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Song Ren looked at the woman, speechless.

I think she can’t wait for incarnation Little Wu, let the third brother brush your hair.

“This young lady, interrupt me a little, can you help me see if there are any idle now…”

The woman covered her ears directly and looked impatient.

Oh, my violent temper, I am the author who puts it here. You don’t care, just reading, I don’t respect me too much.

Song Ren just about to release the cultivation base of Saint King, give this woman a little color, and suddenly she was pulled behind.

As soon as he turned his head, a frivolous person rubbed his hands and laughed at him: “Does this Young Master want to pill concocting? I have a way, don’t know if I am interested?”

Look at this scene, and then look at this Medicine Refining Master Guild, Song Ren, inexplicably familiar.

“How much is it?”

“Hey, Young Master is very good at first glance. It’s not expensive. As long as you have 1000 Spirit Crystal, you can see it. All the masters here are full. Even if there is more money, you can only make an appointment. Now you only need to spend a thousand Spirit Crystal, you can directly refine it.”

“Here you are!” Song Ren directly gave him a thousand Spirit Crystal, the price is too lazy to talk about.

The frivolous man saw this, first for a moment, and then it turned into a surprise: “Young Master is refreshing, please here, quietly.”

Song Ren followed, and some people saw the two leave again, and there was a sudden smirk.

At first glance, it’s the newcomers here. It’s so cheating. The real masters are all on the list. Only some foreigners, who have no qualifications to achieve, hire these newcomers who want urgent conc concting.

when the time comes. You regret it. Others prepare 30% medicine ingredients. You don’t have enough for ten.

A large part of them are even apprentices.

The two kept walking towards the back of the guild until they came to a place outside Dan, which had a sign on it and had a lease period.

Song Ren’s face collapsed suddenly, and the last bit of luck didn’t happen.

“Death support, you stop me!”

At the next moment, a man rushed out of this Dan room, and when he saw the wicked man, he suddenly yelled.

Seeing this, the frivolous man ran away when he pulled his leg.

“brother you have been scammed, Alchemist inside…hold the grass, don’t run if you have the ability–“

The man chased Song Ren.

Song Ren looked at this Dan room and felt a bit disappointed. His Saint King cultivation base is probably not easy to put here.

With such a huge organization, there are definitely a group of people from the ancestral Peak who are stationed. It is really impossible to leave this Fengxi City and take a walk to a larger city.

But looking at the Dan room, I don’t know why, after hesitating, Song Ren walked in with a ghost.

That is a voice that originates from the bottom of my heart.

As you continue to enter, another brand appears.

“Only use medicine ingredients pill concocting rewarded by Heavenly Dao, the rest will not accept!”

No wonder that person’s rage.

The medicine ingredients rewarded by Heavenly Dao are so rare. Only when you enter Premium, will you be rewarded with a millennium spiritual medicine, and then you will be rewarded again in Boutique, Epoch, Sage’s Composition or Emperor’s Composition.

Even if you have one, you must be able to break it. If you give it up, it is estimated that you can be crazy.

Song Ren was suddenly curious.

Master is wandering!

Song Ren’s brain makes up for a Master. His craftsmanship may be superb, and the mediocre medicine ingredients are unsightly.

Song Ren became interested suddenly, went deeper, pushed away the stone gate, and at a glance saw an old man with his back to him.

The old man’s hair is messy, the Internet is open in front of him, and he is watching Novel, and even the name of the new chapter is still on it: [Chapter 551: The left hand of the second-generation barbarian].

Didn’t expect Such a quirky Master is actually a Novel hobby.

He was about to say hello, and soon his body was trembling, and his eyes were incredible, so he stiffened directly. Looking at the words Su Ming, Barbaric God, and Bald Crane in the chapter, he swallowed directly. .

It’s too familiar, because it belongs to the chapter content of “Qing Mo”, the Novel that has failed Deity three times and has not been updated in another universe.

How can I find it here?

Not in his name.

After Song Incredible, some looked towards the back of this old man in horror.

And the old man commented on tsk tsk: “This Sima letter is directly written, it looks hateful, but this bald crane is really cheap, according to the prediction of old man, it must be As mentioned earlier, the seventh rebellious Kong Mo among the nine major creatures, but old man likes it, but hopes to have such a pet.”

Song Ren’s respectful salute, even the voice trembles a little: “Junior Song Ren, I have seen Senior.”

When I heard the sound, the old man turned his head and took out a sign: “Oh, here is the guest. Ten thousand Spirit Crystal started. I picked up the medicine ingredients of the Heavenly Dao network, and the rest is not refined. “

For the first time, seeing the plain look of the old man, especially those eyes, Song Ren seems to have seen the imperial divisions, military divisions, and unknown emperors who once stood opposite him.

Song Ren quickly took out all the medicine ingredients and placed them at the table: “Front, Senior, refining, pill concocting.”

old man looked at the medicine ingredients at this table and smiled suddenly: “It’s not bad, there are so many, it’s amazing, these medicine ingredients can make medicine pill too much, what do you want? , But it’s fine, you have to add money.”

“Anyway, it was made for Junior’s discipline. She is now Nascent Soul Middle Stage and wants to make the cultivation base higher,” Song Ren said quickly.

Or, he didn’t even know what he was talking about, his head was blank.

What is the reason why he came to find the emperor thousands of miles away, just to see if he, as a guest of the twelve real world of this universe, knows some of the secrets of other universes, can he go back.

However, I never imagined that I would meet him in such a small place.

Song Ren doesn’t know this old man, even the first time I see him.

However, as the emperor, as one of the three people who had been in contact with Xian Ti, at this moment, it is extremely certain that the Senior in front of him is another person.

In addition to the emperor division, military division, emperor and the haunts who have never met, the fifth person.

“It turns out that this is the case. You are so determined to be your disciple. That girl is probably lucky!” the old man said: “Forget to introduce, you can call me a peasant farmer, a little Alchemist, so be it , Take it three days later, keeping it safe for you to break through the discipline without repercussions.”

Song Ren salutes once again: “Many, many thanks Senior.”

next moment, Song Ren suddenly kneeled down: “Senior, you should know me, do you still have a chance to see me?”

“What opportunity? What are you talking about, I don’t understand, I don’t talk, I don’t talk anymore, I still have to watch Novel, and I’ll give you the medicine refining, and we will talk about the specific price three days later,” said the herbalist. , With a wave of his hand, all the medicine ingredients were gone, and he turned around and continued looking towards “Qing Mo”.

Song Ren opened his mouth, what he wanted to say, and for a moment, he didn’t know where to start.

What seemed to come to my mind in the end, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth: “Yes, Junior will not disturb first, I will come again in three days!”

As Song Ren walked out, facing the sunlight, he cheered happily.

Hope, this is hope.

So, this emperor of this world, do you know that this Senior exists?

And he was talking to one of the six of Xian Ti for the first time. None of them before, even when they wrote “Bu Tian Ge” to rescue Li Maozhen, they didn’t say anything.

This Senior has his own opinion.

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