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“It’s very difficult to become the author of Emperor’s Composition and be recognized by the Emperor. It’s a fluke for me to be a Sage’s Composition writer, and it’s a fluke to become an Emperor’s Composition writer. See, can you come out with one, I said so, do you understand?” Xin Miaoyin said sighed.

Cheng Ling heard stupefied for a while.

Song Ren blinked: “Is it difficult?”

But it is also true that my first book “Zhu Xian” was so wonderful, and it was only Epoch when I finished the book.

Even in “Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade”, the old Sword God Li Chungang of Deity and the development of Secret Realm are only Sage’s Composition.

Afterwards, it was Sage’s Composition that made it to the final Emperor’s Composition.

Fortunately, the Emperor Master rewarded him, and all his books and Deity were promoted.

“Zhu Xian”, “Tomb of Gods”, “Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade”, “Saintly Path of Confucianism”, “Zhitian”, “Xian Ni”, all six books, are all Emperor’s Composition.

Two astronomys: “The Daode Jing” and “Bu Tian Ge”.

The serialization of “The Devil” is also in the late stage. In Dragon Race, Sage’s Composition was achieved, but I don’t know if there is a chance to go back and finish writing.

I’m still very proud, unconsciously, he has almost written nine books.

And even walked out of Deity, Li Chungang, Great Empress Ferocity, Chen Zhan, Wang Lin, Six-Star Ancient God, Greedy Wolf, and Situ Nan eight humanoid Deity.

Divine Artifact: Two ships of Baijiangtai, Dalongdao, and Xinghan difficult (consumed)

And a black emperor who doesn’t know what it is.

Sin Miaoyin is so young, but he has already achieved Sage’s Composition, which is the same as the old man like Nan Huangtong Senior of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos and Junior Brother Su Beiqiu of Devil Sea.

When I came to the Nine Yuan Plane, I also met their Teacher Gu Ruochen.

“Every author of Emperor’s Composition came out of the waves and is worthy of respect, especially those who embodies the humanity of Deity, which is a model for my generation!” Xin Miaoyin added.

Cheng Ling nodded again and again: “Yeah, I’m just too stupid. I can’t even enter the potential until now. I deeply feel the difficulty of this path. I really don’t know how the emperor did it, but he wrote Astronomy is out.”

In the face of Cheng Ling’s admiration, Xin Miaoyin also dragged his chin with his hands, and there was a eagerness in his eyes: “Yeah, how did that man do it, our universe, thousands of planes, who doesn’t know the emperor Zi [I don’t know why I want to write a book], his astronomy “Heavenly Dao Password” is available in all planes, and it can be described as selling without limit.

I want to marry a man like him in my life, whether he is old or young, handsome or ugly, what I like is his talent and charm, not status and honor, but, I have seen him from afar Once, but did not have the opportunity to step forward, he was an idol, a star, and was protected too strictly. “

Looking at Xin Miaoyin who is a nympho, Cheng Ling also agrees with nodded again and again. It is a woman who wants to be able to marry such a person. I really don’t know which rumored man, which girl will be cheaper in the future, so envious!

Cheng Ling turned his head, sympathetically looked towards his Master.

Have you heard? You have no drama. Prince in the dream of Xin Teacher is a person like the emperor.

Song Ren then hehe smirked aside, you said in your universe, do people from other planes want to marry him like this?

And he has been so busy that he didn’t pay attention, he’s miscalculated.

After the two girls were nympho, Xin Miaoyin turned to look towards Song Ren: “It seems that your hero is a little different?”

Cheng Ling burst into his mind: “What, what? Nothing, I think the same.”

“I also don’t know what’s wrong, but this chilly air is very real, and his cultivation base is too high, just one finger away lei’s Transform God Boundary hero, right? Cave Virtual Realm? You are his blessing person, what is his name?” Xin Miaoyin looked at Song Ren curiously, and even extended the hand flicked on his face.

“Song Ren ——” Cheng Ling hadn’t answered yet, Song Ren said suddenly.

This time, Xin Miaoyin was frightened, and immediately pulled it back, looking at Song Ren inconceivably.

How can this heroic speak on his own?

And she has also seen the heroes of other students. In addition to fighting, her body is extremely flexible and she retains the instincts of her previous life.

“Ha, Xin Teacher, startled,” Cheng Ling was embarrassed for a while, Master was naughty, and said quickly.

Xin Miaoyin understood, suddenly smiled: “Dead girl, the reaction is very clever, let you use the spirit to tease me, I thought he was really resurrected.”

“Xin Teacher, everyone is ready to go!” Just then, lei came over and looked at Xin Miaoyin and Cheng Ling talking and laughing, his face was unhappy.

Xin Miaoyin looked back, and everyone was indeed ready.

“OK, I am understood, go to Thunder Gate, should there be two days left?”

“Yes, there are still two days, but someone with a thunder gate will come to meet us halfway, rest assured!” Lin Thunder Dao.

Xin Miaoyin and Cheng Ling stood up from the ground and then breathed a sigh of relief: “This road is really long enough, let’s go!”

Cheng Ling glanced at lei, who was not good at himself, at the moment it was simply discontinuous to pay attention to.

She now has a Master next to it, which can also make you bully.

“Girl, tell you Xin Teacher, let her pay attention. When we rest, there are many bad people lurking in the surrounding forests, all covered their faces and wearing masks. Among them, Emperor Realm and Emperor Peak Two people, and one…Sub Saint Realm, and about a dozen Nirvana Realm and Reincarnation Realm (quasi-imperial realm), most of their goals are on you, the Teacher.”

Song Ren leisurely gave Cheng Ling a sound transmission.

This made Cheng Ling’s face incredulous, and he didn’t even dare to move.

Five Emperor Realms, two Emperor Real Peaks?

You know, the Sect Master of Extreme Emperor Sect is only Peak, so here are two?

More scary is that there is also a Sub Saint realm, which is the powerhouse that Supreme Sect only has.

Not only that, dozens of Nirvana Realm and Reincarnation Realm, these all are Third Step powerhouses.

Why should we deal with such a terrifying force?

There are several escort elders present, but they can only resist up to a dozen Nirvana Realm and Reincarnation Realm, too busy to spare time for a separate task Emperor Realm, let alone the Sub Saint Realm.

“Master, what should I do now, you have to help us,” Cheng Ling thought of Song Ren, and he and the others didn’t notice it at all, Master not only stated their specific number, even the realm was one after another When it comes out, doesn’t it mean that the Master is higher than their realm?

Song Ren smiled.

Of course it’s okay for him to do it.

On the level of Sub Saint, is the Half Saint, Little Saint, and Great Saint Boundary.

Take them with his Great Saint Boundary’s cultivation base, with no difficulty.

even more how With the restoration of Emperor Ziyin, his own cultivation base is also going hand in hand, that is, Great Saint Boundary Middle-Stage.

However, Song Ren turned his eyes and told Cheng Ling sound transmission: “Don’t hide from you, Master is actually injured. Most of the cultivation base has been sealed. At most, I can only take you to leave. Can’t deal with so many people at all, you quickly give you Teacher sound transmission to let her prepare, these people are directed at her.

I’ll take you away. Everyone in each and everyone normally looks down on you, especially lei, the guy who happens to be mur­der a per­son with a bor­rowed knife. “

Cheng Ling heard and looked at lei, the other people in the distance, the other teachers, escorting Elder, and bit her lip lightly.

She just doesn’t like them, but she doesn’t hate them.

If they are all dead, Extreme Emperor Sect will be cut off next generation directly, and their parents are still waiting for their children to go home.

What she has to do is rely on her own ability and fist to win the respect of others, not mur­der a per­son with a bor­rowed knife.

“Master, I know you must have a way, and save them, at the very least, give them time to escape, please–“

Song Ren heard that Cheng Ling’s temperament was raised again.

Not bad, this is a qualified discipline.

“Okay, I’m inconvenient to do it here. After all, I am still planning to play with the identity of Yingling. If it is seen through, it will be boring!” Song Ren said.

When Cheng Ling heard it, he was immediately grateful: “many thanks Master!”

Then she took Xin Miaoyin’s hand that had just taken two steps, and Xin Miaoyin turned her head suspiciously: “What’s wrong, Cheng Ling?”

Lin Lei is frowned: “Cheng Ling, what do you want to do, the big guys are waiting!”

Cheng Ling didn’t care, but looked at Xin Miaoyin: “Teacher, I have something to tell you, it’s not convenient here, Yingling, take the Teacher away!”

Cheng Ling finished speaking, when Xin Miaoyin and lei did not react, Song Ren behind him suddenly moved, left and right hands grabbed Cheng Ling and Xin Miaoyin, and immediately escaped into the dense forest, and it wasappeared.

This made Lin Lei feel a little confused, and soon he was shocked: “Come here, Cheng Ling rebelled and robbed Xin Teacher—”

As soon as the others in the distance heard, several Elders came quickly: “What’s the matter?”

But I didn’t find that in the jungle behind them, many people quietly chased into the shadow…

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