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Yes, the tenth book that Song Ren is going to write. The first book to come to this universe is “Duro Continent”.

Tang Sect Outer Disciple Tang San, Tang Sect is not allowed to steal the Inner Sect stolen school, but when he jumped off the cliff, he came to another world.

This is similar to how you are.

And this is a world that belongs to Martial Spirit. Martial Spirit has animals, plants, and utensils. Different Martial Spirits have different formidable power and functions. Of course, there are also some waste Martial Spirits.

We call these people who possess Martial Spirit the Soul Master.

Most of the Martial Spirit needed by the Soul Master comes from the Star Forest.

And from the very beginning of this book, Song Ren, with the protagonist Tang San from another plane, died and was reborn into another world.

This is in the thousands of planes of this universe, and it has a sense of substitution. Everyone will always have an expectation.

Look at what he has done in another world with different knowledge. Maybe no one has written from start to finish.

One more thing, everyone knows that there can be many things from Demonic beast, such as demon crystal, leather armor, meat, etc., but no one will ever use them as Novel and write something like Martial Spirit. Coming,

Also refreshing.

With the innate Man Soul Power, the twin Martial Spirit, and the spiritual leader of Shrek’s Seven Monsters—Tang San.

100,000 years Little Wu of the Soul Beast, Dai Mubai of the Prince of the Starry Empire, Zhu Zhuqing, Uncle Oscar of the sausage, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Ning Rongrong, Phoenix Martial Spirit Ma Hongjun.

There are also his fathers Tang Hao, Master, Flanders, Liu Erlong, Hulena, Bibidong…

Fantastic story, the protagonist of seven people, the soul of the vast brain hole world, family, friendship, love…

Song Ren believes that this book should be able to achieve very good results. In addition, the whole book has nearly 3 million words, which is a very long Novel.

If you can get out of Deity…

Song Ren was excited for a while, Cheng Ling leaned over and muttered to himself: “Douluo continent? Master wants to write a story about a small land, is the limitation small?”

Song Ren smiled: “This is not a small land, but a vast world. The so-called Douro is because of their Cultivation title level, such as the lowest Soul Warrior, all the way to Contra and the title Douro. General.”

“It seems very interesting, then the Master is going to cheer, I am already a Premium, and I am working on the Boutique, you can’t be pulled down by me,” Cheng Lingxiao said hehe.

Song Ren laughed heartily, a despised look: “Good disciples, or we bet, before finding the emperor, Teacher’s new book, reaching Emperor’s Composition, and being able to step out of Deity, dare you? ?”

This time it was Cheng Ling who was stunned. After three breaths, he smiled and leaned forward.

Are you kidding?

What a joke.

However, the Master has directed her Premium texts, and some of his chapters have been written to him for comments.

With a disturbed mind, she read a certain night.

I didn’t sleep all night, and was directly attracted by the storyline and writing, and the brain hole, the protagonist’s twin Martial Spirit is full of expectations, and I don’t know when it will be exposed, which makes her tickle.

The collection, Viewed, and ratings of this book have already surpassed her Premium.

She was a little anticipated and a little scared.

“What’s wrong, listless, we’ll take the Transmission Array next. After a few planes and ten days, you can take the Starry Sky Transmission Array and arrive at the Shuiyue Tian Realm. , Eat something,” Song Ren gave muddleheaded Cheng Ling a packet of dim sum.

Cheng Ling looked at the Master in admiration, scratching his head and holding his dark circles: “Master, how do you ensure that both quantity and quality go hand in hand? I also want to learn.”

Song Ren looked at Cheng Ling and wiped her head: “Well, it’s been 20 years of being single.”

“But I am also 20 years old, and I don’t have Dao Companion. Why didn’t I practice it? The Master shouldn’t frame me.” Cheng Ling, a Master, you don’t want to pass me a clever knowledge, why deceive me.

“cough cough, it should be the platform of the next plane in front, we are ready to disembark and enter the station, and we will talk about it later,” Song Ren turned a little bit red, and quickly changed the subject.

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