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Who is Bai Mo? That was the Little Princess of the White Dragon Emperor’s Court, Ancestral Dragon Bloodline Owner.

Because of her, the White Dragon patriarch has great ambitions. The arrangement of all walks of life, the marriage, and the division of Royal Clan Bloodline have control of everyone, so that the final internal trouble and outside aggression.

Ben clansman wants to restore Bloodline, outsiders want to achieve balance in all circles, and then unite a massacre.

But she died. She died completely, and even her body was destroyed. Even some people have forgotten about 10,000 years ago. How could she come back.

Especially among the big realms such as Devil Soul Realm, Lich Realm, Insect Realm, Corpse Realm, and Vajra Realm, their faces are changing rapidly.

Celestial Demon phoenix patriarch Feng Yingluo slightly frowned.

Archangel Wang mouth showing a smile.

Profound Nether The ghost world patriarch rubbed his dim eyes.

White Tiger real patriarch Li Maozhen was shocked.

In the real world of the Tibetan dragon, all the old people are dumbfounded.

Ancestral Dragon Bloodline, is she really alive?

The feather feathers and Kunsang swallowed unconsciously, trembling.

This is redundant, is it ill?

The wind came gently and nothing happened. It seemed that everything was just a farce. This yellow dragon patriarch is redundant and simply to attract attention.

Scared to death.

Feathered gently put out a breath: “Wood is redundant, even if you don’t vote for yourself, even such a ridiculous trick, I treat you as………–“

next moment, the feather feathers hadn’t been finished yet, and suddenly rolled violently. The huge dragon body let the other dragons who were standing behind him quickly scatter apart.

“It hurts, it hurts–” The dragon body rolled in pain, and feathers came down from the dragon body. Many people didn’t know what was happening, and they all stretched their necks to see.

Until the chest feathers fall off first, you can see that on his chest, there is an obvious dragon claw palm print, at this moment one after another fiery-red rays of light like lava flashes and tears , Stitch, tear again, stitch again…

Even the strong spirit strength can’t keep up with this changing rhythm.

Bone Dragon patriarch Kunsang’s eyes suddenly shrunk: “Complete Dragon Race first-class Magical Powers “Dragon Monument Hand”, someone is urging it, really, really she…”

Many people who watched the live broadcast also saw the dragon claw on the chest of the feather feathers. Reminiscent of what Kunsang said before, he was really attacked by Dragon Race’s own family, not the so-called star beast attack. Which star beast has dragon claw?

“I’m wrong, I’m wrong—” The feather-hump shrieked, and could torture a person with a dignified ancestral Peak like this, which shows how terrifying this Magical Powers is.

That originated from Divine Ability in the memory of Ancestral Dragon Bloodline. After remembering it, Xiaoxi only gave his father, the whole ethnic group has not yet been popularized.

After tens of thousands of years, someone can urge it again.

The feather feathers reversed all over the place. The huge dragon body flapped the ground. Everyone was far away from him. Some of the dragon clansman who had long turned to feather feathers were constantly changing their eyes.


next moment, the feather feather spouted a big mouth of dragon’s blood, and the entire chest exploded directly.

Under everyone’s horrified eyes, dragon body motionless followed by a bloody dragon ball and a miniature feather dragon coming out of the gap in the chest.

People sucked in a breath of cold air.

The high-spirited and vigorous Yulong patriarch just died?

Too hasty, too much play, no time to bargain.

“father, father ——” The whole scene was quiet, and seven middle age persons were desperate, and stumbled out of the Yulong clan.




When everyone hasn’t reacted yet, when the sons of the feather feathers didn’t wait for the dragon corpse, the surface appeared like black liquid, and jumped out of seven masked black shadows. The cultivation base of the ancestral realm passed by a machete, and the dragon soul of the seven people was completely shattered neatly.

Then the soft paralysis fell to the ground.

chi! chi! chi!

In the Yulong team, there was a constant voice of flesh and blood. There was no screaming, only the sound of falling to the ground.

The other real people all looked towards these people for a while.

Assassin Alliance [Ember], why are they even involved?

Originally thought that during this time, they were only in the Dragon Race. After all these years, [Ember] had assassinations in the twelve real worlds, which also caused everyone a headache, but they dared not provoke them.

When you don’t have the strength to catch them in one net, and provoke these people who appear and disappear unpredictably, they will turn around you like a disgusting fly all day, killing, destroying…

So, even if these assassins appeared in front of them at this moment, they had a deep hatred with them for tens of thousands of years, and none of them dared to take action.

Because [Ember] no one knows their specific number, are you sure it’s all or a small part here?

Everyone is watching, the entire plane of the Dragon Realm is watching.

Until the dragon corpse of the feather feathers, I don’t know when another slender figure appeared, a man with a mask on his face, embroidered with the words “ember” on his clothes.

He just looked at Mini Dragon Soul and Dragon Ball.

Until the feathers of the feather feathers tremble, they wake up slowly.

I saw my body at a glance, and then screamed again and again: “No, no, no—”

Then turned around and noticed the mask [Ember] that was close at hand.

This is the first time he has encountered such an assassin who has a headache in the twelve real world so close.

But soon, he saw the familiar eyes on the mask, through his eyes.

“You, you are–“


A lacquered black flame directly wrapped the feather soul of the feather feathers, making him more screaming.

This simply is a punishment from start to finish, in front of countless human faces.

Many people listened to the declining voice, their scalp tingling and shaking.

“It’s too much to bully me Dragon Race, it’s really like I’m a Dragon Race!” Next moment, a roar came, and then, three old men flew out of the Dragon Race team, with a look of anger .

It is the true Royal Clan Bloodline, the conservative Rain Dragon, Fire Dragon, and the three-patriarch patriarch.


Soon, without waiting for them to get close, the seven [embers] that originally hunted the feather-kid parent-child, one after another black gas like fire beacon came out of their bodies, wrapped around their bodies, and then turned into a huge Fist, punched out!

Rain Dragon Old Ancestor Mo Yunhai, Fire Dragon Old Ancestor Fire Zeal, and Candle Dragon Old Ancestor Man Yin, the three men immediately confronted each other, and were even directly repelled.

The three of them were standing in the air in wonder, watching the seven assassins who just took a small step back.

The seven ancestral realms actually blocked the old powerhouse of Peak, their three ancestral realms.

You know, the ancestral Peak is replaced by ordinary, but one person easily overcomes more than a dozen ancestral lands. Now they are blocked by seven of them, although it is only a simple collision.

Other real-world people all looked towards several assassins. It seems that they don’t know enough about this group of people.

And the three of Rain Dragon looked down at the black gas in their hands and moved their noses. For a moment, their pupils shrank suddenly.

“This is, Dragon Race has long cut off the breath of Bloodline’s Shadow Dragon, how is it possible -“

While the name [Ember] burning the dragon soul of Shao Fei, from start to finish, he didn’t take a glance here, until, at the end, the scream of Feather Feather became weaker and weaker, slowly turning into nothingness.

Very ruthless!

The feather feathers, there is no possibility of resurrection.

And the dragon ball was taken in, and then he turned slowly and looked at the Rain Dragon…

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