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No one expected that the Patriarch that Dragon Race had planned for so long would fall on an outsider or someone who should have died a few 10,000 years ago.

It is undeniable that this time the remaining eleven real world came to see if the ceremony of welcoming the emperor is false, the real meaning is who will spend the Dragon Race patriarch, if you are present, maybe you can Appropriate help.

However, it has never been counted, and there were still people alive in the White Dragon Emperor’s Court, and they won the allegiance of other veins by unstoppable means.

In addition to Huang Longmu, who had already been drawn to the faction, the other two competitors died in their presence.

There is also an assassin who has always had a headache, [Ember] get involved.

There is also the choice station of Emperor Song Ren.

Myriad Realms live broadcast.

They can’t stop it even if they want to stop it.

Bai Mo came out of the air like this, looking at the clansman of the former Dragon Race territory, acknowledge allegiance, with tears in his eyes: “Royal Father, I am back!”

The golden giant dragon went away happily and seemed to greet his friend.

But next moment, Xiao Xi walked and disappeared suddenly.

Everyone is shocked.

A somewhat strange coldly snorted voice came out of the depths of the Thunder Pool, and then, a little staggered silhouette came out of the space, his face slightly pale.

A huge golden toad emerged behind Xiao Xi, whose skin was covered with dark-green liquid, but at this moment, it seemed to be divided into hundreds of pieces, and it fell down and fell. On the surface, chi chi’s, suddenly made a corrosive voice.

This is an ancestral Peak star beast that lurks into the air sometime.

But didn’t expect, there will be people who are so bold and direct hands, but more didn’t expect, in the thunder pool, there seems to be a more terrifying existence, instantly this star beast Beheaded.

Song Ren looked at this scene, complexion ashen, what he worried about still happened,

Coldly glanced at the eleven realms around, especially at the angel Uriel.

Look, this is what you want.

Just and honourable, they will not allow a character who can change the twelve real world patterns to appear.

Who is it?

At the moment, Xiaoxi only has the ancestor Realm, and he didn’t expect at all. Someone will dare to attack her directly.

It feels like it was in those days.

It was just that at that time, there were Royal Father, concubine, nine brothers, and Uncle uncles.

Only she is now.

“Impudent!” The first responded to Lei Wou-ki’s thunder and lightning, and a huge dragon phantom emerged behind him, staring directly at the eleven real world.

But everyone’s expressions are stunned and shocked. Who can’t see at all?


The huge golden thunder raged instantly, the golden thunder flashed all over the body, and connected to the entire dragon realm. The huge thunder cloud arrived in an instant. , Hack all the people below to death.

It only has feelings for Xiaoxi. Anyone below can die.

“Little gold, don’t–” Xiao Xi shouted quickly.

But the words just fell, and a white clothed middle aged man suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Xi, his face showing kindness.

“Small, you finally grew up–“

Looking at the coming person, Xiao Xi stopped, and her face was unbelievable, and the tears came down instantly.

“Royal Father, are you really, really you, you, you are still alive–“

A lot of old people below are also shocked: “patriarch -“

Standing on the stage, the mask [Ember] that burned the feathers of the feathers of the feathers with black flames was burned before. When I saw the back, my hands shook.

Every real world is horrified.

How is it possible that the White Dragon patriarch was still alive, but now Bai Moxi mysterious resurrection, they have not yet digested it.

Song Ren has soared up, from the golden toad attacking the little one, from the white clothed middle age person, he came step by step.

Because he doesn’t believe anyone now, this time he saw Xiao Xi being in danger.

“Royal Father, Xiaoxi misses you so much–” Xiaoxi wept and ran straight to him.

“Be careful–” Song Ren suddenly saw that the white clothed middle age person turned away from him, and the back suddenly turned a little black.

“Not good ——” Some other people also reacted. The former patriarch was simply impossible to resurrect, but it was too abrupt, and beat them a completely unprepared.

In an instant, everyone comes up.

In the direction of thunder pool, an old woman came in a hurry.

Xiao Xi has already rushed up.

In an instant, the white clothed middle age person exploded directly, and a huge black hole was suddenly formed.

The black hole spins rapidly, exhaling the terrifying suction and unimaginable coldness.

Small, frightened, you need to charge ahead, but the powerful suction rolls her away quickly.

“Dad, save me–” Xiao Xi shouted to Song Ren almost instinctively.

“Ah–” Song Ren roared and came to Xiaoxi’s side almost instantaneously. The powerful suction directly rolled down the two of them, but Song Ren hugged Xiaoxi firmly.

Feeling that warm and solid embrace, Xiao Xi wept: “I’m sorry, father, me, I just want to help you.”

Feeling the horror that the body was about to be torn apart, Song Ren looked at Xiao Xi, and then kissed gently on his forehead, rubbing the seeds in her head.

“Nothing is sorry, on the contrary, my dad is very happy. Although I am not your dear dad, but I treat you as a pro-daughter. I have been in this world, and I am fortunate to meet Teacher, Su Youwei, and you, God has treated me well, otherwise, I might be alone.

Do what you think is right. Dad may not be able to accompany you. Learn to grow up and learn to refuse. This is the last word I can teach you. “

Song Ren’s face was full of calmness and a smile.

Xiao Xi complexion changed, hold Song Ren tightly: “Daddy, what are you going to do, we will fly out together.”

Xiao Xi finished his speech and flew upwards, but the terrible suction is here in the black hole, there is no way at all.

Even if the ancestral Peak came in, they couldn’t get out, otherwise, there were so many clansmans who chased the black dragons, and they didn’t dare to go to Dragon Ball and Dragon Qi when they saw the black dragon corpse in the black hole. Get it back.

Because it is very possible to even bring yourself in, forever cannot get out.

The shouts of the outside world are full of grief, Song Ren looks at the anxious little Xi, the cultivation base of the Great Saint Boundary all over the body broke out, and then vigorously throws the Xiao Xi out, but only less than one meter, then again Inhale.

“Deity is amazing!”

“Deity Li Chungang!”

“Deity Great Empress Ferocity!”

“Deity Greedy Wolf!”


The eight Deity came out in unison, one by one is like a relay race, trying to throw Xiao Xi out of the black hole.

“No, no, dad–“

When the last Deity came out with all his strength, Xiao Xi was full of tears and stretched out his hand to pull Song Ren out. A withered hand directly pulled Xiao Xi out, and many people quickly evacuated the black hole .

“Master, save dad, please, save dad–” Xiao Xi cried, trying to save Song Ren, but the old woman pulled her tightly, sighed.

Only vaguely seen, a Deity like a giant gradually submerged into the black hole, disappeared…

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