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Out of Su Youwei, I told the girls to serve tea and prepare fresh ingredients all the way,

It’s just that after turning around a corner, he suddenly turned around, unable to bear again, covered his mouth and wept bitterly.

He saw the brilliance of Song Ren and the dazzling eyes of Song Ren. She was happy for him and knew that she must have suffered a lot along the way.

But the last picture stone, that person is not Song Ren.

His eyes are not right.

Even if a person’s appearance, body shape and sound are changed again, the eyes can’t deceive people, and she and Song Ren feel that way.

On the front photo stone, it is Bigbro Song and I can feel it myself.

Because she seems to be standing behind him, witnessing this glory with him.

But in the last video, everything is so strange, just like facing someone you don’t even know.

Something went wrong.

This is the only thought in her mind, but there is another voice telling her that the person is real, perhaps because of a long time away.

You can’t think too much, or think blindly.

Think more, Bigbro Song will come back soon, and then our family can be reunited.

Su Youwei wiped her tears and forced a smile on her face, then walked towards the kitchen…

Su Yangxuan watched the video on the internet over and over again, and the more satisfied he was with the son-in-law, and finally, with the consent of Su Youwei, the welcome video of Song Ren in Celestial Demon Real World was posted online.

All of a sudden, everyone was completely shocked, and quickly became the top of the headline, with hundreds of millions of heat.

For three years, they thought that the author of Legendary’s Emperor’s Composition had been concentrating on the new book, and also gave other people a chance to breathe, otherwise, it would be a mountain that could not be surpassed.

However, they didn’t expect, the author of Legendary’s Emperor’s Composition, is no longer in their plane, but to pursue a higher world.

Looking at so many terrifying ships, looking at so many different colors of Divine Bird Phoenix, looking at the square, the title of Emperor’s Composition author and everyone from different planes on top of the square, in addition to shock, is shock.

At this moment, the four great dynasties, different majors, Author Certification Guild, various academies, Demon Sea…

All gathered at Divine Sea of ​​Chaos and wanted to get some information.

But a terrifying dragon’s power, and the pressure that seemed like a sky, let them kneel directly.

Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, with people from outside the world inhabited, everyone evacuated, and since then, Divine Sea of ​​Chaos has become the most feared existence.

Xiao Xi lived in Divine Sea of ​​Chaos for ten days and left.

Xuan Yi’s eyes shrank suddenly, covering her mouth all at once. She hadn’t asked for these ten days, and now the tears came down.

Looking up, Xiaoxi and Uriel are here.

Xiao Yi gave Xuan Yi gave a salute. After all, she had been living in Spirit Flower Pavilion before, and Xuan Yi loved her very much.

She called Old Drunkard aside, and talked about the video of Dudou and her previous fake.

Old Drunkard cried all of a sudden, just because of the presence of pockets.

That is regret and weeping with joy.

“You are doing right, we should not bring pessimism, let them despair, rest assured, Song Ren is still alive and always alive,” Old Drunkard said, burning the tombstone directly.

Xiao Xi spent a day in Divine Race in Cang, entered the Earth Palace, and awakened the sleeping Moyu Qilin.

Without the Black Emperor, this is another big black except for the little flower.

After that, he set off with Gal and went to Demon Race.

There was also an agreement from my dad. The cause and effect were also caused by her.

Longshou Mountain!

Madam Long is teaching Long Lan Cultivation. Suddenly, an unimaginable Bloodline Strength comes, let them tremble all over, and when they look up, they see the small stand in great numbers in the air, behind them, a huge white true by dragon phantom roar.

This coercion makes all the demon domain quiet, even if it is the Wanxue Academy, everyone is trembling with fear, and dare not move.

With a little finger, two drops of blood essence directly sink into their bodies.

Madam Long’s instantaneous breakthrough reached Emperor Realm, and the shackles in Long Lan Bloodline also disappeared.

“Many Thanks Senior!” The two were overjoyed and saluted quickly.

It was Human Race who fulfilled the agreement. After all, Madam Long’s situation was only told to Song Ren.

But when I looked up, there was no trace anymore…

When Xiao Xi appeared again, he had come to the small town of Human Race-Ping’an City!

Here, they lived for three days, accompanied Grandfather Wang and Grandma Wang to eat Steamed Bun with hot peppers, and every bite seemed to be a delicious thing in this world, even Gal tasted several.

It’s time for the little Heavenly Dao to appear again.

“I will set off into the depths of the universe. Rest assured, everything about Song Ren’s loved ones is with me. They will live healthier, longer and happy than everyone else!” Little Heavenly Dao said.

“many thanks!” Xiao Xi saluted.

Standing on the dragon boat, and many dragon clansman looked at the plane like flowing water, entered the depths of the starry sky, completely disappeared.

Similarly, I am much freer.

Xiao Xi burst into Gal’s arms and began to cry. As the dragon boat set sail, they embarked on their own path again…



At the same time, in the depths of the quiet starry sky, there is a huge white paper lantern, which looks like a shrine.

And around, there are densely packed, countless lanterns are converging towards the big lantern.

And behind each white paper lantern, each and everyone’s expression is numb, without any spirit of soul, lifeless and fluttering…

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