it. Is it possible for those of us who are outside to use ourselves?

This is the status of the entire Dragon Race after more than 45,000 years. Everyone knows it clearly.

The Hawk continued: “Compatriots, it’s time to wake up. Is this really good condition? Forty thousand years have come down. Do you want to be more addicted to patriarch? We need to condense one. The rope makes Dragon Race regain its former glory. My feather feather, as one of the few Imperial Family Bloodline, is willing to recommend myself and become the new Dragon Race patriarch.

I will re-divide the resources, regardless of the royal vein, royal vein or other, will move forward as a whole, and then return to the prosperity of the former White Dragon Royal Court, if you are willing to support me, please stand by my side and let me see Look, how many warm-blooded men are still in the Dragon Race’s veins are considered in the whole Dragon Race.

Remember, we are the dragon clansman, we in the bones have the most proud Bloodline left by our ancestors. “

The feather hawk’s words are very inflammatory, and for a moment, some dragons each and everyone looked flush.

To be honest, especially these younger generations, when they go out now, they feel that they are becoming less and less respected. Listening to the stories of their predecessors is really nostalgic. I heard that some time ago, Dragon Race Emperor The corpse is outside and there is no need to return, sadly.

“My Coiling Dragon family, willing to embrace the Yulong family, has become the new patriarch of Dragon Race!”

A silhouette came out of the Coiling Dragon area, which is the contemporary patriarch, and then stood behind the feather feathers.

“My Horned Dragon family, willing to embrace the Yulong family, became the new patriarch of Dragon Race!”

“My Mirage family, willing to embrace the Yulong family, became the new patriarch of Dragon Race!”


In just a few moments, Lineage and Lineage’s Dragon Race patriarch stepped out and were willing to embrace the feather feathers as a patriarch. After a while, there were more than 40 Dragons who chose to stand in the team, and some hesitated.

Bone Dragon patriarch Kunsang sees this and quickly walks out to vote for himself…

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